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Created April 3, 2014 20:23
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VeraCore SOAP AddOrder
//Setup Items
$order_items = array();
$order_items[] = array(
"Offer" => array(
"Header" => array(
"ID" => "FC-Money",
"Quantity" => 1,
"OrderShipTo" => array(
"Key" => 0,
//Setup Order
$order_array = array(
"order" => array(
"Header" => array(
"ID" => "111111",
"ReferenceNumber" => "111111",
"EntryDate" => date('c', strtotime("2014-01-01")),
"PONumber" => "",
"Comments" => "Order notes to fulfillment center",
"Shipping" => array(
"FreightCode" => "LECR",
"FreightCodeDescription" => "RateBot",
"Money" => "",
"Payment" => "",
"OrderedBy" => array(
"FirstName" => "John",
"LastName" => "Doe",
"Company" => "Acme",
"Address1" => "123 Main St",
"Address2" => "",
"Address3" => "",
"City" => "Anytown",
"State" => "CA",
"PostalCode" => "55555",
"Country" => "US",
"Phone" => "555-555-5555",
"Email" => "[email protected]",
"ShipTo" => array(
"OrderShipTo" => array(
"FirstName" => "John",
"LastName" => "Doe",
"Company" => "Acme",
"Address1" => "123 Main St",
"Address2" => "",
"Address3" => "",
"City" => "Anytown",
"State" => "CA",
"PostalCode" => "55555",
"Country" => "US",
"Phone" => "555-555-5555",
"Flag" => "Other",
"Key" => 0,
"BillTo" => array(
"Flag" => "OrderedBy",
"Offers" => array(
"OfferOrdered" => $order_items,
//Setup Login Data
$header_data = array(
'Username' => "UserTest",
'Password' => "test",
$options = array(
"soap_version" => SOAP_1_2,
"trace" => 1,
'exceptions' => true,
$wsdl_url = '';
//Set Client
$client = new \SoapClient($wsdl_url, $options);
//Create and set header
$header = new \SoapHeader('http://omscom/', 'AuthenticationHeader', $header_data);
///Giving a shot
try {
$result = $client->AddOrder($order_array);
//For Debug
die("(Success) XML:" . htmlentities($client->__getLastRequest()));
//Aw nuts....
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//For Debug
echo $e->getMessage();
die("(Error) XML:" . htmlentities($client->__getLastRequest()));
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Hi, we're doing a VeraCore integration for a small client project, but cannot find documentation on how to work with them. I saw your gist here and thought you might be able to tell me how you wrote the code above. Thank you for your time!

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