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Created May 2, 2012 11:00
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;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
;; (get-window-handle :filer)
;; で、ファイラのウィンドウハンドルが取得できる必要がある。
;; ttray.l を書き換えた方がいろいろ自然だけどサンプルということで。
(provide "ttray-addon")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require "foreign")
(require "wip/winapi")
(require "ttray"))
(in-package "win-user")
(when *ttray-wc*
(defvar *ttray-filer-status* t)
; toggle filer
(defun ttray-toggle-filer ()
(if (and (ignore-errors (ed::get-window-handle :filer))
; hide filer
(defun ttray-hide-filer ()
(let ((hwnd (ignore-errors (ed::get-window-handle :filer))))
(when (and hwnd *ttray-filer-status*)
(setq *ttray-filer-status* nil)
(ShowWindow hwnd SW_HIDE))))
; show filer
(defun ttray-show-filer ()
(let ((hwnd (ignore-errors (ed::get-window-handle :filer))))
(cond ((and hwnd *ttray-filer-status*)
(SetForegroundWindow (ed::get-window-handle :filer)))
((null hwnd)
(setq *ttray-filer-status* t)
(setq *ttray-filer-status* t)
(ShowWindow hwnd SW_SHOW)
(PostMessage hwnd WM_SHOWWINDOW 1 0)
(unless (zerop (IsIconic hwnd))
(ShowWindow hwnd SW_RESTORE))))))
(defun ttray-toggle-both ()
(cond (*ttray-status*
(and (ignore-errors (ed::get-window-handle :filer))
(setf *ttray-menu-list*
'(; 書式 1:name 2:checked 3:show-after-function 4:function
("エディタ(&e)" nil nil ttray-toggle-xyzzy)
("ファイラ(&f)" nil nil ttray-toggle-filer)
("終了(&X)" nil nil
; wndprocからのkillは危険な気がするのでメッセージを通知
(lambda () (PostMessage (ed::get-window-handle) WM_CLOSE 0 0)))))
; window procedure
(defun-c-callable LRESULT ttray-wndproc
((HWND hwnd) (UINT msg) (WPARAM wparam) (LPARAM lparam))
(cond ((= msg WM_NCDESTROY)
(setq break-loop t))
((= msg WM_PAINT)
(let* ((ps (make-PAINTSTRUCT))
(hdc (BeginPaint hwnd ps)))
(EndPaint hwnd ps))
(return-from ttray-wndproc 0))
; initmenupopup
(when *ttray-initmenupopup-hook*
(funcall *ttray-initmenupopup-hook*))
(return-from ttray-wndproc 0))
; tasktray
(cond ; popup menu
((= lparam WM_RBUTTONUP) (ttray-popup-menu))
; activation / deactivation
((= lparam WM_LBUTTONDOWN) (ttray-toggle-both))
((= lparam WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) (ttray-toggle-both)))
(return-from ttray-wndproc 0))
; popup-function
((= msg WM_COMMAND)
(ttray-popup-callback (LOWORD wparam))
(return-from ttray-wndproc 0)))
(DefWindowProc hwnd msg wparam lparam))
(if (member "startup" *modules* :test #'string=)
(ed::add-hook 'ed::*post-startup-hook* 'ttray-setup))
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