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sposmen / config_add
Created August 8, 2024 20:53
Git options for rebase
autoStash = true
rebaseMerges = true
updateRefs = true
sposmen /
Last active June 8, 2022 20:33
Node Server Body Parser


node server_body_parser.js

Setup in your endpoint


Change port

Change the variable port in the code. 8888 is the default

sposmen /
Created March 2, 2022 17:44
Large Excel to split CSV helpers
# Command to convert the large Excel to csv. this is based on gnumeric
# To install it in Mac could be through `brew install gnumeric`
ssconvert -O "sheet=SHEET_NAME" EXCEL_FILENAME.xlsx CSV_FILENAME.csv
# Command to split the large csv in chunks of lines through parallel command.
# This case is 30K lines each file and each file will be numbered based on the `{#}` addition in the filename
# To install parallel in MAC `brew install parallel`
cat CSV_FILENAME.csv | parallel --header : --pipe -N30000 'cat > CSV_FILENAME_{#}.csv'
sposmen / .env.example
Last active October 6, 2021 03:52
Github PR Tree
sposmen /
Last active September 1, 2021 16:15
JS Array vs Object performance

JS Array vs Object performance

The intention of this code is to have some personal persistance and point of view comparing JS objects and arrays mapping some values for its later search.

Recently (2021-09-01) is very common that people try to use a "fancy" way to compound structures when not in all scenarios could the most performant. Usage of find, map, reduce and is good use them when it merits, but on other cases, organize the data based on an Object by keys can increase the performance.

Here is another point of view and

sposmen / Temp Table Schema Fn.sql
Created July 2, 2021 18:05
Postgres temporarily function to get a table schema.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_temp.generate_create_table_statement(p_table_name varchar)
v_table_ddl text;
column_record record;
FOR column_record IN
b.nspname as schema_name,
sposmen / gist:08f36b3de8f3469e0e4c2bd8ab14200b
Last active May 4, 2020 22:04
FFMpeg Image and Audio to Video
ffmpeg installation working in Mac Catalina
brew tap varenc/ffmpeg
brew tap-pin varenc/ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg $(brew options ffmpeg --compact)
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i Lo\ que\ Aprendí.png -c:v libx264 -t 73 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=1280:720 Lo\ que\ Aprendí.mp4
ffmpeg -i Lo\ que\ Aprendí.mp4 -i Lo\ que\ Aprendí.mp3 Lo\ que\ Aprendí.mkv -c copy
sposmen /
Created November 25, 2019 20:48
This small script is to memoize a fast convertion of ffmpeg
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for i in *.MP4;
do name=`echo $i | cut -d'.' -f1`;
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
echo "$FILE exist"
echo "$FILE does not exist. Creating..."
ffmpeg -i "$i" "${FILE}";
sposmen / Flatten.rb
Last active August 6, 2019 20:27
Flatten example
data_array = [[1,2,[3]],4]
def manual_flatten(arr)
new_array = []
arr.each do |elm|
if elm.kind_of?(Array)
new_array << elm
sposmen / Claro Tecnicolor
Last active December 10, 2024 11:37
Claro Tecnicolor TC8305C