:q - quit :q! - force quit
:wq - write & quit
:23 - go to line No. 23
:$ - go to last line
:set ruler - set vim setting to show ruler
:set noruler - set vim setting to hide ruler
:set ruler! - set vim setting to toggle ruler
j - move down
k - move up
h - move left
l - move right
ctrl+f - move page down
ctrl+b - move page up
w - word forward
b - word backword
W - word forward with considering whitespace only
B - word backward with considering whitespace only
0 - go to start of the line
^ - go to first word of line
$ - go to last word of line
gg - go to first line
G - go to last line
29gg - go to 29th line
29G - go to 29th line
ctrl+G - display status line at bottom
Deleting text
[count][operator]{motion} - 3dw
x - delete character at cursor
X - delete character before cursor
d$ = D - delete all character starting from cursor position till end of line
d0 - delete all character start of line till cursor position
dw - delete word
dW - delete word (seperated by space)
db - delete word backward to cursor position
dB - delete word backward to cursor position (seperated by space)
2d3w = 6dw = d6w - delete six words
dd - delete line
2dd - delete two line
. - execute last executed command
:w - save changes