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Created February 3, 2012 13:03
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Metis 0.2 - A Divine Solution for Aliases
# Metis - A Divine Solution for Aliases
# by Stephen Coley @coleydotco 2012
## Install ##
# %> git clone git://
# Initialized empty Git repository in ~/1730076/.git/
# remote: Counting objects: 25, done.
# remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
# remote: Total 25 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
# Receiving objects: 100% (25/25), done.
# Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), done.
# %> cat 1730076/ >> path/to/your/.dotfile; . path/to/your/.dotfile
# That's it
## Metis 0.2 Commands ##
# metis - asks which dotfile to save to / displays all aliases saved with Metis
# metis <alias_name> - creates an alias that will cd to the current working dir
# metis use <path/to/dotfile> - change the path to the dotfile Metis saves to
function metis() {
# This var is broken into parts to prevent grep from recognizing it
export VAR3="$var1$var2"
# if .metisfile exists
if [ -f ~/.metisfile ]
# Set var equal to user settings
export METISOPT=`head -1 ~/.metisfile`
# Create settings file and set var equal to setting
echo "Which file should metis manage? Provide full path. e.g. ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile.."
`touch ~/.metisfile`
read thepath
ex_path=`eval "echo $thepath"`
echo $ex_path >> ~/.metisfile
export METISOPT=`eval "echo $thepath"`
# if $1 is "use"
if [ "$1" == "use" ]
# if $2 exists
if [ -f $2 ]
# Updates setting
`rm -f ~/.metisfile`
`touch ~/.metisfile`
# make alias for the file metis will be using
echo `eval "echo $2"` >> ~/.metisfile
export METISOPT=`eval "echo $2"`
# else print error
echo "Second argument must contain path to a file that exists"
# else if $1 is set
elif [ $1 ]
# append alias command to .bashrc
echo "alias $1='cd $PWD' #$VAR3" >> "$METISOPT"
# source .bashrc to reflect changes
# else print all aliases
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