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Configure Apache on Mac OSX with Environment Variables

Configure Apache Path Environment Variable on Mac OSX

Problem: Apache2/PHP did not find a program to execute on its configured path

Solution: Add a new path of /usr/local/bin to Apache2's path where the program was installed

  1. Edit the Apache2 plist file with whatever editor you like (example using vim):

     $ sudo vim /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist
  2. Add the following to the the plist file:

  3. Restart Apache2

     $ sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl stop
     $ sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl start
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dzero1 commented Apr 30, 2021

I had to run command "csrutil disable" in Terminal after rebooting and hitting CMD+R and then I was able to edit this file.

In catalina I had to mount the root to read/write using sudo mount -uw / after disable csrutil.

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hrodrig commented Apr 27, 2022

I'm getting the same issue.

Solution: For my case (same than SubhajitSarkar)

I have put the environment variables in the ~/.profile (I'm using zsh on M1)

brew install httpd # run as non-root user on port 8080

nano ~/.profile
export MY_VAR="test"

source ~/.profile 
apachectl stop
apachectl start

# php 8.x code
echo getenv('MY_VAR')
Output: test

And now it is working properly on Monterrey.

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