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Last active February 15, 2021 09:59
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Save srfrnk/9641a310d3e6092ca28b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
angular directive: repeat action while mouse is clicked down for a long period of time and until the mouse is released.
define("directives/ngHold", ["app"], function (app) {
return app.directive('ngHold', [function () {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: function (scope, elm, attrs) {
controller: ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$transclude", "$timeout", function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $transclude, $timeout) {
var onHold = function () {
return $scope.$eval($attrs.ngHold);
var onDone = function () {
return $scope.$eval($attrs.ngHoldDone);
var intervals = [];
($attrs.ngHoldInterval || "500").split(",").forEach(function (interval) {
var timeout=null;
var intervalIdx;
var intervalCount;
function timeoutFoo() {
var max = intervals[intervalIdx].length == 1 ? 1 : intervals[intervalIdx][1];
if (intervalCount > max) {
intervalIdx = Math.min(intervalIdx + 1, intervals.length - 1);
intervalCount = 1;
timeout = $timeout(timeoutFoo, intervals[intervalIdx][0]);
$element.on("mousedown", function (e) {
intervalIdx = 0;
intervalCount = 1;
timeout = $timeout(timeoutFoo, intervals[intervalIdx][0]);
$element.on("mouseup", function (e) {
if (!!timeout) {
$element.on("mouseleave", function (e) {
if (!!timeout) {
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srfrnk commented Jun 16, 2014

To use: (after adding code dependency of course)

ng-hold-interval syntax = interval,interval,interval...
interval = delay;count | delay

count for last interval is not used. if count isn't specified default is 1.
delay is in milliseconds.

thus: 1000;1,200;10;100;10,20 means:

  1. first single delay of 1000ms
  2. then 10 delays of 200ms
  3. then 10 delays of 100ms
  4. then endless delays of 20ms

ng-hold-done attr event can be used to finalize stuff - will be called as last call after ng-hold calls ended.

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srfrnk commented Jun 16, 2014

events stop once mouse is released or element is exited.
last event call is the ng-hold-done.

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How do I report bugs? Can't find an option to report here. I tried using your ngHold module but it works everywhere except on iPad. Any thoughts on how can I fix? Thanks in advance

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tatsujb commented Apr 10, 2018

@srfrnk what would the html look like?

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