- Devise
- Authlogic
- delayed job
- sideckick
- resque
- benstalkd
- simpleform
- formtastic
- jbuilder
- jsonify https://github.com/bsiggelkow/jsonify
- rabl https://github.com/nesquena/rabl
- Kaminari https://github.com/amatsuda/kaminari
- will_paginate
- Modularity https://github.com/makandra/modularity
- Active Support Concern
- Just plain Ruby extend, include
- Carrierwave
- paperclip
- Virtus
- Active Attr https://github.com/cgriego/active_attr
- wicked pdf (when from html)
- prawn (when not from html)
- rmagick
- ransack
- Factory girl
- Machinist
- Cucumber
- Turnip https://github.com/jnicklas/turnip
- Just rspec with capybara
- timecop
- zeus
- webmock https://github.com/bblimke/webmock
- decent_exposure
- cells
Integration testing can be done with straight up RSpec.
Machinist can be use instead of FactoryGirl
Paperclip can be used for uploads.