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# Backup | |
docker exec CONTAINER /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=root DATABASE > backup.sql | |
# Restore | |
cat backup.sql | docker exec -i CONTAINER /usr/bin/mysql -u root --password=root DATABASE | |
Still works in 2023!
I have this page in my bookmarks. I hope it stays up forever and never gets deleted
read -p "Select your option number:
(1) BACKUP DB From Container
(2) RESTORE DB From Container
(3) BACKUP DB local
(4) RESTORE DB local
Enter your option: " option
read -p "Enter your database Name: " DATABASE
read -p "Enter your Host: " HOST
read -p "Enter your Port: " PORT
read -p "Enter your Username: " USERNAME
read -p "Enter your Password: " PASSWORD
if [ "$option" == "1" ]; then
read -p "Enter your Container Name or ID: " Container
docker exec "$Container" "$MY_SQL_DUMP" -u "$USERNAME" --password="$PASSWORD" "$DATABASE" > "$DATABASE.sql"
elif [ "$option" == "2" ]; then
read -p "Enter your Container Name or ID: " Container
read -p "Enter your Restore-File-Path: " PATH
cat "$PATH.sql" | docker exec -i "$Container" "$MY_SQL_DUMP" -u "$USERNAME" --password="$PASSWORD" "$DATABASE"
elif [ "$option" == "3" ]; then
sudo "$MY_SQL_DUMP" -u "$USERNAME" -p"$PASSWORD" -P "$PORT" --host="$HOST" "$DATABASE" > "$DATABASE.sql"
elif [ "$option" == "4" ]; then
read -p "Enter your Restore-File-Path: " PATH
sudo "$MY_SQL_DUMP" -u "$USERNAME" -P "$PORT" -p"$PASSWORD" "$DATABASE" < "$PATH.sql"
echo "Invalid option selected."
sudo docker
sudo docker?
sudo docker
sudo docker?
if docker does not add in a group of Linux so it does not execute with full permission
Gracias por el script de respaldo @muzzammil194
thanks a lot! still work
You should get Nobel prize for these two lines of code!
Works perfectly. thank you!
It works, thanks.
It works, for me. Thanks
I've visited this link countless times! Thank you for providing such a helpful sample.
beautiful piece of code
good one @muzzammil194
thanks buddy!
Still works in 2023!