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Created October 31, 2014 01:55
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* @license jquery-mutation-summary
* Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, Joel Purra <>
* Released under MIT, BSD and GPL license. Comply with at least one.
* A jQuery wrapper/plugin for mutation-summary, the DOM mutation-observers wrapper.
* "Mutation Summary is a JavaScript library that makes observing changes to the DOM fast, easy and safe."
/*jslint white: true, browser: true*/
/*global jQuery, MutationSummary*/
(function($, global) {
"use strict"; // jshint ;_;
var tag = "JqueryMutationSummary",
eventNamespace = "." + tag,
JqueryMutationSummary = function(element, options) {
this.$element = $(element);
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.internalDefaults, $.fn.mutationSummary.defaults, options);
JqueryMutationSummaryInner = function($element, configuration) {
this.$element = $element;
this.configuration = configuration;
privateFunctions = {};
$.extend(true, privateFunctions, {
getConfiguration: function(callback, observeOwnChanges, queries) {
var configuration;
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
if ($.isArray(observeOwnChanges)) {
queries = observeOwnChanges;
observeOwnChanges = false;
configuration = {
callback: callback,
observeOwnChanges: observeOwnChanges === true,
queries: queries || []
} else {
configuration = callback;
return configuration;
JqueryMutationSummary.prototype = {
constructor: JqueryMutationSummary
internalDefaults: {
mutationSummaries: []
connect: function(callback, observeOwnChanges, queries) {
var configuration = privateFunctions.getConfiguration(callback, observeOwnChanges, queries);
var inner = new JqueryMutationSummaryInner(this.$element, configuration);
disconnect: function(callback, observeOwnChanges, queries) {
// Pass as reference to inner function
var summaries = this.options.mutationSummaries;
// If any parameters were passed, only disconnect any matching summaries
$.each(summaries, function(index) {
// Take care of deleted summaries
if (this === undefined) {
if (this.configurationMatches(callback, observeOwnChanges, queries)) {
delete summaries[index];
JqueryMutationSummaryInner.prototype = {
constructor: JqueryMutationSummaryInner
getCallbackWrapper: function() {
function callbackWrapper(summaries) {
// Pass extra info in the callback, since it's so wrapped =;
summaries.configuration = $.extend(true, {}, this.configuration);
return $.proxy(callbackWrapper, this);
configurationMatches: function(callback, observeOwnChanges, queries) {
var matchWith = privateFunctions.getConfiguration(callback, observeOwnChanges, queries),
isMatch = true;
isMatch = isMatch && (callback === undefined || this.configuration.callback === matchWith.callback);
isMatch = isMatch && (observeOwnChanges === undefined || this.configuration.observeOwnChanges === matchWith.observeOwnChanges);
isMatch = isMatch && (queries === undefined || this.configuration.queries === matchWith.queries);
return isMatch;
start: function() {
var rawElement = this.$element.get(0);
this.originalCallback = this.configuration.callback;
this.wrappedCallback = this.getCallbackWrapper();
this.wrappedConfiguration = $.extend(true, {}, this.configuration);
if (this.$element.length === 1) {
// mutation-summary fails if passing global
if (rawElement !== global) {
this.wrappedConfiguration.rootNode = rawElement;
this.wrappedConfiguration.callback = this.wrappedCallback; = new MutationSummary(this.wrappedConfiguration);
stop: function() {
// Any changes from the last callback will be passed here
var finalSummary =;
if (finalSummary !== undefined) {
// Add jQuery method
// $("#element").mutationSummary();
// $("#element").mutationSummary("method", arguments);
mutationSummary: function(option) {
var callArguments = arguments;
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
data = $,
options = typeof option === "object" && option;
// Store javascript object as element data
if (!data) {
$, (data = new JqueryMutationSummary(this, options)));
// Pass arguments to methods
if (typeof option === "string") {
data[option].apply(data,, 1));
$.fn.mutationSummary.defaults = {};
$.fn.mutationSummary.Constructor = JqueryMutationSummary;
}(jQuery, this));
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