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Created September 15, 2015 11:51
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Xcode 7 xctool hang log
Marker - 15 Sep 2015 12:47:34
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: --- syslogd restarted ---
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 --- last message repeated 7 times ---
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( Unknown key for Boolean: HighPriorityIO
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( ThrottleInterval set to zero. You're not that important. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev UserEventAgent[9212]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev UserEventAgent[9212]: /Applications/ dlsym(initRoutinedEventAgent) failed
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev UserEventAgent[9212]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 2 for client
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev UserEventAgent[9212]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 1 for client
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev UserEventAgent[9212]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: made new hangtracer connection:0x7ff453401c00
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev[9212]: Badly specified XPC Activity: permissible values for priority are Utility or Maintenance
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( Unknown key for Boolean: DrainMessagesAfterFailedInit
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( Unknown key for Boolean: DrainMessagesAfterFailedInit
Sep 15 12:48:10 iosdev[9209] ( Unknown key for string: seatbelt-profiles
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev companionappd[9223]: PairedSync, Debugging at level 0 for console and level 0 for log files
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev syslogd[9211]: ASL Sender Statistics
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: Logging binary sensor data to /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Library/Caches/locationd/locationdSensors.bin
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: BLP: bundle path does not exist, /System/Library/LocationBundles/Traffic.bundle
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: BLP: Need a bundle path or a bundle identifier.
Sep 15 12:48:11 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev configd_sim[9233]: network changed: v4(en0+:, en1+: DNS+ Proxy+
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: [Warning] Cannot listen to battery level change notification.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev distnoted[9240]: # distnote server daemon absolute time: 68188.714989774 civil time: Tue Sep 15 12:48:11 2015 pid: 9240 uid: 501 root: yes
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev CoreSimulatorBridge[9234]: Requesting installation of file:///Users/pi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Example-cmwuoqpbabuhtjgzhdhzuwmvorfi/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ with options: {
CFBundleIdentifier = "com.arcam.Example";
PackageType = Developer;
SimulatorRootPath = "/Applications/";
SimulatorUserPath = "/Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data";
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev securityd[9241]: unable to access hwaes key
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: PUIProgressWindow initWithOptions: 4 contextLevel: 2999 appearance: 0
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: main display width 750 height 1334 framebuffer width 750 height 1334 scale 2 orientation 0
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: PUIProgressWindow not using PreBoard appearance
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: _sideways 0
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: layer position 375 667 bounds 0 0 750 1334
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: PUIProgressWindow trying to load image source for /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: void __IOHIDPlugInLoadBundles(): Loaded 0 HID plugins
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: ____IOHIDSessionScheduleAsync_block_invoke: thread_id=0x10f5bc000
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: HID Session async scheduling initiated.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: HID Session async root queue running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: HID Session async scheduling complete.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: Successfully opened the IOHIDSession
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev identityservicesd[9220]: [Warning] NULL accountGUIDs passed to CFArrayRef IDSOutgoingMessageRecordCopyUnsentMessagesForAccountsAndPriority(NSArray *, int64_t, int64_t, IDSDataProtectionClass)
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: Migration complete (if performed). (Elapsed time: 0.00 seconds)
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: objc[9226]: Class AVTimeFormatter is implemented in both /Applications/ and /Applications/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev backboardd[9227]: XPC Error when we still had a connection (0x7ff453401c00): <error: 0x1084d2c40> { count = 1, contents =
"XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x1084d2f28> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev lsd[9248]: LaunchServices: Scheme mapping file does not exist, creating file.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev CoreSimulatorBridge[9234]: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder <LSApplicationProxy: 0x7f8471702840> com.arcam.Example <(null) *Not found in database*>
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: BLP: bundle path does not exist, /System/Library/LocationBundles/MotionCalibration.bundle
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: BLP: Need a bundle path or a bundle identifier.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev CoreSimulatorBridge[9234]: LaunchServices: Not creating progress for <LSApplicationProxy: 0x7f8471702840> com.arcam.Example <(null) *Not found in database*> since it is not a placeholder.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev nanoregistryd[9245]: 09-15-2015 12:48:11.848: nanoregistryd restarted. "NanoRegistry_Sim-175.3" "14" internalInstall=NO
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev companionappd[9223]: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:40> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: PairedSync, Debugging at level 0 for console and level 0 for log files
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: Error: Could not create service from plist at path: file:///Applications/ Returning nil PSYSyncCoordinator for service name Please check that your plist exists and is in the correct format.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: PSYObserverController connection was invalidated.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev locationd[9229]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev geod[9246]: 2015-09-15 12:48:11.924, 9246, d86010a0, [GEOPersistenceManager]: Mapping directory does not exist. Will create it at path: /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Library/GeoServices/PhoneNumberMapping.plist
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev geod[9246]: 2015-09-15 12:48:11.930, 9246, d86010a0, [GEOPhoneNumberMUIDMapper]: Unable to create directory at path: /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Library/GeoServices/PhoneNumberMapping.plist with error: (null)
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev geod[9246]: 2015-09-15 12:48:11.933, 9246, d86010a0, [LogMessageLogging]: adaptorOptionsArray is nil or empty, there no adaptors available to create
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x10a226300 main: Reboot detected
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x10a226300 is_build_upgrade: Current build version (13A340) equal to last version recorded; skipping upgrade
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x10a226300 __47-[MIDeveloperDiskImageTracker checkMountPoint:]_block_invoke: /Applications/ is not present now or before
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev networkd[9249]: main networkd-583.1.1 pid 9249
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev networkd[9249]: -[NETPowerManager setupPowerPolicyTable] created power policy table from defaults with 5 timeslots
Sep 15 12:48:11 iosdev nsurlsessiond[9239]: No directory for bundleID:
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev containermanagerd[9251]: 0x103d52300 main: containermanagerd performing first boot initialization
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x110e7b000 -[MIClientConnection installPath:withOptions:completion:]: Install of "/Users/pi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Example-cmwuoqpbabuhtjgzhdhzuwmvorfi/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/" type Developer requested by CoreSimulatorBridge (pid 9234)
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x110efe000 -[MIInstaller _extractPackageWithError:]: Did not construct delta; doing full copy for installation.
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev backboardd[9227]: Now monitoring ""
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev backboardd[9227]: Telling system app "" that it can start immediately
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: FBDefaultLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: FBAppLibraryLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: FBWorkspaceLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: FBSystemGestureLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: FBAppDataStoreLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: SBIconLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: SBStatusBarishLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: SBAlarmLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: SBBannerLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: SBSoundLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: SBSystemGestureLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Loaded logger: SBSoftwareUpdateLog; isEnabled: 0
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: libxpc.dylib + 57978 [9D7FF5E0-5DAA-3118-9A08-436E517037E9]: 0x7d
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x110efe000 __69-[MIFileManager urlsForItemsInDirectoryAtURL:ignoringSymlinks:error:]_block_invoke: Ignoring symlink at /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x110efe000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing <MIInstallableBundle ID=com.arcam.Example; Version=1, ShortVersion=1.0>
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:12 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev callservicesd[9242]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:12 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:840: watch-companion is static and will never generate a notification
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:840: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:840: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Installed apps did change.
Added: {(
Removed: {(
Modified: {(
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev callservicesd[9242]: CallHistory: Directory creation failed at location file:///var/mobile///Library/Logs/CallHistory error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “CallHistory” in the folder “Logs”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile///Library/Logs/CallHistory, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f8993414dd0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied"}}
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Documents/>
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x110efe000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for com.arcam.Example at /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Containers/Data/Application/213A5548-1427-4BF5-ADD5-1A52188ED272
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x110efe000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:withError:]: Made container live for com.arcam.Example at /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/3D5FEEE6-107B-4E61-A086-F6726CE0EFAC
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev installd[9219]: 0x110efe000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful; Staging: 0.06s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.33s, Verifying: 0.00s; Overall: 0.59s
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev CoreSimulatorBridge[9234]: LaunchServices: NotifiedObservers <LSApplicationProxy: 0x7f8471616e70> com.arcam.Example <file:///Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/3D5FEEE6-107B-4E61-A086-F6726CE0EFAC/> was installed
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev lsd[9248]: LaunchServices:(called by PID 9234) Identifiers file does not exist, creating file.
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev lsd[9248]: LaunchServices: Updating identifier store
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev CoreSimulatorBridge[9234]: Switching to keyboard: en
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev CoreSimulatorBridge[9234]: KEYMAP: Chose mode=en_US@hw=US;sw=QWERTY from match=en_US@hw=US;sw=QWERTY from language=en
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev CoreSimulatorBridge[9234]: Requesting launch of com.arcam.Example with options: {
arguments = (
environment = {
AppTargetLocation = "/Users/pi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Example-cmwuoqpbabuhtjgzhdhzuwmvorfi/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/";
"DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Applications/";
"DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES" = "/Applications/";
"DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/Applications/";
NSUnbufferedIO = YES;
"OTEST_SHIM_STDOUT_FILE" = "/var/folders/32/xpgz1xvx7d143gv432kxyhtw0000gn/T/xctool_temp_oiFo2W/output.nOclzDD";
TestBundleLocation = "/Users/pi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Example-cmwuoqpbabuhtjgzhdhzuwmvorfi/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ExampleTests.xctest";
XCInjectBundle = "/Users/pi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Example-cmwuoqpbabuhtjgzhdhzuwmvorfi/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ExampleTests.xctest";
XCInjectBundleInto = "/Users/pi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Example-cmwuoqpbabuhtjgzhdhzuwmvorfi/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/";
XCTestConfigurationFilePath = "/var/folders/32/xpgz1xvx7d143gv432kxyhtw0000gn/T/xctool_temp_oiFo2W/ExampleTests-D2B7BC04-44FD-4859-90D3-569C06528781.skyZklr.xctestconfiguration";
stderr = "/dev/null";
"wait_for_debugger" = 1;
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev ondemandd[9253]: ondemandd is starting up...
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev ondemandd[9253]: ODR Log file is at /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/DiagnosticLogs/ondemandd/ondemandd_2015-09-15-124726.log
Sep 15 12:48:12 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:12 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: *** error reading settings archive file: <SBRootSettings: /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Documents/>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) SYDAlwaysOnAccount: no account (null)
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) SYDAccount: no account
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) SYDPIMAccount: no account (null)
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: +[UNNotificationStore migratePushStore] Migrating push store: /Users/pi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4E0A9A6F-A881-476D-807C-EFFD305DAA20/data/Library/SpringBoard/PushStore
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: +[UNNotificationStore migratePushStore] Push store does not exist; no migration needed.
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: -[BBObserver setDelegate:] Delegate implements addBulletin but does not implement noteInvalidatedBulletinIDs: <SBBulletinLocalObserverGateway: 0x7f8f61cf73c0>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: throwing out icon because its isn't visible in the model : node=<SBApplicationIcon: 0x7f8f61ec8940; nodeID: "">
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7f8f6420bae0;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7f8f64218e60;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assertiond[9230]: Could not create or rename power assertion for <BKNewProcess: 0x7f9c61e05180;; pid: 9226; hostpid: -1>: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING REMOTE, <BBRemoteDataProvider 0x7f8f61daf5b0;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: table drop: 101
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7f8f64035fc0;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7f8f64243ba0;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7f8f6412d740;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assertiond[9230]: Could not create or rename power assertion for <BKNewProcess: 0x7f9c61e05180;; pid: 9226; hostpid: -1>: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev itunesstored[9254]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:13 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: table drop: 101
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7f8f64142d80;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING LOCAL, <BBLocalDataProvider 0x7f8f6411b750;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING REMOTE, <BBRemoteDataProvider 0x7f8f61dce290;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assetsd[9224]: Cloud Resources scheduler activated a scenario producer: PLCloudLegacyPruneAgent
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assetsd[9224]: Cloud Resources scheduler activated a scenario producer: PLCloudLegacyDownloadAgent
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assetsd[9224]: Cloud Resources scheduler activated a trigger: PLCloudSystemStartedTrigger
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assetsd[9224]: Cloud Resources scheduler activated a trigger: PLCloudCacheDeleteTrigger
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assetsd[9224]: Cloud Resources scheduler activated a trigger: PLCLoudSettingsChangedTrigger
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assetsd[9224]: Cloud Resources scheduler activated a trigger: PLCloudAppInForegroundTrigger
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assetsd[9224]: Cloud Resources scheduler activated a trigger: PLCloudMetadataChangedTrigger
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev assetsd[9224]: Cloud Resources scheduler activated a trigger: PLCloudMetadataStableTrigger
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev profiled[9258]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev profiled[9258]: (Note ) MC: Battery Saver Mode is currently disabled
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev profiled[9258]: (Note ) MC: Removing battery saver mode restrictions
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING REMOTE, <BBRemoteDataProvider 0x7f8f642732c0;>
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev[9252]: |AXIPC|warning| Could not send message ( Port:7171. Error:268451843 (0x10004003). Timeout:1.000000(1000).
<AXIPCMessage: 0x7f9d4bf16350>. Client port: 0. Key: 4030. Payload: {
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: BTM: failed to attach with error 9
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: BTM: failed to attach with error 9
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: BTM: failed to attach with error 9
Sep 15 12:48:13 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
Sep 15 12:48:14 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev searchd[9270]: (Error) IndexGeneral in si_playBackMobileRecords:2259: played back 0 records
Sep 15 12:48:14 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: |GAXGeneral|info| whitelistedApps and appSelfLockIDs both nil. No need to enable GAX (Single App Mode)
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Installed apps did change.
Added: {(
Removed: {(
Modified: {(
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: throwing out icon because its isn't visible in the model : node=<SBApplicationIcon: 0x7f8f61ec8940; nodeID: "">
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: could not find icon for representation ->
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev callservicesd[9242]: --- Received notification, and we had an active user activity, so reconnecting to server. (UAUserActivityManager.m #149)
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev searchd[9270]: (Error) IndexGeneral in si_playBackMobileRecords:2259: played back 7 records
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev pkd[9250]: assigning plug-in to plugin sandbox
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev pkd[9250]: enabling pid=9270 for plug-in DAAD69EA-D852-4CBC-98D7-EA79A2D33F00 /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev itunesstored[9254]: iTunes Store environment is: ST11
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev sharingd[9228]: 12:48:14.398 : Starting Up...
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev sharingd[9228]: 12:48:14.417 : Device Capabilities (Handoff:YES, Instant Hotspot:YES, AirDrop:YES, Legacy AirDrop:NO, Remote Disc:NO)
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev searchd[9270]: tcp_connection_set_tfo 3 TFO is not yet supported on Simulator
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: [Warning] Cannot listen to battery level change notification.
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev sharingd[9228]: table drop: 101
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev ContactsCoreSpotlightExtension[9273]: PlugInKit subsystem NSSharingService_Subsystem not present
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:14 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev assertiond[9230]: Could not create or rename power assertion for <BKNewProcess: 0x7f9c61d0c400;; pid: 9273; hostpid: 9270>: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ===^^^ Obtained FTE string
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: BBObserver: Unable to retrieve section parameters for <>. Using default parameters.
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: SMS Plugin initialized.
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Sharing Plugin initialized.
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev[9252]: |AXIPC|warning| Could not send message ( Port:7171. Error:268451843 (0x10004003). Timeout:1.000000(1000).
<AXIPCMessage: 0x7f9d4bd10bd0>. Client port: 0. Key: 4012. Payload: {
register = 1;
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: |AXIPC|error| reply to message failed: (ipc/send) invalid destination port
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: BUG in libdispatch: 14F27 - 3192 - 0x17807
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev[9252]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: libxpc.dylib + 57978 [9D7FF5E0-5DAA-3118-9A08-436E517037E9]: 0x7d
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev networkd[9249]: -[NETClient createSleepAssertionOfType:] IOPMAssertionCreateWithProperties failed: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev backboardd[9227]: System app "" finished startup after 2.59s.
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING REMOTE, <BBRemoteDataProvider 0x7f8f61ce9460;>
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev routined[9214]: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev ContactsCoreSpotlightExtension[9273]: table drop: 101
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING REMOTE, <BBRemoteDataProvider 0x7f8f64357040;>
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev sharingd[9228]: 12:48:14.881 : SDAirDropAlertBBManager dataProviderDidLoad
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev routined[9214]: BTM: failed to attach with error 9
Sep 15 12:48:14 iosdev routined[9214]: CoreLocation: Error occurred while trying to retrieve motion state update: CMErrorDomain Code:104
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev carkitd[9274]: BTM: attaching to BTServer
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev carkitd[9274]: BTM: failed to attach with error 9
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: ADDING REMOTE, <BBRemoteDataProvider 0x7f8f6400fff0;>
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev nsurlsessiond[9239]: Task 1 for client <CFString 0x7fc110408400 [0x1064e77b0]>{contents = ""} completed with error - code: -999
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev itunesstored[9254]: libMobileGestalt MGIOKitSupport.c:387: value for udid-version property of IODeviceTree:/product is invalid ((null))
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev itunesstored[9254]: libMobileGestalt MGBasebandSupport.c:60: _CTServerConnectionCopyMobileEquipmentInfo: CommCenter error: 1:45 (Operation not supported)
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev itunesstored[9254]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev itunesstored[9254]: libMobileGestalt MGBasebandSupport.c:189: No CT mobile equipment info dictionary while fetching kCTMobileEquipmentInfoIMEI
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: HW kbd: Failed to set as keyboard focus
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev fileproviderd[9213]: (Note ) FileProvider: /Applications/ starting.
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev pkd[9250]: assigning plug-in to plugin sandbox
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev pkd[9250]: enabling pid=9213 for plug-in 3FF2CF12-D4D6-4949-B53E-A4CC2502F954 /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: CGContextRestoreGState: invalid context 0x0. If you want to see the backtrace, please set CG_CONTEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
Sep 15 12:48:15 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: LICreateIconForImage passed NULL CGImageRef image
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev wcd[9225]: objc[9225]: Class WCDProtoUserInfoTransfer is implemented in both /Applications/ and /Applications/ One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev mstreamd[9216]: (Note ) mstreamd: mstreamd starting up.
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev mstreamd[9216]: (Note ) PS: The subscription plugin class does not support push notification refreshing.
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev mstreamd[9216]: (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon starting...
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev syncdefaultsd[9255]: (Note ) Found new store for
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev profiled[9258]: (Note ) MC: Loaded MobileCoreServices.framework
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev wcd[9225]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:2492: Failed to get battery level
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev nanoregistrylaunchd[9279]: Failed to enable path: code = 113: Could not find specified service, /Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev wcd[9225]: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:2492: Failed to get battery level
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev companionappd[9223]: (Error) NPSLogging: <NPSDomainAccessor.m +[NPSDomainAccessor resolveActivePairedDevicePairingID:pairingDataStore:]:40> Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev backboardd[9227]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
Sep 15 12:48:16 --- last message repeated 4 times ---
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev Example[9275]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: libxpc.dylib + 57978 [9D7FF5E0-5DAA-3118-9A08-436E517037E9]: 0x7d
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: [<_UIKeyboardArbiterHandle: 0x7f8f61c1a620; PID 9252: <(null)>; hosting PIDs {(
)}; level 0.000000; active NO [wants NO]; suppression 0>] could not take process assertion
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:16 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:16 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:16 iosdev Example[9275]: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '*** Assertion failure in void ParseClassAndMethodFromTestName(NSString **, NSString **, NSString *), /Users/pi/git/xctool/Common/ParseTestName.m:38: Test name seems to be malformed: -[UPPParametersSpec (null)]'
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x000000010f867f65 __exceptionPreprocess + 165
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000010f2dfdeb objc_exception_throw + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x000000010f867e9d +[NSException raise:format:] + 205
3 otest-shim-ios.dylib 0x000000010e4191b7 -[XCToolAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:file:lineNumber:description:] + 246
4 otest-shim-ios.dylib 0x000000010e41b7d6 ParseClassAndMethodFromTestName + 702
5 otest-shim-ios.dylib 0x000000010e41ad86 __XCToolLog_testCaseDidStart_block_invoke + 61
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001114444a7 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000011142cfd0 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 99
8 otest-shim-ios.dylib 0x000000010e41a95e XCTestLog_testCaseDidStart + 120
9 XCTest 0x00000001184936b4 -[XCTestObservationCenter _testCaseDidStart:] + 529
10 XCTest 0x00000001184826b4 -[XCTestCaseRun start] + 85
11 XCTest 0x0000000118487116 -[XCTestCase performTest:] + 142
12 otest-shim-ios.dylib 0x000000010e41b46a XCPerformTestWithSuppressedExpectedAssertionFailures + 505
13 ExampleTests 0x000000011bf4fbe6 -[SPTSpec performTest:] + 166
14 XCTest 0x0000000118484f09 -[XCTestSuite performTest:] + 377
15 XCTest 0x0000000118484f09 -[XCTestSuite performTest:] + 377
16 XCTest 0x000000011849291b -[XCTestObservationCenter _observeTestExecutionForBlock:] + 615
17 XCTest 0x00000001184b79e9 _XCTestMain + 1052
18 CoreFoundation 0x000000010f79408c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 12
19 CoreFoundation 0x000000010f789d15 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 341
20 CoreFoundation 0x000000010f789472 __CFRunLoopRun + 850
21 CoreFoundation 0x000000010f788e98 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 488
22 GraphicsServices 0x00000001134a7ad2 GSEventRunModal + 161
23 UIKit 0x000000010fc15676 UIApplicationMain + 171
24 Example 0x000000010df091c9 main + 281
25 libdyld.dylib 0x000000011147492d start + 1
26 ??? 0x0000000000000005 0x0 + 5
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:17 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev fileproviderd[9213]: plugin invalidated
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev ServerFileProvider[9278]: host connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7f8ab3509490> connection from pid 9213 invalidated
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:17 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev calaccessd[9266]: table drop: 101
Sep 15 12:48:17 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:17 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: Could not create or rename power assertion for <BKNewProcess: 0x7f9c61e0a0d0;; pid: 9281; hostpid: -1>: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev tccd[9247]: Refusing client without bundle identifier (/Applications/
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assetsd[9224]: table drop: 101
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev MobileCal[9281]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: libxpc.dylib + 57978 [9D7FF5E0-5DAA-3118-9A08-436E517037E9]: 0x7d
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:17 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: Could not create or rename power assertion for <BKNewProcess: 0x7f9c61e0a0d0;; pid: 9281; hostpid: -1>: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:17 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev MobileCal[9281]: rdar14852620 set model date for launch
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev MobileCal[9281]: rdar14852620 last suspend date: Monday, January 1, 2001 at 12:00:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev MobileCal[9281]: rdar14852620 now: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 12:48:17 PM British Summer Time
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev MobileCal[9281]: rdar14852620 inactive time: 7733508.283333 minutes
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev MobileCal[9281]: rdar14852620 resume to today timeout: 8.000000 minutes
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev MobileCal[9281]: rdar14852620 inactive time > resume timeout, so going to today
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: Could not create or rename power assertion for <BKNewProcess: 0x7f9c61e0a0d0;; pid: 9281; hostpid: -1>: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: Could not create or rename power assertion for <BKNewProcess: 0x7f9c61e0a0d0;; pid: 9281; hostpid: -1>: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:17 iosdev assertiond[9230]: Could not create or rename power assertion for <BKNewProcess: 0x7f9c61e0a0d0;; pid: 9281; hostpid: -1>: 0xe00002c9
Sep 15 12:48:18 iosdev assertiond[9230]: assertion failed: 14F27 13A340: assertiond + 12188 [93893311-6962-33A7-A734-E36F946D8EBA]: 0x1
Sep 15 12:48:21 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Sep 15 12:48:21 iosdev searchd[9270]: plugin invalidated
Sep 15 12:48:21 iosdev ContactsCoreSpotlightExtension[9273]: host connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7f9260c022f0> connection from pid 9270 invalidated
Sep 15 12:48:22 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Weekly asset update check did fire (force=NO)
Sep 15 12:48:22 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Beginning check for asset updates (force: 0
Sep 15 12:48:22 iosdev SpringBoard[9226]: Did not complete check for asset updates (force: 0, isVoiceOverRunning: 0
Sep 15 12:48:41 iosdev lsd[9248]: LaunchServices: Currently 0 installed placeholders: (
Sep 15 12:48:44 iosdev searchd[9270]: tcp_connection_tls_session_error_callback_imp 3 __tcp_connection_tls_session_callback_write_block_invoke.434 error 22
Sep 15 12:48:56 iosdev mstreamd[9216]: (Note ) PS: Media stream daemon stopping.
Sep 15 12:48:56 iosdev mstreamd[9216]: (Note ) AS: <MSIOSAlbumSharingDaemon: 0x7f88cb70aba0>: Shared Streams daemon has shut down.
Sep 15 12:48:56 iosdev mstreamd[9216]: (Warn ) mstreamd: mstreamd shutting down.
Sep 15 12:49:12 iosdev ids_simd[9217]: (Error) IDSSimulatorSupport: <IDSSimSupportLocalServer.m __68-[IDSSimSupportLocalServer setNetworkSimulation:enabled:completion:]_block_invoke:544> message send of data {
ControlCmd = SetNetSimulationEnabledCmd;
Enabled = 0;
ServiceName = "";
} failed with error Error Code=2 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7f92b9d07780 {Error Domain=NSMachErrorDomain Code=268435459 "(ipc/send) invalid destination port"}}
Sep 15 12:49:12 iosdev companionappd[9223]: (Error) WatchKit: <SPTransport.m __67-[SPTransport service:account:identifier:didSendWithSuccess:error:]_block_invoke:415> __67-[SPTransport service:account:identifier:didSendWithSuccess:error:]_block_invoke identifier (387C4900-2E64-48E4-BBE2-2FC03916F4CA), serviceName ((null)), success: 0 error, domain:, code: 23
Sep 15 12:49:12 iosdev companionappd[9223]: (Error) WatchKit: <SPCompanionAppServer.m __75-[SPCompanionAppServer sendProtobuf:sender:timeOut:allowInsecureTransport:]_block_invoke:894> sendProtobuf failed, error : Error Code=23 "Timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Timed out, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fa8d3d0f730 {Error Code=12 "(null)"}}
Sep 15 12:49:12 iosdev companionappd[9223]: (Error) WatchKit: <SPTransport.m __67-[SPTransport service:account:identifier:didSendWithSuccess:error:]_block_invoke:415> __67-[SPTransport service:account:identifier:didSendWithSuccess:error:]_block_invoke identifier (CA7CBCB5-D2E8-4AD7-8394-32B79BFD0736), serviceName ((null)), success: 0 error, domain:, code: 23
Sep 15 12:49:12 iosdev companionappd[9223]: (Error) WatchKit: <SPCompanionAppServer.m __75-[SPCompanionAppServer sendProtobuf:sender:timeOut:allowInsecureTransport:]_block_invoke:894> sendProtobuf failed, error : Error Code=23 "Timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Timed out, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fa8d3d22400 {Error Code=12 "(null)"}}
Sep 15 12:49:15 iosdev sharingd[9228]: 12:49:15.289 : Failed to send SDURLSessionProxy startup message, error Error Code=23 "Timed out" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Timed out, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f8d8a623f30 {Error Code=12 "(null)"}}
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