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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save sporkd/8908434 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Working Boxen config for older MacBook Pro
#------ snip ------
# Includes many of our custom types and providers, as well as global
# config. Required.
github "boxen", "3.4.2"
# Core modules for a basic development environment. You can replace
# some/most of these if you want, but it's not recommended.
# github "dnsmasq", "1.0.1"
github "foreman", "1.1.0"
github "gcc", "2.0.100"
github "git", "1.3.7"
github "go", "2.0.1"
github "homebrew", "1.6.0"
github "hub", "1.3.0"
github "inifile", "1.0.0", :repo => "puppetlabs/puppetlabs-inifile"
github "nginx", "1.4.3"
github "nodejs", "3.5.0"
github "openssl", "1.0.0"
github "phantomjs", "2.1.0"
github "pkgconfig", "1.0.0"
github "repository", "2.3.0"
github "ruby", "7.1.6"
github "stdlib", "4.1.0", :repo => "puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib"
github "sudo", "1.0.0"
github "xquartz", "1.1.1"
# Optional/custom modules. There are tons available at
# dependency
github 'sysctl', '1.0.0'
github 'module-data', '0.0.1', :repo => 'ripienaar/puppet-module-data'
#------ snip ------
require boxen::environment
require homebrew
require gcc
#------ snip ------
Package {
provider => homebrew,
require => Class['homebrew'],
install_options => ['--build-from-source']
#------ snip ------
node default {
#------ snip ------
# default ruby versions
ruby::version { '1.8.7': }
ruby::version { '1.9.3': }
ruby::version { '2.0.0': }
#------ snip ------
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