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Created August 2, 2012 15:06
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Time report
require_once('basecamp/Basecamp.class.php'); // see
$bc = new Basecamp('https://[subdomain]','[username]','[password]', 'simplexml');
$people = $bc->getPeopleForCompany([company ID]);
$person_id = array();
foreach ($people['body']->person as $person) {
$name = (string)$person->{'first-name'}[0];
$id = (int)$person->{'id'}[0];
$person_id[$name] = $id;
$id_person[$id] = $name;
} // forach
$time = $bc->getTimeEntryReport('-' . $days_past .' days', 'today');
$time_by_person_by_date = array();
foreach ($time['body']->{'time-entry'} as $time_entry) {
$this_person_id = (int)$time_entry->{'person-id'}[0];
$person = $id_person[$this_person_id];
$date = (string)$time_entry->{'date'}[0];
$hours = (float)$time_entry->{'hours'}[0];
if (!isset($time_by_person_by_date[$person])) {
$time_by_person_by_date[$person] = array();
} // if
if (!isset($time_by_person_by_date[$person][$date])) {
$time_by_person_by_date[$person][$date] = 0;
} // if
$time_by_person_by_date[$person][$date]+= $hours;
} // foreach
$aten_people = array(
'Ken' => '',
'Joel' => '',
'John' => '',
'Scott' => '',
'Rob' => '',
'Clayton' => 'last',
if ($_GET['person'] != '') {
$aten_people = array(
$_GET['person'] => 'last',
} // if
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>We good on time?</title>
if ($_GET['subtle'] == '') {
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="style.css" />
} // if
<body class="styled">
<div class="container">
<div class="header">
if ($_GET['subtle'] == '') {
<h2>We good on time?</h2>
} // if
$days_past = 7;
if ($_GET['days']) {
$days_past = intval($_GET['days']);
} // if
$day = strtotime('-' . $days_past . ' days');
$past_week = array();
while (date('Y-m-d', $day) < date('Y-m-d')) {
if (date('N', $day) < 6) {
$past_week[] = $day;
} // if
$day = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $day) . ' +1 day');
} // while
$total_by_person = array();
foreach ($aten_people as $name => $class) {
<th><?= $name ?></th>
} // foreach
foreach ($past_week as $index => $day) {
$yesterday = $day;
$class = ' class="even"';
if ($index % 2 == 0) {
$class = ' class="odd"';
} // if
<tr<?= $class ?>>
<th><em><?= date('D', $day) ?></em> <strong><?= date('m/d/Y', $day) ?></strong></th>
foreach ($aten_people as $name => $class) {
<td class="<= $class ?>"><a href="<?= $person_id[$name] ?>&from%5Bmonth%5D=<?= date('n', $day) ?>&from%5Bday%5D=<?= date('j', $day) ?>&from%5Byear%5D=<?= date('Y', $day) ?>&to%5Bmonth%5D=<?= date('n', $day) ?>&to%5Bday%5D=<?= date('j', $day) ?>&to%5Byear%5D=<?= date('Y', $day) ?>&commit=Create+report"><?= number_format(floatval($time_by_person_by_date[$name][date('Y-m-d', $day)]), 2) ?></a></td>
$total_by_person[$name] += $time_by_person_by_date[$name][date('Y-m-d', $day)];
} // foreach
} // foreach
$day = strtotime('today');
$class = ' class="even"';
if ($index % 2 == 0) {
$class = ' class="odd"';
} // if
<tr<?= $class ?>>
<th><em><?= date('D', $day) ?></em> <strong><?= date('m/d/Y', $day) ?></strong></th>
foreach ($aten_people as $name => $class) {
<td class="<?= $class ?>"><a href="<?= $person_id[$name] ?>&from%5Bmonth%5D=<?= date('n', $day) ?>&from%5Bday%5D=<?= date('j', $day) ?>&from%5Byear%5D=<?= date('Y', $day) ?>&to%5Bmonth%5D=<?= date('n', $day) ?>&to%5Bday%5D=<?= date('j', $day) ?>&to%5Byear%5D=<?= date('Y', $day) ?>&commit=Create+report"><?= number_format(floatval($time_by_person_by_date[$name][date('Y-m-d', $day)]), 2) ?></a></td>
} // foreach
foreach ($aten_people as $name => $class) {
<td class="<?= $class ?>"><?= number_format(floatval($total_by_person[$name]), 2) ?></td>
} // foreach
$table = ob_get_clean();
if ($_GET['subtle'] == '') {
$undone = array();
$done = array();
$yesterday = date('Y-m-d', $yesterday);
foreach ($aten_people as $name => $class) {
if (
($total_by_person[$name] < 35) ||
(number_format(floatval($time_by_person_by_date[$name][$yesterday]), 2) == 0)
$undone[] = $name;
} // foreach
if (count($undone) > 2) {
$last = array_pop($undone);
<h1 class="no">No</h1>
<p><strong><?= implode('</strong>, <strong>', $undone) ?></strong> and <strong><?= $last ?></strong> are all slacking.</p>
} // if
else if (count($undone) == 2) {
<h1 class="no">No</h1>
<p><strong><?= $undone[0] ?></strong> and <strong><?= $undone[1] ?></strong> are to blame.</p>
} // else if
else if (count($undone) == 1) {
<h1 class="no">No</h1>
<p>And it's all <strong><?= $undone[0] ?>&#8217;s</strong> fault.</p>
} // else if
else {
<h1 class="yes">Yes!</h1>
<div class="message"><h3>Good job!</h3></div>
} // else
} // if
print $table;
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