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Created March 10, 2017 11:25
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/*! angular-fcsa-number (version 1.5.3) 2014-10-17 */
(function() {
var fcsaNumberModule,
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
fcsaNumberModule = angular.module('fcsa-number', []);
fcsaNumberModule.directive('fcsaNumber', [
'fcsaNumberConfig', function(fcsaNumberConfig) {
var addCommasToInteger, controlKeys, defaultOptions, getOptions, hasMultipleDecimals, isNotControlKey, isNotDigit, isNumber, makeIsValid, makeMaxDecimals, makeMaxDigits, makeMaxNumber, makeMinNumber;
defaultOptions = fcsaNumberConfig.defaultOptions;
getOptions = function(scope) {
var option, options, value, _ref;
options = angular.copy(defaultOptions);
if (scope.options != null) {
_ref = scope.$eval(scope.options);
for (option in _ref) {
if (!, option)) continue;
value = _ref[option];
options[option] = value;
return options;
isNumber = function(val) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(val)) && isFinite(val);
isNotDigit = function(which) {
return which < 44 || which > 57 || which === 47;
controlKeys = [0, 8, 13];
isNotControlKey = function(which) {
return controlKeys.indexOf(which) === -1;
hasMultipleDecimals = function(val) {
return (val != null) && val.toString().split('.').length > 2;
makeMaxDecimals = function(maxDecimals) {
var regexString, validRegex;
if (maxDecimals > 0) {
regexString = "^-?\\d*\\.?\\d{0," + maxDecimals + "}$";
} else {
regexString = "^-?\\d*$";
validRegex = new RegExp(regexString);
return function(val) {
return validRegex.test(val);
makeMaxNumber = function(maxNumber) {
return function(val, number) {
return number <= maxNumber;
makeMinNumber = function(minNumber) {
return function(val, number) {
return number >= minNumber;
makeMaxDigits = function(maxDigits) {
var validRegex;
validRegex = new RegExp("^-?\\d{0," + maxDigits + "}(\\.\\d*)?$");
return function(val) {
return validRegex.test(val);
makeIsValid = function(options) {
var validations;
validations = [];
if (options.maxDecimals != null) {
if (options.max != null) {
if (options.min != null) {
if (options.maxDigits != null) {
return function(val) {
var i, number, _i, _ref;
if (!isNumber(val)) {
return false;
if (hasMultipleDecimals(val)) {
return false;
number = Number(val);
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = validations.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
if (!validations[i](val, number)) {
return false;
return true;
addCommasToInteger = function(val) {
var commas, decimals, wholeNumbers;
decimals = val.indexOf('.') == -1 ? '' : val.replace(/^-?\d+(?=\.)/, '');
wholeNumbers = val.replace(/(\.\d+)$/, '');
commas = wholeNumbers.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');
return "" + commas + decimals;
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
scope: {
options: '@fcsaNumber'
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
var isValid, options;
options = getOptions(scope);
isValid = makeIsValid(options);
ngModelCtrl.$parsers.unshift(function(viewVal) {
var noCommasVal;
noCommasVal = viewVal.replace(/,/g, '');
if (isValid(noCommasVal) || !noCommasVal) {
ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('fcsaNumber', true);
return noCommasVal;
} else {
ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('fcsaNumber', false);
return void 0;
ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(val) {
if ((options.nullDisplay != null) && (!val || val === '')) {
return options.nullDisplay;
if ((val == null) || !isValid(val)) {
return val;
ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('fcsaNumber', true);
val = addCommasToInteger(val.toString());
if (options.prepend != null) {
val = "" + options.prepend + val;
if (options.append != null) {
val = "" + val + options.append;
return val;
elem.on('blur', function() {
var formatter, viewValue, _i, _len, _ref;
viewValue = ngModelCtrl.$modelValue;
if ((viewValue == null) || !isValid(viewValue)) {
_ref = ngModelCtrl.$formatters;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
formatter = _ref[_i];
viewValue = formatter(viewValue);
ngModelCtrl.$viewValue = viewValue;
return ngModelCtrl.$render();
elem.on('focus', function() {
var val;
val = elem.val();
if (options.prepend != null) {
val = val.replace(options.prepend, '');
if (options.append != null) {
val = val.replace(options.append, '');
elem.val(val.replace(/,/g, ''));
return elem[0].select();
if (options.preventInvalidInput === true) {
return elem.on('keypress', function(e) {
if (isNotDigit(e.which) && isNotControlKey(e.which)) {
return e.preventDefault();
fcsaNumberModule.provider('fcsaNumberConfig', function() {
var _defaultOptions;
_defaultOptions = {};
this.setDefaultOptions = function(defaultOptions) {
return _defaultOptions = defaultOptions;
this.$get = function() {
return {
defaultOptions: _defaultOptions
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