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pratik sparkcanon

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sparkcanon / stringy.js
Created November 13, 2022 22:08
stringy stuff
const string =
"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur lorem ipsum et mihi quoniam et adipiscing elit.sed quoniam et advesperascit et mihi ad villam revertendum est nunc quidem hactenus ex rebus enim timiditas non ex vocabulis nascitur.nummus in croesi divitiis obscuratur pars est tamen divitiarum.nam quibus rebus efficiuntur voluptates eae non sunt in potestate sapientis.hoc mihi cum tuo fratre convenit.qui ita affectus beatum esse numquam probabis duo reges constructio hominibus dici non necesse est.eam si varietatem diceres intellegerem ut etiam non dicente te intellego parvi enim primo ortu sic iacent tamquam omnino sine animo sint.ea possunt paria non esse.quamquam tu hanc copiosiorem etiam soles quibus cupio scire quid sentias.universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto.ut nemo dubitet eorum omnia officia quo spectare quid sequi quid fugere debeant nunc vero a primo quidem mirabiliter occulta natura est nec perspici nec cognosci potest.videmusne ut pueri ne v
sparkcanon /
Last active December 7, 2021 20:31 — forked from nicerobot/
Mac OS X uninstall script for packaged install of node.js from

To run this, you can try:

curl -ksO
chmod +x ./


Some people like to run tools such as test runners outside their editor. Perhaps manually or perhaps via some file watching utility. They then review the output, switch back to their editor, and navigate to the appropriate location.

I prefer to explicitly invoke an external program from my editor, review the output, and allow my editor to jump to the first error. As well as storing a list of the locations of any other errors, a list that I may

sparkcanon / .ctags
Created March 18, 2020 12:57 — forked from romainl/.ctags
My ctags config
--regex-less=/^[ \t&]*#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/\1/i,id,ids/
--regex-less=/^[ \t&]*\.([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/\1/c,class,classes/
--regex-less=/^[ \t]*(([A-Za-z0-9_-]+[ \t\n,]+)+)\{/\1/t,tag,tags/
--regex-less=/^[ \t]*@media\s+([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/\1/m,media,medias/
--regex-less=/^[ \t]*(@[A-Za-z0-9_-]+):/\1/v,variable,variables/
--regex-less=/\/\/[ \t]*(FIXME|TODO)[ \t]*\:*(.*)/\1/T,Tag,Tags/
sparkcanon /
Created March 18, 2020 00:29 — forked from romainl/
JavaScript Deep Dive to Crack The JavaScript Interviews
;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*-
;; This file is loaded by Spacemacs at startup.
;; It must be stored in your home directory.
(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
"Configuration Layers declaration.
You should not put any user code in this function besides modifying the variable
;; Base distribution to use. This is a layer contained in the directory
;; `+distribution'. For now available distributions are `spacemacs-base'