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Created May 27, 2012 01:18
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Save splinterofchaos/2795801 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A test taker for a test that tries whether you think concretely or abstractly, randomly or sequentialy.
#! /usr/bin/clisp
;;; A tester for
;; It tests you thinking style in terms of concrete or abstract,
;; random or sequencial. If you plug your answers into this test,
;; (run with no arguments) it will generate a file, results.dat.
;; You can create a gnuplot graph with that by running
;; "gnuplot -persist plot.gnu".
(defun args()
(or #+SBCL *posix-argv*
#+CLISP *args*
; This map described the answer key.
(defconstant *answers* '((c d a b)
(a c b d)
(b a d c)
(b c a d)
(a c b d)
(b c a d)
(b d c a)
(c a b d)
(d a b c)
(a c b d)
(d b c a)
(c d a b)
(b d c a)
(a c d b)
(a c b d)))
(defun produce.dat(csar)
"Produce results.dat for gnuplot.
csar should be a list in the form (CS AS AR CR)."
;; First, write the data for gnuplot.
;; From the axis, the points are up, left, down right.
(let ((cs (* 4 (first csar)))
(as (* 4 (second csar)))
(ar (* 4 (third csar)))
(cr (* 4 (fourth csar))))
(with-open-file (gp "results.dat"
:direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format gp " 0 ~d ~% ~
~d 0 ~% ~
0 -~d ~% ~
-~d 0 ~% ~
0 ~d ~%" cs as ar cr cs))))
(defun answern(c row)
"The column of an answer.
Given an answer, c, and the row number it pertains to,
returns what column it finds c in."
(let ((symbol (cond ((char-equal c #\a) 'a) ((char-equal c #\b) 'b)
((char-equal c #\c) 'c) ((char-equal c #\d) 'd)
(t 'x)))
(row (nth row *answers*)))
(find-answer symbol row)))
(defun find-answer(symbol answers)
"Recursive helper of answern."
(if (consp answers)
(if (eq symbol (first answers))
(- 3 (length (rest answers)))
(find-answer symbol (rest answers)))
(defun answerp(c) (and (char-not-lessp c #\a) (char-not-greaterp c #\d)))
(defun fill-in-answers()
"Fills in the answers to the test via input.
Produces a list: (CS AS AR CR) which can be passed into produce.dat."
(let ((casr '(0 0 0 0)))
(format t "Please enter in your answers in pairs like so: AB or DC.~%")
(loop for n from 0 to 14 do
(format t "Question ~D: " (1+ n))
(let ((ans (read-line)))
(if (and (= 2 (length ans))
(answerp (char ans 0))
(answerp (char ans 1))
(char/= (char ans 0) (char ans 1)))
(incf (nth (answern (char ans 0) n) casr))
(incf (nth (answern (char ans 1) n) casr)))
(format t "Incorrect format. Must be in a pair like BC or DA. Try again.~%")
(decf n))))) ; Redo this iteration
(format t "CS: ~D ~%AS: ~D~%AR: ~D~%CR: ~D~%" (first casr) (second casr)
(third casr) (fourth casr))
(format t "To take this test, please visit ~%")
(format t "Read the questions from there and fill in the answers here.~%")
(let ((args (args)))
(cond ((= 4 (length args))
(produce.dat (mapcar #'(lambda(s)(read-from-string s)) args)))
((= 0 (length args))
(produce.dat (fill-in-answers)))
(error "Incorrect number of arguments. 0 to take the test, 4 to produce results.dat"))))
unset key
set object 1 rect from -70,2 to 70,-2 back
set object 1 rect fc rgb "#880055" fillstyle solid 1.0
set object 2 rect from -2,-70 to 2,70 back
set object 2 rect fc rgb "#880055" fillstyle solid 1.0
set size ratio 1 1,1
set xzeroaxis linetype 0 linewidth 1.000
set yzeroaxis linetype 0 linewidth 1.000
set zzeroaxis linetype 0 linewidth 1.000
set title "Concrete/Abstract, Random/Sequential"
set xrange [ -70 : 70 ] noreverse nowriteback
set yrange [ -70 : 70 ] noreverse nowriteback
set xlabel "AR"
set x2label "CS"
set ylabel "CR"
set y2label "AS"
set style line 1 lc rgb '#0060ad' lt 1 lw 1 pt 5 ps 1
plot 'results.dat' with linespoints ls 1
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