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Last active July 31, 2020 20:20
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// compile with g++ ecs.cpp -std=c++2a -o run && ./run
// Taken from my project,
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
template<typename F, typename...T>
constexpr auto tuple_map(F&& f, const std::tuple<T...>& t) {
return std::tuple(f(std::get<T>(t))...);
template<typename F, typename...T>
auto tuple_map(F&& f, std::tuple<T...>& t) {
return std::tuple(f(std::get<T>(t))...);
template<typename F, typename...T>
constexpr void tuple_foreach(F&& f, const std::tuple<T...>& t) {
(f(std::get<T>(t)), ...);
template<typename F, typename...T>
void tuple_foreach(F&& f, std::tuple<T...>& t) {
(f(std::get<T>(t)), ...);
// Note: One source of knowledge:
enum class EcsError {
// In this ECS, all objects are uniquely identified by an integer.
struct EntityId {
static constexpr unsigned int NOT_AN_ID = 0;
unsigned int id = NOT_AN_ID;
constexpr bool operator < (EntityId a, EntityId b) { return <; }
constexpr bool operator == (EntityId a, EntityId b) { return ==; }
constexpr bool operator != (EntityId a, EntityId b) { return !=; }
// Each component is stored with a pointer to its entity and some data.
template<typename T>
struct ComponentData {
EntityId id;
T data;
ComponentData(EntityId id, T data)
: id(id), data(std::move(data)) { }
// Each series of components is also manually sorted.
template<typename T>
using Store = std::vector<ComponentData<T>>;
// A range abstraction that allows multiple component data series to be iterated
// lazily over in a range-based for loop.
template<typename StoreTuple>
class ComponentRange {
StoreTuple stores_;
template<typename IteratorTuple>
struct Iterator {
IteratorTuple its;
IteratorTuple ends;
// To know if all iterators are pointing to the same entity, we'll neet
// to remember what entity that is.
EntityId max_id;
bool sentinel = false;
template<typename It>
bool at_end(It it) const {
return it == std::get<It>(ends);
// Note that the alternative to the above is
// std::get<std::decay_t<decltype(it)>>(ends).
bool any_at_end() const {
auto any = [](auto...args) { return (args || ...); };
auto pred = [this](const auto& it) { return at_end(it); };
return std::apply(any, tuple_map(pred, its));
// True if all iterators point to the same ID.
bool all_same() const {
auto all = [](auto...args) { return (args && ...); };
auto equals_max_id =
[this](const auto& it) { return it->id == max_id; };
return std::apply(all, tuple_map(equals_max_id, its));
template<typename Iter>
void increment_iter(Iter& it) {
if (!at_end(it)) ++it;
if (!at_end(it)) max_id = std::max(it->id, max_id);
// A helper to catch up iterators that are behind.
void increment_if_lower(EntityId id) {
auto impl = [&](auto& it) {
if (!at_end(it) && it->id < id) increment_iter(it);
tuple_foreach(impl, its);
// After iteration, or on initialization, increment any iterators that
// are behind.
void catch_up() {
while (!any_at_end() && !all_same()) increment_if_lower(max_id);
if (any_at_end()) its = ends;
Iterator& operator++() {
// Increment at least once.
tuple_foreach([this](auto& it) { increment_iter(it); }, its);
return *this;
Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator old = *this;
return old;
Iterator(IteratorTuple its, IteratorTuple ends)
: its(std::move(its)), ends(std::move(ends)) {
max_id = EntityId{0};
[&](auto it) {
if (!at_end(it)) max_id = std::max(max_id, it->id);
}, its);
catch_up(); // Ensure a valid initial starting position.
Iterator() { sentinel = true; }
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
return sentinel ? other == *this : any_at_end();
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
auto operator*() const {
auto data = [](const auto& it) -> auto& { return it->data; };
return std::tuple_cat(std::tuple(max_id), tuple_map(data, its));
explicit ComponentRange(StoreTuple stores)
: stores_(stores) { }
auto begin() const {
auto b = [](auto&& store) { return store.begin(); };
auto e = [](auto&& store) { return store.end(); };
return Iterator(tuple_map(b, stores_), tuple_map(e, stores_));
auto end() const {
return decltype(begin())();
// A single object manages components of all types. The entities themselves
// store no data. No two components may be of the same type.
class EntityComponentSystem {
// The series of ID's will be contiguously stored (frequently iterated
// through) and manually sorted.
std::vector<EntityId> entity_ids_;
// We assign the ID's to ensure their uniqueness.
EntityId next_id_ = { 1 };
// And so each series of components may be stored by their type.
std::tuple<Store<Components>...> components_;
template<typename T>
const Store<T>& get_store() const { return std::get<Store<T>>(components_); }
template<typename T>
Store<T>& get_store() { return std::get<Store<T>>(components_); }
template<typename T>
using FindResultConst = std::pair<bool, typename Store<T>::const_iterator>;
template<typename T>
using FindResult = std::pair<bool, typename Store<T>::iterator>;
template<typename T>
FindResultConst<T> find_component(EntityId id) const {
const Store<T>& series = get_store<T>();
auto pred =
[](const ComponentData<T>& c, EntityId id) { return < id; };
auto it = std::lower_bound(series.begin(), series.end(), id, pred);
return std::make_pair(it != series.end() && it->id == id, it);
template<typename T>
FindResult<T> find_component(EntityId id) {
Store<T>& series = get_store<T>();
auto pred =
[](const ComponentData<T>& c, EntityId id) { return < id; };
auto it = std::lower_bound(series.begin(), series.end(), id, pred);
return std::make_pair(it != series.end() && it->id == id, it);
template<typename Iterator, typename T>
void emplace_at(EntityId id, Iterator it, T data) {
get_store<T>().emplace(it, id, std::move(data));
const EntityComponentSystem<Components...>* const_this() const {
return this;
EntityComponentSystem() = default;
EntityId new_entity() {
return entity_ids_.back();
// Adds data to a component, although that the entity exists is taken for
// granted.
template<typename T>
EcsError write(EntityId id, T data,
WriteAction action = WriteAction::CREATE_ENTRY) {
auto [found, insert] = find_component<T>(id);
if (found && insert->id == id && action == WriteAction::CREATE_ENTRY) {
return EcsError::ALREADY_EXISTS;
emplace_at(id, insert, std::move(data));
return EcsError::OK;
// Adds data to a component, although that the entity exists is taken for
// granted.
template<typename T, typename U, typename...V>
EcsError write(EntityId id, T data, U next, {
EcsError e = write(id, std::move(data));
return e != EcsError::OK ?
e : write(id, std::move(next), std::move(rest)...);
EntityId write_new_entity(T...components) {
EntityId id = new_entity();
write(id, std::move(components)...);
return id;
template<typename T>
EcsError read(EntityId id, const T** out) const {
auto [found, it] = find_component<T>(id);
if (!found) return EcsError::NOT_FOUND;
*out = &it->data;
return EcsError::OK;
template<typename T>
void read_or_panic(EntityId id, const T** out) const {
*out = &read_or_panic<T>(id);
// Unsafe version of read that ignores NOT_FOUND errors.
template<typename T>
const T& read_or_panic(EntityId id) const {
auto [found, it] = find_component<T>(id);
if (!found) {
std::cerr << "Exiting because of entity not found." << std::endl;
*(char*)nullptr = '0';
return it->data;
template<typename T>
EcsError read(EntityId id, T** out) {
return const_this()->read(id, const_cast<const T**>(out));
template<typename T>
void read_or_panic(EntityId id, T** out) {
*out = &read_or_panic<T>(id);
// Unsafe version of read that ignores NOT_FOUND errors.
template<typename T>
T& read_or_panic(EntityId id) {
auto [found, it] = find_component<T>(id);
if (!found) {
std::cerr << "Exiting because of entity not found." << std::endl;
*(char*)nullptr = '0';
return it->data;
EcsError read(EntityId id, const T**...out) const {
std::vector<EcsError> errors{ read(id, out)... };
for (EcsError e : errors) if (e != EcsError::OK) return e;
return EcsError::OK;
void read_or_panic(EntityId id, const T**...out) const {
(read_or_panic(id, out), ...);
EcsError read(EntityId id, T**...out) {
return const_this()->read(id, const_cast<const T**>(out)...);
void read_or_panic(EntityId id, T**...out) {
(read_or_panic(id, out), ...);
auto read_all() const {
return ComponentRange(std::tuple<const Store<U>&...>(get_store<U>()...));
auto read_all() {
return ComponentRange(std::tuple<Store<U>&...>(get_store<U>()...));
bool has_entity(EntityId id) const {
auto it = std::lower_bound(entity_ids_.begin(), entity_ids_.end(), id);
return it != entity_ids_.end() && *it == id;
template<typename U>
void erase_component(EntityId id) {
auto [found, it] = find_component<U>(id);
if (found) get_store<U>().erase(it);
void erase(EntityId id) {
(erase_component<Components>(id), ...);
auto it = std::lower_bound(entity_ids_.begin(), entity_ids_.end(), id);
if (it == entity_ids_.end()) return;
template<typename T, typename U>
bool test(const char* const op_desc, T result, U expected) {
bool ok = result == expected;
if (!ok) {
std::cerr << op_desc << ":\n";
std::cerr << " got: " << result << '\n';
std::cerr << " expected: " << expected << std::endl;
return ok;
#define TEST(op, expect) test(#op, op, expect)
#define TEST_WITH(init, op, expect) do \
{ init; test(#init"; "#op, op, expect); } while(false)
int main() {
EntityComponentSystem<int, char> ecs_ic;
EntityComponentSystem<int> ecs;
auto id = ecs.write_new_entity(4),
ecs.read_or_panic<int>(id), 4);
// Funny story: macros can't have the commas from type lists in them.
EntityComponentSystem<int, unsigned> iu;
iu.write_new_entity(1, 1u);
iu.write_new_entity(1); // Ignored since it doesn't have both.
iu.write_new_entity(1, 1u);
int sum = 0;
for (auto [id, i, u] : iu.read_all<int, unsigned>()) sum += i + u,
sum, 4);
const auto& const_iu = iu;
int sum = 0;
for (auto [id, i, u] : const_iu.read_all<int, unsigned>()) sum += i + u,
sum, 4);
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