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Last active August 14, 2017 07:54
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  • Save spunkedy/c8f476a0c5daf417a7b17083a7ced55e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import {Socket,LongPoll} from "./socket.js"
let socket = new Socket("/socket", { location: "localhost:4000", transport: LongPoll, params: {token: "asdf"}})
socket.onClose( e => console.log("Closed connection") )
var channel ="atv:lobby", {})
.receive("ok", resp => { console.log("Joined successfully", resp) })
.receive( "error", () => console.log("Connection error") )
channel.on( "atv:YSdjLkyEcWmkj64wW", msg => console.log(msg.body) );
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
// Phoenix Channels JavaScript client
// ## Socket Connection
// A single connection is established to the server and
// channels are multiplexed over the connection.
// Connect to the server using the `Socket` class:
// let socket = new Socket("/ws", {params: {userToken: "123"}})
// socket.connect()
// The `Socket` constructor takes the mount point of the socket,
// the authentication params, as well as options that can be found in
// the Socket docs, such as configuring the `LongPoll` transport, and
// heartbeat.
// ## Channels
// Channels are isolated, concurrent processes on the server that
// subscribe to topics and broker events between the client and server.
// To join a channel, you must provide the topic, and channel params for
// authorization. Here's an example chat room example where `"new_msg"`
// events are listened for, messages are pushed to the server, and
// the channel is joined with ok/error/timeout matches:
// let channel ="room:123", {token: roomToken})
// channel.on("new_msg", msg => console.log("Got message", msg) )
// $input.onEnter( e => {
// channel.push("new_msg", {body:}, 10000)
// .receive("ok", (msg) => console.log("created message", msg) )
// .receive("error", (reasons) => console.log("create failed", reasons) )
// .receive("timeout", () => console.log("Networking issue...") )
// })
// channel.join()
// .receive("ok", ({messages}) => console.log("catching up", messages) )
// .receive("error", ({reason}) => console.log("failed join", reason) )
// .receive("timeout", () => console.log("Networking issue. Still waiting...") )
// ## Joining
// Creating a channel with `, params)`, binds the params to
// `channel.params`, which are sent up on `channel.join()`.
// Subsequent rejoins will send up the modified params for
// updating authorization params, or passing up last_message_id information.
// Successful joins receive an "ok" status, while unsuccessful joins
// receive "error".
// ## Duplicate Join Subscriptions
// While the client may join any number of topics on any number of channels,
// the client may only hold a single subscription for each unique topic at any
// given time. When attempting to create a duplicate subscription,
// the server will close the existing channel, log a warning, and
// spawn a new channel for the topic. The client will have their
// `channel.onClose` callbacks fired for the existing channel, and the new
// channel join will have its receive hooks processed as normal.
// ## Pushing Messages
// From the previous example, we can see that pushing messages to the server
// can be done with `channel.push(eventName, payload)` and we can optionally
// receive responses from the push. Additionally, we can use
// `receive("timeout", callback)` to abort waiting for our other `receive` hooks
// and take action after some period of waiting. The default timeout is 5000ms.
// ## Socket Hooks
// Lifecycle events of the multiplexed connection can be hooked into via
// `socket.onError()` and `socket.onClose()` events, ie:
// socket.onError( () => console.log("there was an error with the connection!") )
// socket.onClose( () => console.log("the connection dropped") )
// ## Channel Hooks
// For each joined channel, you can bind to `onError` and `onClose` events
// to monitor the channel lifecycle, ie:
// channel.onError( () => console.log("there was an error!") )
// channel.onClose( () => console.log("the channel has gone away gracefully") )
// ### onError hooks
// `onError` hooks are invoked if the socket connection drops, or the channel
// crashes on the server. In either case, a channel rejoin is attempted
// automatically in an exponential backoff manner.
// ### onClose hooks
// `onClose` hooks are invoked only in two cases. 1) the channel explicitly
// closed on the server, or 2). The client explicitly closed, by calling
// `channel.leave()`
// ## Presence
// The `Presence` object provides features for syncing presence information
// from the server with the client and handling presences joining and leaving.
// ### Syncing initial state from the server
// `Presence.syncState` is used to sync the list of presences on the server
// with the client's state. An optional `onJoin` and `onLeave` callback can
// be provided to react to changes in the client's local presences across
// disconnects and reconnects with the server.
// `Presence.syncDiff` is used to sync a diff of presence join and leave
// events from the server, as they happen. Like `syncState`, `syncDiff`
// accepts optional `onJoin` and `onLeave` callbacks to react to a user
// joining or leaving from a device.
// ### Listing Presences
// `Presence.list` is used to return a list of presence information
// based on the local state of metadata. By default, all presence
// metadata is returned, but a `listBy` function can be supplied to
// allow the client to select which metadata to use for a given presence.
// For example, you may have a user online from different devices with a
// a metadata status of "online", but they have set themselves to "away"
// on another device. In this case, they app may choose to use the "away"
// status for what appears on the UI. The example below defines a `listBy`
// function which prioritizes the first metadata which was registered for
// each user. This could be the first tab they opened, or the first device
// they came online from:
// let state = {}
// state = Presence.syncState(state, stateFromServer)
// let listBy = (id, {metas: [first,]}) => {
// first.count = rest.length + 1 // count of this user's presences
// = id
// return first
// }
// let onlineUsers = Presence.list(state, listBy)
// ### Example Usage
// // detect if user has joined for the 1st time or from another tab/device
// let onJoin = (id, current, newPres) => {
// if(!current){
// console.log("user has entered for the first time", newPres)
// } else {
// console.log("user additional presence", newPres)
// }
// }
// // detect if user has left from all tabs/devices, or is still present
// let onLeave = (id, current, leftPres) => {
// if(current.metas.length === 0){
// console.log("user has left from all devices", leftPres)
// } else {
// console.log("user left from a device", leftPres)
// }
// }
// let presences = {} // client's initial empty presence state
// // receive initial presence data from server, sent after join
// myChannel.on("presences", state => {
// presences = Presence.syncState(presences, state, onJoin, onLeave)
// displayUsers(Presence.list(presences))
// })
// // receive "presence_diff" from server, containing join/leave events
// myChannel.on("presence_diff", diff => {
// presences = Presence.syncDiff(presences, diff, onJoin, onLeave)
// this.setState({users: Presence.list(room.presences, listBy)})
// })
var VSN = "1.0.0";
var SOCKET_STATES = { connecting: 0, open: 1, closing: 2, closed: 3 };
var DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10000;
closed: "closed",
errored: "errored",
joined: "joined",
joining: "joining",
leaving: "leaving"
close: "phx_close",
error: "phx_error",
join: "phx_join",
reply: "phx_reply",
leave: "phx_leave"
longpoll: "longpoll",
websocket: "websocket"
var Push = function () {
// Initializes the Push
// channel - The Channel
// event - The event, for example `"phx_join"`
// payload - The payload, for example `{user_id: 123}`
// timeout - The push timeout in milliseconds
function Push(channel, event, payload, timeout) {
_classCallCheck(this, Push); = channel;
this.event = event;
this.payload = payload || {};
this.receivedResp = null;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.timeoutTimer = null;
this.recHooks = [];
this.sent = false;
_createClass(Push, [{
key: "resend",
value: function resend(timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
this.ref = null;
this.refEvent = null;
this.receivedResp = null;
this.sent = false;
}, {
key: "send",
value: function send() {
if (this.hasReceived("timeout")) {
this.sent = true;{
event: this.event,
payload: this.payload,
ref: this.ref
}, {
key: "receive",
value: function receive(status, callback) {
if (this.hasReceived(status)) {
this.recHooks.push({ status: status, callback: callback });
return this;
// private
}, {
key: "matchReceive",
value: function matchReceive(_ref) {
var status = _ref.status,
response = _ref.response,
ref = _ref.ref;
this.recHooks.filter(function (h) {
return h.status === status;
}).forEach(function (h) {
return h.callback(response);
}, {
key: "cancelRefEvent",
value: function cancelRefEvent() {
if (!this.refEvent) {
}, {
key: "cancelTimeout",
value: function cancelTimeout() {
this.timeoutTimer = null;
}, {
key: "startTimeout",
value: function startTimeout() {
var _this = this;
if (this.timeoutTimer) {
this.ref =;
this.refEvent =;, function (payload) {
_this.receivedResp = payload;
this.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () {
_this.trigger("timeout", {});
}, this.timeout);
}, {
key: "hasReceived",
value: function hasReceived(status) {
return this.receivedResp && this.receivedResp.status === status;
}, {
key: "trigger",
value: function trigger(status, response) {, { status: status, response: response });
return Push;
var Channel = exports.Channel = function () {
function Channel(topic, params, socket) {
var _this2 = this;
_classCallCheck(this, Channel);
this.state = CHANNEL_STATES.closed;
this.topic = topic;
this.params = params || {};
this.socket = socket;
this.bindings = [];
this.timeout = this.socket.timeout;
this.joinedOnce = false;
this.joinPush = new Push(this, CHANNEL_EVENTS.join, this.params, this.timeout);
this.pushBuffer = [];
this.rejoinTimer = new Timer(function () {
return _this2.rejoinUntilConnected();
}, this.socket.reconnectAfterMs);
this.joinPush.receive("ok", function () {
_this2.state = CHANNEL_STATES.joined;
_this2.pushBuffer.forEach(function (pushEvent) {
return pushEvent.send();
_this2.pushBuffer = [];
this.onClose(function () {
_this2.socket.log("channel", "close " + _this2.topic + " " + _this2.joinRef());
_this2.state = CHANNEL_STATES.closed;
this.onError(function (reason) {
if (_this2.isLeaving() || _this2.isClosed()) {
_this2.socket.log("channel", "error " + _this2.topic, reason);
_this2.state = CHANNEL_STATES.errored;
this.joinPush.receive("timeout", function () {
if (!_this2.isJoining()) {
_this2.socket.log("channel", "timeout " + _this2.topic, _this2.joinPush.timeout);
_this2.state = CHANNEL_STATES.errored;
this.on(CHANNEL_EVENTS.reply, function (payload, ref) {
_this2.trigger(_this2.replyEventName(ref), payload);
_createClass(Channel, [{
key: "rejoinUntilConnected",
value: function rejoinUntilConnected() {
if (this.socket.isConnected()) {
}, {
key: "join",
value: function join() {
var timeout = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this.timeout;
if (this.joinedOnce) {
throw "tried to join multiple times. 'join' can only be called a single time per channel instance";
} else {
this.joinedOnce = true;
return this.joinPush;
}, {
key: "onClose",
value: function onClose(callback) {
this.on(CHANNEL_EVENTS.close, callback);
}, {
key: "onError",
value: function onError(callback) {
this.on(CHANNEL_EVENTS.error, function (reason) {
return callback(reason);
}, {
key: "on",
value: function on(event, callback) {
this.bindings.push({ event: event, callback: callback });
}, {
key: "off",
value: function off(event) {
this.bindings = this.bindings.filter(function (bind) {
return bind.event !== event;
}, {
key: "canPush",
value: function canPush() {
return this.socket.isConnected() && this.isJoined();
}, {
key: "push",
value: function push(event, payload) {
var timeout = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : this.timeout;
if (!this.joinedOnce) {
throw "tried to push '" + event + "' to '" + this.topic + "' before joining. Use channel.join() before pushing events";
var pushEvent = new Push(this, event, payload, timeout);
if (this.canPush()) {
} else {
return pushEvent;
// Leaves the channel
// Unsubscribes from server events, and
// instructs channel to terminate on server
// Triggers onClose() hooks
// To receive leave acknowledgements, use the a `receive`
// hook to bind to the server ack, ie:
// channel.leave().receive("ok", () => alert("left!") )
}, {
key: "leave",
value: function leave() {
var _this3 = this;
var timeout = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this.timeout;
this.state = CHANNEL_STATES.leaving;
var onClose = function onClose() {
_this3.socket.log("channel", "leave " + _this3.topic);
_this3.trigger(CHANNEL_EVENTS.close, "leave", _this3.joinRef());
var leavePush = new Push(this, CHANNEL_EVENTS.leave, {}, timeout);
leavePush.receive("ok", function () {
return onClose();
}).receive("timeout", function () {
return onClose();
if (!this.canPush()) {
leavePush.trigger("ok", {});
return leavePush;
// Overridable message hook
// Receives all events for specialized message handling
// before dispatching to the channel callbacks.
// Must return the payload, modified or unmodified
}, {
key: "onMessage",
value: function onMessage(event, payload, ref) {
return payload;
// private
}, {
key: "isMember",
value: function isMember(topic) {
return this.topic === topic;
}, {
key: "joinRef",
value: function joinRef() {
return this.joinPush.ref;
}, {
key: "sendJoin",
value: function sendJoin(timeout) {
this.state = CHANNEL_STATES.joining;
}, {
key: "rejoin",
value: function rejoin() {
var timeout = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this.timeout;
if (this.isLeaving()) {
}, {
key: "trigger",
value: function trigger(event, payload, ref) {
var close = CHANNEL_EVENTS.close,
error = CHANNEL_EVENTS.error,
leave = CHANNEL_EVENTS.leave,
join = CHANNEL_EVENTS.join;
if (ref && [close, error, leave, join].indexOf(event) >= 0 && ref !== this.joinRef()) {
var handledPayload = this.onMessage(event, payload, ref);
if (payload && !handledPayload) {
throw "channel onMessage callbacks must return the payload, modified or unmodified";
this.bindings.filter(function (bind) {
return bind.event === event;
}).map(function (bind) {
return bind.callback(handledPayload, ref);
}, {
key: "replyEventName",
value: function replyEventName(ref) {
return "chan_reply_" + ref;
}, {
key: "isClosed",
value: function isClosed() {
return this.state === CHANNEL_STATES.closed;
}, {
key: "isErrored",
value: function isErrored() {
return this.state === CHANNEL_STATES.errored;
}, {
key: "isJoined",
value: function isJoined() {
return this.state === CHANNEL_STATES.joined;
}, {
key: "isJoining",
value: function isJoining() {
return this.state === CHANNEL_STATES.joining;
}, {
key: "isLeaving",
value: function isLeaving() {
return this.state === CHANNEL_STATES.leaving;
return Channel;
var Socket = exports.Socket = function () {
// Initializes the Socket
// endPoint - The string WebSocket endpoint, ie, "ws://",
// "wss://"
// "/ws" (inherited host & protocol)
// opts - Optional configuration
// transport - The Websocket Transport, for example WebSocket or Phoenix.LongPoll.
// Defaults to WebSocket with automatic LongPoll fallback.
// timeout - The default timeout in milliseconds to trigger push timeouts.
// heartbeatIntervalMs - The millisec interval to send a heartbeat message
// reconnectAfterMs - The optional function that returns the millsec
// reconnect interval. Defaults to stepped backoff of:
// function(tries){
// return [1000, 5000, 10000][tries - 1] || 10000
// }
// logger - The optional function for specialized logging, ie:
// `logger: (kind, msg, data) => { console.log(`${kind}: ${msg}`, data) }
// longpollerTimeout - The maximum timeout of a long poll AJAX request.
// Defaults to 20s (double the server long poll timer).
// params - The optional params to pass when connecting
// For IE8 support use an ES5-shim (
function Socket(endPoint) {
var _this4 = this;
var opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
_classCallCheck(this, Socket);
this.stateChangeCallbacks = { open: [], close: [], error: [], message: [] };
this.channels = [];
this.sendBuffer = [];
this.ref = 0;
this.timeout = opts.timeout || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
this.transport = opts.transport || window.WebSocket || LongPoll;
this.heartbeatIntervalMs = opts.heartbeatIntervalMs || 30000;
this.reconnectAfterMs = opts.reconnectAfterMs || function (tries) {
return [1000, 2000, 5000, 10000][tries - 1] || 10000;
this.logger = opts.logger || function () {}; // noop
this.longpollerTimeout = opts.longpollerTimeout || 20000;
this.params = opts.params || {};
this.endPoint = endPoint + "/" + TRANSPORTS.websocket;
this.location = opts.location;
this.reconnectTimer = new Timer(function () {
_this4.disconnect(function () {
return _this4.connect();
}, this.reconnectAfterMs);
_createClass(Socket, [{
key: "protocol",
value: function protocol() {
// return location.protocol.match(/^https/) ? "wss" : "ws";
return "ws";
}, {
key: "endPointURL",
value: function endPointURL() {
var uri = Ajax.appendParams(Ajax.appendParams(this.endPoint, this.params), { vsn: VSN });
if (uri.charAt(0) !== "/") {
return uri;
if (uri.charAt(1) === "/") {
return this.protocol() + ":" + uri;
return this.protocol() + "://" + this.location + uri;
}, {
key: "disconnect",
value: function disconnect(callback, code, reason) {
if (this.conn) {
this.conn.onclose = function () {}; // noop
if (code) {
this.conn.close(code, reason || "");
} else {
this.conn = null;
callback && callback();
// params - The params to send when connecting, for example `{user_id: userToken}`
}, {
key: "connect",
value: function connect(params) {
var _this5 = this;
if (params) {
console && console.log("passing params to connect is deprecated. Instead pass :params to the Socket constructor");
this.params = params;
if (this.conn) {
this.conn = new this.transport(this.endPointURL());
this.conn.timeout = this.longpollerTimeout;
this.conn.onopen = function () {
return _this5.onConnOpen();
this.conn.onerror = function (error) {
return _this5.onConnError(error);
this.conn.onmessage = function (event) {
return _this5.onConnMessage(event);
this.conn.onclose = function (event) {
return _this5.onConnClose(event);
// Logs the message. Override `this.logger` for specialized logging. noops by default
}, {
key: "log",
value: function log(kind, msg, data) {
this.logger(kind, msg, data);
// Registers callbacks for connection state change events
// Examples
// socket.onError(function(error){ alert("An error occurred") })
}, {
key: "onOpen",
value: function onOpen(callback) {;
}, {
key: "onClose",
value: function onClose(callback) {
}, {
key: "onError",
value: function onError(callback) {
}, {
key: "onMessage",
value: function onMessage(callback) {
}, {
key: "onConnOpen",
value: function onConnOpen() {
var _this6 = this;
this.log("transport", "connected to " + this.endPointURL(), this.transport.prototype);
if (!this.conn.skipHeartbeat) {
this.heartbeatTimer = setInterval(function () {
return _this6.sendHeartbeat();
}, this.heartbeatIntervalMs);
} (callback) {
return callback();
}, {
key: "onConnClose",
value: function onConnClose(event) {
this.log("transport", "close", event);
this.stateChangeCallbacks.close.forEach(function (callback) {
return callback(event);
}, {
key: "onConnError",
value: function onConnError(error) {
this.log("transport", error);
this.stateChangeCallbacks.error.forEach(function (callback) {
return callback(error);
}, {
key: "triggerChanError",
value: function triggerChanError() {
this.channels.forEach(function (channel) {
return channel.trigger(CHANNEL_EVENTS.error);
}, {
key: "connectionState",
value: function connectionState() {
switch (this.conn && this.conn.readyState) {
case SOCKET_STATES.connecting:
return "connecting";
return "open";
case SOCKET_STATES.closing:
return "closing";
return "closed";
}, {
key: "isConnected",
value: function isConnected() {
return this.connectionState() === "open";
}, {
key: "remove",
value: function remove(channel) {
this.channels = this.channels.filter(function (c) {
return c.joinRef() !== channel.joinRef();
}, {
key: "channel",
value: function channel(topic) {
var chanParams = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var chan = new Channel(topic, chanParams, this);
return chan;
}, {
key: "push",
value: function push(data) {
var _this7 = this;
var topic = data.topic,
event = data.event,
payload = data.payload,
ref = data.ref;
var callback = function callback() {
return _this7.conn.send(JSON.stringify(data));
this.log("push", topic + " " + event + " (" + ref + ")", payload);
if (this.isConnected()) {
} else {
// Return the next message ref, accounting for overflows
}, {
key: "makeRef",
value: function makeRef() {
var newRef = this.ref + 1;
if (newRef === this.ref) {
this.ref = 0;
} else {
this.ref = newRef;
return this.ref.toString();
}, {
key: "sendHeartbeat",
value: function sendHeartbeat() {
if (!this.isConnected()) {
this.push({ topic: "phoenix", event: "heartbeat", payload: {}, ref: this.makeRef() });
}, {
key: "flushSendBuffer",
value: function flushSendBuffer() {
if (this.isConnected() && this.sendBuffer.length > 0) {
this.sendBuffer.forEach(function (callback) {
return callback();
this.sendBuffer = [];
}, {
key: "onConnMessage",
value: function onConnMessage(rawMessage) {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
var topic = msg.topic,
event = msg.event,
payload = msg.payload,
ref = msg.ref;
this.log("receive", (payload.status || "") + " " + topic + " " + event + " " + (ref && "(" + ref + ")" || ""), payload);
this.channels.filter(function (channel) {
return channel.isMember(topic);
}).forEach(function (channel) {
return channel.trigger(event, payload, ref);
this.stateChangeCallbacks.message.forEach(function (callback) {
return callback(msg);
return Socket;
var LongPoll = exports.LongPoll = function () {
function LongPoll(endPoint) {
_classCallCheck(this, LongPoll);
this.endPoint = null;
this.token = null;
this.skipHeartbeat = true;
this.onopen = function () {}; // noop
this.onerror = function () {}; // noop
this.onmessage = function () {}; // noop
this.onclose = function () {}; // noop
this.pollEndpoint = this.normalizeEndpoint(endPoint);
this.readyState = SOCKET_STATES.connecting;
_createClass(LongPoll, [{
key: "normalizeEndpoint",
value: function normalizeEndpoint(endPoint) {
return endPoint.replace("ws://", "http://").replace("wss://", "https://").replace(new RegExp("(.*)\/" + TRANSPORTS.websocket), "$1/" + TRANSPORTS.longpoll);
}, {
key: "endpointURL",
value: function endpointURL() {
return Ajax.appendParams(this.pollEndpoint, { token: this.token });
}, {
key: "closeAndRetry",
value: function closeAndRetry() {
this.readyState = SOCKET_STATES.connecting;
}, {
key: "ontimeout",
value: function ontimeout() {
}, {
key: "poll",
value: function poll() {
var _this8 = this;
if (!(this.readyState === || this.readyState === SOCKET_STATES.connecting)) {
Ajax.request("GET", this.endpointURL(), "application/json", null, this.timeout, this.ontimeout.bind(this), function (resp) {
if (resp) {
var status = resp.status,
token = resp.token,
messages = resp.messages;
_this8.token = token;
} else {
var status = 0;
switch (status) {
case 200:
messages.forEach(function (msg) {
return _this8.onmessage({ data: JSON.stringify(msg) });
case 204:
case 410:
_this8.readyState =;
case 0:
case 500:
throw "unhandled poll status " + status;
}, {
key: "send",
value: function send(body) {
var _this9 = this;
Ajax.request("POST", this.endpointURL(), "application/json", body, this.timeout, this.onerror.bind(this, "timeout"), function (resp) {
if (!resp || resp.status !== 200) {
}, {
key: "close",
value: function close(code, reason) {
this.readyState = SOCKET_STATES.closed;
return LongPoll;
var Ajax = exports.Ajax = function () {
function Ajax() {
_classCallCheck(this, Ajax);
_createClass(Ajax, null, [{
key: "request",
value: function request(method, endPoint, accept, body, timeout, ontimeout, callback) {
if (typeof window != 'undefined') {
if (window.XDomainRequest) {
var req = new XDomainRequest(); // IE8, IE9
this.xdomainRequest(req, method, endPoint, body, timeout, ontimeout, callback);
} else {
var _req = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : // IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); // IE6, IE5
this.xhrRequest(_req, method, endPoint, accept, body, timeout, ontimeout, callback);
} else {
var _req = new XMLHttpRequest(); // tvOS support
this.xhrRequest(_req, method, endPoint, accept, body, timeout, ontimeout, callback);
}, {
key: "xdomainRequest",
value: function xdomainRequest(req, method, endPoint, body, timeout, ontimeout, callback) {
var _this10 = this;
req.timeout = timeout;, endPoint);
req.onload = function () {
var response = _this10.parseJSON(req.responseText);
callback && callback(response);
if (ontimeout) {
req.ontimeout = ontimeout;
// Work around bug in IE9 that requires an attached onprogress handler
req.onprogress = function () {};
}, {
key: "xhrRequest",
value: function xhrRequest(req, method, endPoint, accept, body, timeout, ontimeout, callback) {
var _this11 = this;
req.timeout = timeout;, endPoint, true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", accept);
req.onerror = function () {
callback && callback(null);
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (req.readyState === _this11.states.complete && callback) {
var response = _this11.parseJSON(req.responseText);
if (ontimeout) {
req.ontimeout = ontimeout;
}, {
key: "parseJSON",
value: function parseJSON(resp) {
return resp && resp !== "" ? JSON.parse(resp) : null;
}, {
key: "serialize",
value: function serialize(obj, parentKey) {
var queryStr = [];
for (var key in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var paramKey = parentKey ? parentKey + "[" + key + "]" : key;
var paramVal = obj[key];
if ((typeof paramVal === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(paramVal)) === "object") {
queryStr.push(this.serialize(paramVal, paramKey));
} else {
queryStr.push(encodeURIComponent(paramKey) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(paramVal));
return queryStr.join("&");
}, {
key: "appendParams",
value: function appendParams(url, params) {
if (Object.keys(params).length === 0) {
return url;
var prefix = url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?";
return "" + url + prefix + this.serialize(params);
return Ajax;
Ajax.states = { complete: 4 };
var Presence = exports.Presence = {
syncState: function syncState(currentState, newState, onJoin, onLeave) {
var _this12 = this;
var state = this.clone(currentState);
var joins = {};
var leaves = {};, function (key, presence) {
if (!newState[key]) {
leaves[key] = presence;
});, function (key, newPresence) {
var currentPresence = state[key];
if (currentPresence) {
var newRefs = (m) {
return m.phx_ref;
var curRefs = (m) {
return m.phx_ref;
var joinedMetas = newPresence.metas.filter(function (m) {
return curRefs.indexOf(m.phx_ref) < 0;
var leftMetas = currentPresence.metas.filter(function (m) {
return newRefs.indexOf(m.phx_ref) < 0;
if (joinedMetas.length > 0) {
joins[key] = newPresence;
joins[key].metas = joinedMetas;
if (leftMetas.length > 0) {
leaves[key] = _this12.clone(currentPresence);
leaves[key].metas = leftMetas;
} else {
joins[key] = newPresence;
return this.syncDiff(state, { joins: joins, leaves: leaves }, onJoin, onLeave);
syncDiff: function syncDiff(currentState, _ref2, onJoin, onLeave) {
var joins = _ref2.joins,
leaves = _ref2.leaves;
var state = this.clone(currentState);
if (!onJoin) {
onJoin = function onJoin() {};
if (!onLeave) {
onLeave = function onLeave() {};
}, function (key, newPresence) {
var currentPresence = state[key];
state[key] = newPresence;
if (currentPresence) {
var _state$key$metas;
(_state$key$metas = state[key].metas).unshift.apply(_state$key$metas, _toConsumableArray(currentPresence.metas));
onJoin(key, currentPresence, newPresence);
});, function (key, leftPresence) {
var currentPresence = state[key];
if (!currentPresence) {
var refsToRemove = (m) {
return m.phx_ref;
currentPresence.metas = currentPresence.metas.filter(function (p) {
return refsToRemove.indexOf(p.phx_ref) < 0;
onLeave(key, currentPresence, leftPresence);
if (currentPresence.metas.length === 0) {
delete state[key];
return state;
list: function list(presences, chooser) {
if (!chooser) {
chooser = function chooser(key, pres) {
return pres;
return, function (key, presence) {
return chooser(key, presence);
// private
map: function map(obj, func) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).map(function (key) {
return func(key, obj[key]);
clone: function clone(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
// Creates a timer that accepts a `timerCalc` function to perform
// calculated timeout retries, such as exponential backoff.
// ## Examples
// let reconnectTimer = new Timer(() => this.connect(), function(tries){
// return [1000, 5000, 10000][tries - 1] || 10000
// })
// reconnectTimer.scheduleTimeout() // fires after 1000
// reconnectTimer.scheduleTimeout() // fires after 5000
// reconnectTimer.reset()
// reconnectTimer.scheduleTimeout() // fires after 1000
var Timer = function () {
function Timer(callback, timerCalc) {
_classCallCheck(this, Timer);
this.callback = callback;
this.timerCalc = timerCalc;
this.timer = null;
this.tries = 0;
_createClass(Timer, [{
key: "reset",
value: function reset() {
this.tries = 0;
// Cancels any previous scheduleTimeout and schedules callback
}, {
key: "scheduleTimeout",
value: function scheduleTimeout() {
var _this13 = this;
this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
_this13.tries = _this13.tries + 1;
}, this.timerCalc(this.tries + 1));
return Timer;
## Transports
transport :websocket, Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket
transport :longpoll, Phoenix.Transports.LongPoll,
window_ms: 10_000,
pubsub_timeout_ms: 2_000,
check_origin: false
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