There are three main concepts with Rust:
- Ownership (only one variable "owns" the data at one time, and the owner is in charge of deallocating)
- Borrowing (you can borrow a reference to an owned variable)
- Lifetimes (all data keeps track of when it will be destroyed)
These are fairly simple concepts, but they are often counter-intuitive to concepts in other languages, so I wanted to give a shot at explaining these concepts in more detail. Because Rust is not the only language that uses these concepts (you can do unique_ptr in C++ for example), learning these concepts will not just help you write better Rust code but better code in general.
Note: I don't cover Rust syntax here so if you cannot understand the syntax try to skim through the short online Rust book first
The concept of ownership is that if you own an item, you are in charge of destroying the item when you are done.
In Rust there can only be one owner of a piece of data at any time. This is a lot different from garbage collected languages or languages with raw pointers because instead of having multiple references to the same data, you often have to "juggle" around data so that only one variable owns the data at one time.
Owned data is only automatically deleted when the owned variable no longer holds the data. This can happen when:
- The owner variable goes out of scope and is destroyed
- The owner variable is set to another value, making the original data no longer accessable
This simplifies the memory management problem and eliminates the confusing 'which pointer should delete the data at the end?' problem that happens often in C or old C++. Ownership is not unique to Rust. Modern C++ recommends using 'unique_ptr', a smart pointer that also "owns" the data it wraps, over raw pointers.
When you declare a variable in Rust, the variable "owns" the data.
let a = Box::new(2); // a "owns" a heap allocated integer
When a variable owns something it can move it to other variables using assignment. After giving away its data, the old variable cannot access the value anymore, and the new variable is the new owner.
let mufasa = Box::new("king"); // mufasa is the owner of "king"
let scar = mufasa; // the data "king" is moved from mufasa to scar
println!("{}", scar); // scar is now the owner of "king"
println!("{}", mufasa); // ERROR: mufasa can no longer be accessed
At the end of the scope where the owner is created, the data is destroyed
let a = Box::new(2); // a owns a heap allocated integer
} // a's data deallocated here
Tips & Tricks:
- Passing values into functions will "move" the data into the function variable. Once that happens the original variable cannot be accessed. This seems pretty restrictive, which is why the next topic tries to solve this.
fn hello(a: Box<i32>) {
println("{:?}", a); // prints "2"
fn main() {
let b = Box::new(2);
hello(b); // moves b into hello's a parameter
b; // ERROR: cannot access b after it gave its value to a
- A common theme when working with Rust is that when data is enclosed by a container like a Vec or an Option, if you want to get the data out you have to either manually clone the data or remove it from the container first. One problem is that sometimes you want to move out data out of a container without preventing the container variable from being accessed. To do that, you can use the mem::replace function, which "resets" the variable to a certain value and returns the owned data. Afterwards the original owned variable no longer owns the data and the variable set to the return value now owns the data. For example, here is a code snippet for a linked list:
use std::mem;
type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;
struct Node<T> {
data: T,
next: Link<T>,
pub struct Stack<T> {
size: i32,
head: Link<T>,
impl<T> Stack<T> {
// ... other methods
pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
let head = mem::replace(&mut self.head, None); // retrieve the Node from the Option and and set self.head to be None|old_head| {
let old_head = *old_head;
self.head =;
self.size -= 1;
Because this case is especially common with Options, there is a take() method for Options that does the same thing but is less verbose:
impl<T> Stack<T> {
// ... other methods
pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
self.head.take().map(|old_head| { // retrieve the Node from the Option and set self.head to be None
let old_head = *old_head;
self.head =; // self.head is None so you can freely set it
self.size -= 1;
The previous section highlighted a big flaw with ownership by itself. There are many cases where you want to manipulate data, without actually owning the data. For example you might want to pass a value to a function and still be able to call the owner variable outside the function.
Rust allows you to do this using the concept of borrowing. Borrowing is just like what you think it is, it just allows another variable to temporarily borrow the data in your variable and gives it back when its done.
Rust allows you to have two types of borrows:
- immutable borrows with '&' (you can read the value of the borrowed data, but you can't modify it)
- mutable borrows with '&mut' (you can both read and modify the value of the borrowed data)
You can either have:
- A lot of immutable borrows
- Only one mutable borrow
in a scope for a piece of data at any given time. So you should try to do immutable borrows most of the time and only do a mutable borrow when you really need it.
To access the value in a borrowed reference you use the dereference operator '*'.
When you borrow a variable mutably, the owner variable becomes inaccessable until the mutably borrowed variable is destroyed.
let mut x = 5;
let y = &mut x; // y (borrower) mutably borrows ownership of the data from x (owner)
println!("{}", x); // ERROR: x no longer has ownership of the data, y has it!
When a mutably borrowed variable is destroyed, it gives ownership to the value back to the owner.
let mut x = 5;
let y = &mut x; // y mutably borrows the ownership of data from x
*y += 1; // y changes the mutably borrowed data
} // y gives x back ownership to the data
println!("{}", x); // x has ownership to the data back again (and it has changed it to 6)
Because of this, the owner has to live longer than the borrower
let mut x: &i32;
let y = 3;
x = &y; // ERROR: x lives longer than y!
} // y gets destroyed here! What would happen to x if the Rust compiler didn't prevent this from happening?
Tips & Tricks:
- Function parameters end up mostly being borrowes (references), otherwise the value would be moved inside the function (we typically want to avoid moves)
- Function return values should not be borrowes (references) to local variables. Luckily the Rust compiler will not let you do this anyway. If you returned a pointer to a local value in C you could either end up with corrupted data or the return value won't know when to deallocate its data which is bad either way you look at it (also known as "Undefined Behaviour")
- Don't worry about dereferencing (*var) to "read" or "write" (depending on & or &mut) the value of a borrow (reference), as rust will automatically dereference (in most cases)
enum State {
fn hello(blah: &State, foo: &mut i32) {
match *blah { // you are only reading an immutable reference so its fine
State::Hello => println!("Hello!"),
State::Bye => println!("Bye!"),
*foo += 1; // you are only writing to a mutable reference so its fine
- Do worry about assigning dereferenced borrowes (references) to variables, because that will instead try to move ownership of the data to the new variable (not allowed to re-assign ownership via borrow of ownership -- like you can't sell a library book you borrowed, and no longer be liable for returning it to the library)
enum State {
fn hello(blah: &State) {
let thief = *blah; // ERROR: blah (borrows ownership of item) can't give the ownership of item to thief!
// because rust won't allow thief to take ownership of the item via a borrow of ownership (reference) without
// giving it back to the original owner
- Assignment is not the only thing that will attempt to move out of a borrowed reference (take ownership). For example, pattern matching also tries to move the value (take ownership). To prevent this, precede the match variable with 'ref' to borrow the match variable instead of moving
enum State {
fn hello(blah: &State) {
match *blah {
State::Hello(s) => println!("Hello, {}", s), // ERROR: moves data inside blah (the string) into the variable s
State::Bye => println!("Bye!"),
// do this instead
match *blah {
State::Hello(ref s) => println!("Hello, {}", s), // borrow ownership of the string data that's inside blah
State::Bye => println!("Bye!"),
TODO: write this later