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Andy Kirkpatrick spacebat

  • Adelaide, South Australia
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spacebat / ash_bulk_upsert_stream.exs
Created February 9, 2025 06:27
Ash bulk_create upsert does not return an empty stream when the input list is empty
{:ash, "~> 3.0"}
consolidate_protocols: false
defmodule Accounts.Profile do
use Ash.Resource,
domain: Accounts,
spacebat / my_stack_server.ex
Last active December 24, 2024 05:20
GenSimpl demo
# GenSimpl will wrap the public functions of a state management module for a GenServer
# This state management module can be tested simply with a focus on the the internal logic of pure functions
defmodule MyStack do
defstruct stack: []
def new(initial_elements \\ []), do: struct!(__MODULE__, stack: initial_elements)
def pop(%{stack: []}), do: :error
def pop(%{stack: [head | tail]} = state), do: {head, %{state | stack: tail}}
spacebat / with-output-to-stream.lisp
Created July 11, 2020 01:51
Flexible macro to output to a stream (default returns a string)
(defmacro with-output-to-stream ((var &optional stream &key (element-type 'character)) &body body)
(let ((gstream (gensym "STREAM"))
(gresult (gensym "RESULT")))
`(let* ((,gstream ,stream)
(,var (case ,gstream
((t) *standard-output*)
((nil) (make-string-output-stream :element-type ',element-type))
(otherwise ,gstream)))
(,gresult (multiple-value-list (progn ,@body))))
(if ,gstream
spacebat / ecl-build.lisp
Created April 8, 2020 23:27
Create and run a standalone exeutable in ECL
(with-open-file (f "print-args.lisp" :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :overwrite)
(dolist (expr '((defun print-args ()
(princ (cdr (ext:command-args))))
(prin1 expr f)
(terpri f))
(force-output f))
(defparameter *object-file* (compile-file "print-args.lisp" :system-p t))
;; See
;; Shared implementation of collector, providing a standalone collector
;; via MAKE-COLLECTOR and an flet-scoped collector via WITH-COLLECTOR
(defun %collector-impl (head tail)
(let* ((item (gensym "ITEM"))
(item-passed (gensym "ITEM-PASSED"))
(new-tail (gensym "NEW-TAIL")))
`((&optional (,item nil ,item-passed))
(ql:quickload :closer-mop)
(defclass foo ()
((bar :initarg :bar :initform nil :reader foo-bar)))
(defclass fuu (foo)
((baz :initarg :baz :initform nil :reader fuu-baz)))
(defmethod print-object ((f foo) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (f stream :type t)))
spacebat / condition-case+.el
Last active March 28, 2018 22:27
An extension to the syntax of condition-case to support else and finally cases
;; This gist licensed GPLv3
(cl-defmacro condition-case+ (var form (&rest handlers/else/finally))
"Like condition-case, only if the last handlers have matching
forms of :else or :finally. In that case, the body of an :else
handler is evaluated if no exception was thrown. The body of
a :finally clause is evaluated always as the last thing before
the form is exited whether normally or not. If both :else
and :finally appear among the handlers, :else must be second last
and :finally must be last."
(cl-flet ((maybe-split-last (symbol handlers)
spacebat / with-container-map.lisp
Created January 21, 2018 23:08
Generic container iteration
(defgeneric call-with-container-map (container func)
(:documentation "Iterate over the contents of CONTAINER, calling
FUNC with the current element of CONTAINER, followed by the index or
key that corresponds to it."))
(defmethod call-with-container-map ((container array) func)
(loop for index from 0
for value across container
do (funcall func value index)))
spacebat / moo.rb
Created October 31, 2017 02:02
Module, class and a default instance
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Attempt to make a module with methods that default to using state in
# a default instance of a class within the module, yet allow for
# specific instances of the class to be produced with their own state,
# that share these same module methods. It boils down to using the
# module method this in place of self.
module Moo
extend self
spacebat / truncated-compilation-mode.el
Created November 29, 2016 13:14
An Emacs global minor mode that prevents lines in compilation buffers from growing too long
(defvar truncated-compilation-line-limit 70)
(defvar truncated-compilation-line-trailer "…")
;; TODO: convert this from a post filter hook to advice on a
;; configured set of filter functions to prevent the insertion of text
;; constituting overlong lines in the first place