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Created September 18, 2019 09:37
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HOWTO: Install XHProf

1. Add php extension

Go to the and add lines:

# Install XHProf
RUN cd /root && \
    curl "" -fsL -o ./a.tar.gz  && \
    tar xf ./a.tar.gz && \
    cd ./php-xhprof-extension-5.0.0 && \
    phpize && \
    ./configure && \
    make && \
    make install && \
    cd .. && rm -rf ./a.tar.gz ./php-xhprof-extension-5.0.0 && \
    docker-php-ext-enable tideways_xhprof && \
    cd /srv/www/service/

2. Add trace in php

Go to the public/index.php and add lines:


// after use (...) block:

// xhprof: init

// ... all requires and calls goes there...

// xhprof: save data
$run = uniqid();
$type = "service-name";
$filename = "/srv/www/service/var/profiles/$run.$type.xhprof";
file_put_contents($filename, serialize(tideways_xhprof_disable()));

3. Add UI for XHProf

Go to the docker-compose.yml and add lines:

    # ...
        image: tuimedia/xhprof-docker:0.9.4
            - ./var/profiles:/profiles
            - "8081:80"
    # ...
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