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AWS Lambda Static Type Checker Example (Python3)

How to use Python3 Type Hints in AWS Lambda


Static Type Checkers help you find simple (but subtle) bugs in your Python code. Check out and incrementally improve your code base and development/debugging experience with type hints.

Your Lambda Function code will go from this:

def handler(event, context):
    first_name = event.get('first_name') or 'John'
    last_name = event.get('last_name') or 'Smith'
    return {
        'message': get_message(first_name, last_name),

def get_message(first_name, last_name):
    return 'Hello {} {}!'.format(first_name, last_name)

to this:

def handler(event: LambdaDict, context: LambdaContext) -> LambdaDict:
    first_name: str = event.get('first_name') or 'John'
    last_name: str = event.get('last_name') or 'Smith'
    return {
        'message': get_message(first_name, last_name),

def get_message(first_name: str, last_name: str):
    return 'Hello {} {}!'.format(first_name, last_name)

Check out the two Lambda Functions below for more examples.


  • Create a Python3 virtual env with virtualenv venv --python=python3 && source venv/bin/activate
  • Install mypy with pip install mypy
  • Run mypy or add mypy to your IDE linting configuration (for VSCode, you'll need to enable the python.linting.mypyEnabled setting)
  • Create a local file (you can find it below) and customize it as needed
  • Learn more about the built-in typing module here
  • (Just FYI: you can run all the tests below with Nose: pip install nose and then simply run nosetests)

Tips & Tricks

  • Static code annotations will not affect your code execution, as they are only useful for static checks and code completion
  • Of course, static typing works fine with Python classes as well
  • Make sure your functions/methods are annotated if you want them to be checked
  • You can use either annotations (natively supported only by Python3, sometimes bring to decreased readability) or special comments (e.g. # type: str)
  • You don't have to annotate every single function/file of your codebase to benefit from static type checking (i.e. you could focus on critical or semantically ambiguous/complex sections)
  • Writing tests becomes easier/faster as well since many type-related errors will be detected at "compile time" and you won't have to unit-test them (for example, see the lambda_repeat.get_output function below)
  • You can customize LambdaDict based on your own event structures and conventions. For example, you may want to use Dict[str, str] or Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] instead of Dict[str, Any]
  • Thanks to code completion, you won't have to memorize all the LambdaContext attributes and methods (e.g. context.get_remaining_time_in_millis(), context.client_context.client.installation_id, etc.)
""" Example #1 """
import os
from lambda_types import LambdaDict, LambdaContext
MSG_TEMPLATE: str = os.environ.get('MSG_TEMPLATE') or 'Hello {} {}!'
STAGE: str = os.environ.get('stage') or 'dev'
def handler(event: LambdaDict, context: LambdaContext) -> LambdaDict:
print('Received event {} for stage {}'.format(event, STAGE))
first_name: str = event.get('first_name') # optional
last_name: str = event.get('last_name') # optional
return {
'message': get_message(first_name, last_name),
def get_message(first_name: str = 'John', last_name: str = 'Smith'):
return MSG_TEMPLATE.format(first_name, last_name)
""" Example #2 """
import os
from lambda_types import LambdaDict, LambdaContext
N: int = int(os.environ.get('N') or 10)
STAGE: str = os.environ.get('stage') or 'dev'
def handler(event: LambdaDict, context: LambdaContext) -> LambdaDict:
print('Received event {} for stage {}'.format(event, STAGE))
input: str = event['input'] # required
return {
'output': get_output(input, N),
def get_output(input: str, num: int):
""" Return the input string repeated N times. """
return input * num
""" Note: this code is used only by the static type checker! """
from typing import Dict, Any
LambdaDict = Dict[str, Any]
class LambdaCognitoIdentity(object):
cognito_identity_id: str
cognito_identity_pool_id: str
class LambdaClientContextMobileClient(object):
installation_id: str
app_title: str
app_version_name: str
app_version_code: str
app_package_name: str
class LambdaClientContext(object):
client: LambdaClientContextMobileClient
custom: LambdaDict
env: LambdaDict
class LambdaContext(object):
function_name: str
function_version: str
invoked_function_arn: str
memory_limit_in_mb: int
aws_request_id: str
log_group_name: str
log_stream_name: str
identity: LambdaCognitoIdentity
client_context: LambdaClientContext
def get_remaining_time_in_millis() -> int:
return 0
import unittest
from lambda_types import LambdaDict, LambdaContext
from lambda_message import handler as handler_message, get_message
from lambda_repeat import handler as handler_repeat, get_output
class TestMessageFunction(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.context = LambdaContext()
def test_handler(self) -> None:
event: LambdaDict = {
"first_name": "Alex",
"last_name": "Casalboni",
result = handler_message(event, self.context)
self.assertIn('message', result)
def test_handler_empty(self) -> None:
event: LambdaDict = {}
result = handler_message(event, self.context)
self.assertIn('message', result)
def test_message_default(self) -> None:
msg = get_message()
self.assertIsInstance(msg, str)
self.assertIn('Hello', msg)
self.assertIn('John', msg)
self.assertIn('Smith', msg)
def test_message_firstname(self) -> None:
msg = get_message(first_name='Charlie')
self.assertIsInstance(msg, str)
self.assertIn('Hello', msg)
self.assertIn('Charlie', msg)
self.assertIn('Smith', msg)
def test_message_lastname(self) -> None:
msg = get_message(last_name='Brown')
self.assertIsInstance(msg, str)
self.assertIn('Hello', msg)
self.assertIn('John', msg)
self.assertIn('Brown', msg)
def test_message(self) -> None:
msg = get_message(first_name='Charlie', last_name='Brown')
self.assertIsInstance(msg, str)
self.assertIn('Hello', msg)
self.assertIn('Charlie', msg)
self.assertIn('Brown', msg)
class TestRepeatFunction(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.context = LambdaContext()
def test_handler(self) -> None:
event: LambdaDict = {
"input": "NaN",
result = handler_repeat(event, self.context)
self.assertIn('output', result)
self.assertEqual(30, len(result['output']))
def test_handler_empty(self) -> None:
event: LambdaDict = {}
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
handler_repeat(event, self.context)
def test_repeat_empty_string(self) -> None:
output = get_output('', 100)
self.assertIsInstance(output, str)
self.assertEqual(0, len(output))
def test_repeat_zero(self) -> None:
output = get_output('hello', 0)
self.assertIsInstance(output, str)
self.assertEqual(0, len(output))
def test_repeat(self) -> None:
output = get_output('hello', 10)
self.assertIsInstance(output, str)
self.assertEqual(50, len(output))
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