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Created May 8, 2021 17:33
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import net.http
import x.json2
const (
secret = 'your_porkbun_api_secret'
key = 'your_porkbun_api_key'
api_url = ''
// i.e. ``
domain = ''
subdomain = 'your_subdomain'
fn post(endpoint string, body map[string]json2.Any) ?map[string]json2.Any {
url := '$api_url/$endpoint'
mut m := map[string]json2.Any{}
m['secretapikey'] = secret
m['apikey'] = key
for k, v in body {
m[k] = v
res := http.post_json(url, m.str()) ?
d := json2.fast_raw_decode(res.text)?.as_map()
if d['status'].str() == 'ERROR' {
return error(d['message'].str())
return d
fn retrieve() ?[]map[string]json2.Any {
m := post('retrieve/$domain', map{}) ?
return m['records'].arr().map(it.as_map())
fn get_ip() ?string {
ip := http.get('') ?
return ip.text.trim_space()
fn update(record map[string]json2.Any, new_ip string) ? {
mut new := record.clone()
new['content'] = new_ip
new['name'] = new['name'].str().trim_right('.$domain')
post('edit/$domain/${record['id']}', new) ?
ip := get_ip() ?
println('current IP address: $ip')
records := retrieve() ?
record := records.filter(it['name'].str() == '${subdomain}.${domain}')[0] ?
println('current DNS entry: ${record['content']}')
if record['content'].str() != ip {
println(' -> IP addresses do not match, updating')
update(record, ip) ?
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