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resolve kernel trace with system map
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use FindBin;
1 == @ARGV or die "Usage: cat kernel-call-trace.txt |$FindBin::Script <system-map-file>\n";
my $map = shift @ARGV;
my (@address, @type, @name);
open MAP, "<", $map or die $!;
while(<MAP>) {
/^([\da-f]{16}) (\w) ([\w\.]+)$/ or die "Bad line from $map: $_\n";
no warnings "portable";
push @address, hex $1;
push @type, $2;
push @name, $3;
close MAP or die $!;
sub mapfind($) {
my $in;
no warnings "portable";
$in = hex shift;
my $i = 0;
for( $i = 1; $i <= @address; ++$i ) {
last if $i == @address or $address[$i] > $in;
return sprintf "%s %s (+%s)", $type[$i], $name[$i], $in - $address[$i];
while(<>) {
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