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Created November 22, 2013 10:30
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Below is an incomplete snippet of code which is used to implement the Lazy Require Calls
method described here
Basically, it takes an AST like this:
var Foo = require('foo');
function bar() {
...into this:
var Foo;
function bar() {
(Foo || (Foo = require('foo'))).quux();
The `ASTHelpers.transform` method is simply a wrapper for the standard Uglify transform,
which executes the callback only on nodes which match the given `type`. Hopefully it
should be understandable enough.
// Get the AST subtree to perform a lazy require call. Basically converts a reference to a variable which has been
// required into `variable || (variable = require("path/to/require"))`
function getReplacementRequireVar(name, req) {
var miniAST = uglify.parse(uglify.string_template('{name} || ({name} = require("{req}"))', {
name: name,
req: req
// miniAST.body == [ SimpleStatement ]
return miniAST.body[0].body;
// see if this symbol is the same as the one defined at the top of the file
function matches (symbolDec) {
return symbolDec.start === this.start;
* Finds all variables assigned to a require call and rewrites them to only make the call to require when necessary.
function rewriteRequires(ast) {
var map = {};
ASTHelpers.transform(ast, [{
type: 'VarDef',
handler: function (node) {
if (node.value
&& node.value instanceof uglify.AST_Call
&& === 'require'
&& {
map[] = {
module: node.value.args[0].value,
node: node
node.value = null; // delete the require call
ASTHelpers.transform(ast, [{
type: 'SymbolRef',
handler: function (node) {
var reqInfo = map[];
if (reqInfo && node.thedef.orig.some(matches, reqInfo.node)) {
return getReplacementRequireVar(, reqInfo.module);
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