powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned -file .\augeas.ps1 -f ".\foo.xml" -xpath "/configuration/herp/foo" -value "84" -verbose
You must wrap the path and xpath in doublequotes I find
# Based on this script https://ask.puppetlabs.com/question/4749/augeas-or-alternative-xml-modification-on-windows/ | |
# I had to flip the logic if $node.NodeType -ne 'Element' to get it to work properly | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
param ( | |
[string] $filename = $(throw "filename is a required parameter"), | |
[string] $xpath = $(throw "xpath is a required parameter"), | |
[string] $value = $(throw "value is a required parameter") | |
) | |
write-verbose "Received arguments:" | |
write-verbose "filename: ""$filename""" | |
write-verbose "xpath: ""$xpath""" | |
write-verbose "value: ""$value""`n" | |
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $filename) | |
try {$nodes = $xml.SelectNodes($xpath)} | |
catch {Write-Verbose "I cound't find any nodes"; exit 1} | |
echo "I've got nodes" $nodes | |
if ($nodes.count -eq 0) {write-verbose "No match in XML file"} | |
foreach ($node in $nodes) { | |
Write-Verbose "Found $($node) with type $($node.NodeType) " | |
echo "node InnerXml is"$node.InnerXml | |
echo "node Value is "$node.Value | |
echo "node type is" $node.NodeType | |
if ($node -ne $null) { | |
if ($node.NodeType -ne "Element") { | |
Write-Verbose "Replaced InnerXml ""$($node.InnerXml)"" with ""$value""" | |
$node.InnerXml = $value | |
} | |
else { | |
Write-Verbose "Replaced Value ""$($node.Value)"" with ""$value""" | |
$node.Value = $value | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$xml.save($filename) |
powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned -file .\augeas.ps1 -f ".\foo.xml" -xpath "/configuration/herp/foo" -value "84" -verbose
You must wrap the path and xpath in doublequotes I find
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | |
<configuration> | |
<herp> | |
<foo value="42" /> | |
</herp> | |
<woot /> | |
</configuration> |
# A script that manipulates xml documents just like augeas | |
# Written by spuder, borrowed parts from https://ask.puppetlabs.com/question/4749/augeas-or-alternative-xml-modification-on-windows/ | |
# .\xmlModify.ps1 -filename "c:\foobar.xml" -xpath "/configuration/foo" -element "bacon" -attribute_key "isGood" -attribute_value "true" -text "I love bacon" -verbose | |
#<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | |
#<configuration> | |
# <foo/> | |
# <bacon isGood="true">I love bacon</bacon> | |
[CmdletBinding()] | |
param ( | |
[string] $filename = $(throw "filename is a required parameter"), | |
[string] $xpath = $(throw "xpath is a required parameter"), | |
[string] $element = $(throw "node is a required parameter"), | |
[string] $attribute_key = "", | |
[string] $attribute_value = "", | |
[string] $text = "" | |
) | |
write-verbose "Received arguments:" | |
write-verbose "filename: ""$filename""" | |
write-verbose "xpath: ""$xpath""" | |
write-verbose "element: ""$element""" | |
write-verbose "attribute_key: ""$attribute_key""" | |
write-verbose "attribute_value: ""$attribute_value""" | |
write-verbose "text: ""$text""`n" | |
# Get xml Document | |
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $filename) | |
# If path exists, but not node, create it | |
# If path and node don't exist, error and exit | |
if ($xml.SelectNodes($xpath) ) | |
{ | |
Write-Verbose "Found $filename $xpath" | |
if (-Not $xml.SelectSingleNode("$xpath/$element") ) | |
{ | |
Write-Host "$($element) does not exist in $($xpath), appending" | |
$child = $xml.CreateElement($element) | |
$xml.SelectSingleNode($xpath).AppendChild($child) > $null | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
echo "Could not find $($element) in $($filename)" | |
exit 1 | |
} | |
# Update node value | |
$xmlItem = $xml.SelectSingleNode("$($xpath)/$($element)") | |
$xmlItem.SetAttribute($attribute_key, $attribute_value) | |
#Update text if provided | |
if ($($text) -ne "") { | |
$xmlItem.set_InnerXML("$text") | |
} | |
$xmlitem | |
# Overwrite file | |
$xml.save($filename) |
I added a snippet to create the node structure if they didn't exist.
$nodes = $xpath.Split("/")
$nodecheck = Select-XML -Xml $xml -XPath $xpath
$x = 0
Do {
$prenode = $node
$node = $node + "/" + $nodes[$x]
if ($xml.SelectSingleNode($node)){
write-host "$node exists!"
} else {
$child = $xml.CreateElement($nodes[$x])
$xml.SelectSingleNode($prenode).AppendChild($child) > $null
$x = $x+1
$nodecheck = Select-XML -Xml $xml -XPath $xpath
} Until ($nodecheck)