Connecting to the web UI
- link does not include port, and does not work
Setup tell student to explicitly use their docker hub username instead of
In the first terminal, set an environment variable for your Docker Hub user name. It can be the same user name that you used to log in to the terminals on this site.
Accessing the web UI We can now connect to any node, on the allocated node port, to view the web UI Click on this link
- the link is incorrect and the webui doesn't appear when appending the port 30001
Scaling a deployment We will start with an easy one: the worker deployment
kubectl get pods -w
kubectl get deployments -w
- remove '-w' option
Show detailed information about the rng replica: (The second command doesn’t require you to get the exact name of the replica set)
kubectl describe rs rng-yyyy
kubectl describe rs -l run=rng
- second command doesn't work
Adding our label Let’s add a label isactive: yes
In YAML, yes should be quoted; i.e. isactive: "yes"
Update the daemon set to add isactive: "yes" to the selector and template label:
kubectl edit daemonset rng
Would be helpful to show where to edit, i.e. in the spec
revisionHistoryLimit: 10
app: rng
isactive: "yes"
creationTimestamp: null
app: rng
isactive: "yes"