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Last active October 30, 2019 16:01
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Muuri 0.8.0 types
import Item from "./item";
import Muuri from ".";
// Type this!!!
export type DraggerEvent = any;
export interface EventListeners {
synchronize(): any;
layoutStart(items: Item[]): any;
layoutEnd(items: Item[]): any;
add(items: Item[]): any;
remove(items: Item[]): any;
showStart(items: Item[]): any;
showEnd(items: Item[]): any;
hideStart(items: Item[]): any;
hideEnd(items: Item[]): any;
filter(shownItems: Item[], hiddenItems: Item[]): any;
sort(currentOrder: Item[], previousOrder: Item[]): any;
move(data: {
item: Item,
fromIndex: number;
toIndex: number;
action: "move" | "swap";
}): any;
send(data: {
item: Item,
fromGrid: Muuri,
fromIndex: number,
toGrid: Muuri,
toIndex: number,
}): any;
beforeSend(data: {
item: Item,
fromGrid: Muuri,
fromIndex: number,
toGrid: Muuri,
toIndex: number,
}): any;
receive(data: {
item: Item,
fromGrid: Muuri,
fromIndex: number,
toGrid: Muuri,
toIndex: number,
}): any;
beforeReceive(data: {
item: Item,
fromGrid: Muuri,
fromIndex: number,
toGrid: Muuri,
toIndex: number,
}): any;
dragInit(item: Item, event: DraggerEvent): any;
dragStart(item: Item, event: DraggerEvent): any;
dragMove(item: Item, event: DraggerEvent): any;
dragScroll(item: Item, event: DraggerEvent): any;
dragEnd(item: Item, event: DraggerEvent): any;
dragReleaseStart(item: Item): any;
dragReleaseEnd(item: Item): any;
destroy(): any;
import Options, { LayoutFunction } from "./options";
import Item from "./item";
import {
} from "./events";
type MaybePlural<T> = Array<T> | T;
type ItemSelector = Element | Item | number;
* Creates a new Grid instance.
* @class
* @param {(HTMLElement|String)} element
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {?(HTMLElement[]|NodeList|String)} [options.items]
* @param {Number} [options.showDuration=300]
* @param {String} [options.showEasing="ease"]
* @param {Object} [options.visibleStyles]
* @param {Number} [options.hideDuration=300]
* @param {String} [options.hideEasing="ease"]
* @param {Object} [options.hiddenStyles]
* @param {(Function|Object)} [options.layout]
* @param {Boolean} [options.layout.fillGaps=false]
* @param {Boolean} [options.layout.horizontal=false]
* @param {Boolean} [options.layout.alignRight=false]
* @param {Boolean} [options.layout.alignBottom=false]
* @param {Boolean} [options.layout.rounding=true]
* @param {(Boolean|Number)} [options.layoutOnResize=100]
* @param {Boolean} [options.layoutOnInit=true]
* @param {Number} [options.layoutDuration=300]
* @param {String} [options.layoutEasing="ease"]
* @param {?Object} [options.sortData=null]
* @param {Boolean} [options.dragEnabled=false]
* @param {?HtmlElement} [options.dragContainer=null]
* @param {?Function} [options.dragStartPredicate]
* @param {Number} [options.dragStartPredicate.distance=0]
* @param {Number} [options.dragStartPredicate.delay=0]
* @param {(Boolean|String)} [options.dragStartPredicate.handle=false]
* @param {?String} [options.dragAxis]
* @param {(Boolean|Function)} [options.dragSort=true]
* @param {Object} [options.dragSortHeuristics]
* @param {Number} [options.dragSortHeuristics.sortInterval=100]
* @param {Number} [options.dragSortHeuristics.minDragDistance=10]
* @param {Number} [options.dragSortHeuristics.minBounceBackAngle=1]
* @param {(Function|Object)} [options.dragSortPredicate]
* @param {Number} [options.dragSortPredicate.threshold=50]
* @param {String} [options.dragSortPredicate.action="move"]
* @param {Number} [options.dragReleaseDuration=300]
* @param {String} [options.dragReleaseEasing="ease"]
* @param {Object} [options.dragCssProps]
* @param {Object} [options.dragPlaceholder]
* @param {Boolean} [options.dragPlaceholder.enabled=false]
* @param {Number} [options.dragPlaceholder.duration=300]
* @param {String} [options.dragPlaceholder.easing="ease"]
* @param {?Function} [options.dragPlaceholder.createElement=null]
* @param {?Function} [options.dragPlaceholder.onCreate=null]
* @param {?Function} [options.dragPlaceholder.onRemove=null]
* @param {String} [options.containerClass="muuri"]
* @param {String} [options.itemClass="muuri-item"]
* @param {String} [options.itemVisibleClass="muuri-item-visible"]
* @param {String} [options.itemHiddenClass="muuri-item-hidden"]
* @param {String} [options.itemPositioningClass="muuri-item-positioning"]
* @param {String} [options.itemDraggingClass="muuri-item-dragging"]
* @param {String} [options.itemReleasingClass="muuri-item-releasing"]
* @param {String} [options.itemPlaceholderClass="muuri-item-placeholder"]
export default class Muuri {
constructor(element: string | Element, options?: Options)
* Get the container element.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @returns {HTMLElement}
getElement(): Element;
* Get all items. Optionally you can provide specific targets (elements and
* indices). Note that the returned array is not the same object used by the
* instance so modifying it will not affect instance's items. All items that
* are not found are omitted from the returned array.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {GridMultiItemQuery} [targets]
* @returns {Item[]}
getItems(targets?: string[]): Item[];
* Update the cached dimensions of the instance's items.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {GridMultiItemQuery} [items]
* @returns {Grid}
refreshItems(items?: MaybePlural<ItemSelector>): void;
* Update the sort data of the instance's items.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {GridMultiItemQuery} [items]
* @returns {Grid}
refreshSortData(items?: MaybePlural<ItemSelector>): void;
* Synchronize the item elements to match the order of the items in the DOM.
* This comes handy if you need to keep the DOM structure matched with the
* order of the items. Note that if an item's element is not currently a child
* of the container element (if it is dragged for example) it is ignored and
* left untouched.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @returns {Grid}
synchronize(): void;
* Calculate and apply item positions.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {Boolean} [instant=false]
* @param {LayoutCallback} [onFinish]
* @returns {Grid}
layout(callback: (items: Item[]) => any): void;
layout(instant?: boolean, callback?: (items: Item[]) => any): void;
* Add new items by providing the elements you wish to add to the instance and
* optionally provide the index where you want the items to be inserted into.
* All elements that are not already children of the container element will be
* automatically appended to the container element. If an element has it's CSS
* display property set to "none" it will be marked as inactive during the
* initiation process. As long as the item is inactive it will not be part of
* the layout, but it will retain it's index. You can activate items at any
* point with method. This method will automatically call
* grid.layout() if one or more of the added elements are visible. If only
* hidden items are added no layout will be called. All the new visible items
* are positioned without animation during their first layout.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {(HTMLElement|HTMLElement[])} elements
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Number} [options.index=-1]
* @param {Boolean} [options.isActive]
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layout=true]
* @returns {Item[]}
add<T extends MaybePlural<Element>>(
elements: T,
options?: {
index?: number,
layout?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
): T extends Array<Element> ? T : [T];
* Remove items from the instance.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {GridMultiItemQuery} items
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.removeElements=false]
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layout=true]
* @returns {Item[]}
items: MaybePlural<ItemSelector>,
options?: {
removeElements?: boolean,
layout?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
): Element[];
* Show instance items.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {GridMultiItemQuery} items
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.instant=false]
* @param {ShowCallback} [options.onFinish]
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layout=true]
* @returns {Grid}
items: MaybePlural<ItemSelector>,
options?: {
instant?: boolean,
onFinish?: (items: Item[]) => any,
layout?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
): void;
* Hide instance items.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {GridMultiItemQuery} items
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.instant=false]
* @param {HideCallback} [options.onFinish]
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layout=true]
* @returns {Grid}
items: MaybePlural<ItemSelector>,
options?: {
instant?: boolean;
onFinish?: (items: Item[]) => any,
layout?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
): void;
* Filter items. Expects at least one argument, a predicate, which should be
* either a function or a string. The predicate callback is executed for every
* item in the instance. If the return value of the predicate is truthy the
* item in question will be shown and otherwise hidden. The predicate callback
* receives the item instance as it's argument. If the predicate is a string
* it is considered to be a selector and it is checked against every item
* element in the instance with the native element.matches() method. All the
* matching items will be shown and others hidden.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {(Function|String)} predicate
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.instant=false]
* @param {FilterCallback} [options.onFinish]
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layout=true]
* @returns {Grid}
predicate: string | ((item: Item) => boolean),
options?: {
instant?: boolean,
onFinish?: () => any,
layout?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
): void;
* Sort items. There are three ways to sort the items. The first is simply by
* providing a function as the comparer which works identically to native
* array sort. Alternatively you can sort by the sort data you have provided
* in the instance's options. Just provide the sort data key(s) as a string
* (separated by space) and the items will be sorted based on the provided
* sort data keys. Lastly you have the opportunity to provide a presorted
* array of items which will be used to sync the internal items array in the
* same order.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {(Function|Item[]|String|String[])} comparer
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.descending=false]
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layout=true]
* @returns {Grid}
comparer: string | string[] | ((a: Item, b: Item) => number),
options?: {
descending?: boolean,
layout?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
): void;
* Move item to another index or in place of another item.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {GridSingleItemQuery} item
* @param {GridSingleItemQuery} position
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String} [options.action="move"]
* - Accepts either "move" or "swap".
* - "move" moves the item in place of the other item.
* - "swap" swaps the position of the items.
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layout=true]
* @returns {Grid}
item?: ItemSelector,
position?: ItemSelector,
options?: {
action?: "move" | "swap",
layout?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
): void;
* Send item to another Grid instance.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {GridSingleItemQuery} item
* @param {Grid} grid
* @param {GridSingleItemQuery} position
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {HTMLElement} [options.appendTo=document.body]
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layoutSender=true]
* @param {(Boolean|LayoutCallback|String)} [options.layoutReceiver=true]
* @returns {Grid}
item: ItemSelector,
grid: Muuri,
position: ItemSelector,
options?: {
appendTo?: Element,
layoutSender?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
layoutReceiver?: boolean | string | LayoutFunction,
): void;
* Destroy the instance.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {Boolean} [removeElements=false]
* @returns {Grid}
destroy(removeElements?: boolean): Muuri;
// Events
* Bind an event listener.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {String} event
* @param {Function} listener
* @returns {Grid}
on<T extends keyof EventListeners>(event: T, listener: EventListeners[T]): Muuri;
* Unbind an event listener.
* @public
* @memberof Grid.prototype
* @param {String} event
* @param {Function} listener
* @returns {Grid}
off<T extends keyof EventListeners>(event: T, listener: EventListeners[T]): Muuri;
import Muuri from ".";
export default class Item {
* Get the instance grid reference.
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Grid}
getGrid(): Muuri;
* Get the instance element.
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {HTMLElement}
getElement(): Element;
* Get instance element's cached width.
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Number}
getWidth(): number;
* Get instance element's cached height.
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Number}
getHeight(): number;
* Get instance element's cached margins.
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Object}
* - The returned object contains left, right, top and bottom properties
* which indicate the item element's cached margins.
getMargin(): {
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
bottom: number;
* Get instance element's cached position.
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Object}
* - The returned object contains left and top properties which indicate the
* item element's cached position in the grid.
getPosition(): {
left: number;
top: number;
* Is the item active?
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Boolean}
isActive(): boolean;
* Is the item visible?
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Boolean}
isVisible(): boolean;
* Is the item being animated to visible?
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Boolean}
isShowing(): boolean;
* Is the item being animated to hidden?
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Boolean}
isHiding(): boolean;
* Is the item positioning?
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Boolean}
isPositioning(): boolean;
* Is the item being dragged?
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Boolean}
isDragging(): boolean;
* Is the item being released?
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Boolean}
isReleasing(): boolean;
* Is the item destroyed?
* @public
* @memberof Item.prototype
* @returns {Boolean}
isDestroyed(): boolean;
import Grid from ".";
import Item from "./item";
import { DraggerEvent } from "./events";
export default interface Options {
items?: Element[] | NodeList | string;
showDuration?: number;
showEasing?: string;
hideDuration?: number;
hideEasing?: string;
visibleStyles?: ElementCSSInlineStyle["style"];
hiddenStyles?: ElementCSSInlineStyle["style"];
layout?: LayoutOpts | LayoutFunction;
layoutOnResize?: boolean | number;
layoutOnInit?: boolean;
layoutDuration?: number;
layoutEasing?: string;
sortData?: Record<string, SortFunction>;
dragEnabled?: boolean;
dragContainer?: Element;
dragStartPredicate?: DragStartPredicateOpts | DragStartPredicateFunction;
dragAxis?: "x" | "y";
dragSort?: DragSort;
dragSortHeuristics?: DragSortHeuristics;
dragSortPredicate?: DragSortPredicateOpts | DragSortPredicateFunction;
dragReleaseDuration?: number;
dragReleaseEasing?: string;
dragCssProps?: DragCssProps;
dragPlaceholder?: DragPlaceholder;
containerClass?: string;
itemClass?: string;
itemVisibleClass?: string;
itemHiddenClass?: string;
itemPositioningClass?: string;
itemDraggingClass?: string;
itemReleasingClass?: string;
itemPlaceholderClass?: string;
export type LayoutOpts = {
fillGaps?: boolean;
horizontal?: boolean;
alignRight?: boolean;
alignBottom?: boolean;
rounding?: boolean;
export type LayoutFunction = (items: Item[], gridWidth: number, gridHeight: number) => {
slots: number[];
width: number;
height: number;
setWidth: boolean;
setHeight: boolean;
export type SortFunction = (item: Item, element: Element) => string | number;
export type DragStartPredicateOpts = {
distance?: number;
delay?: number;
handle?: string | boolean;
export type DragStartPredicateFunction = (item: Item, event: DraggerEvent) => boolean | void;
export type DragSort = boolean | ((item: Item) => Grid[]);
export type DragSortHeuristics = {
sortInterval?: number;
minDragDistance?: number;
minBounceBackAngle?: number;
export type DragSortPredicateOpts = {
action?: "move" | "swap";
threshold?: number;
export type DragSortPredicateFunction = (item: Item, event: DraggerEvent) => false | {
index: number;
grid: Grid;
action: string;
export type DragCssProps = {
touchAction?: string;
userSelect?: string;
userDrag?: string;
tapHighlightColor?: string;
touchCallout?: string;
contentZooming?: string;
export type DragPlaceholder = {
enabled: boolean;
duration: number;
easing: string;
createElement: (item: Item) => Element;
onCreate: (item: Item, element: Element) => any;
onRemove: (item: Item, element: Element) => any;
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