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Created July 22, 2022 05:32
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module Combinators
( result,
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (empty, (<|>)))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus (..), void)
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor
import Data.Char (isDigit, isLower, isSpace, isUpper)
import Data.Text.Internal.Read (digitToInt)
newtype Parser a = Parser {parse :: String -> [(a, String)]}
result :: a -> Parser a
result val = Parser $ \inp -> [(val, inp)]
zero :: Parser a
zero = Parser $ const []
item :: Parser Char
item = Parser parseItem
parseItem [] = []
parseItem (x : xs) = [(x, xs)]
-- sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
-- sat p = Parser parseIfSat
-- where
-- parseIfSat (x : xs) = if p x then [(x, xs)] else []
-- parseIfSat [] = []
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f p = Parser (fmap (Bifunctor.first f) . parse p)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure = result
p1 <*> p2 = Parser $ \inp -> do
(f, inp') <- parse p1 inp
(a, inp'') <- parse p2 inp'
return (f a, inp'')
instance Monad Parser where
-- Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
p >>= f = Parser $ \inp ->
concat [parse (f v) inp' | (v, inp') <- parse p inp]
-- a -> Parser a
return = result
sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
sat p =
-- Apply `item`, if it fails on an empty string, we simply short circuit and get `[]`.
item >>= \x ->
if p x
then result x
else zero
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char x = sat (== x)
digit :: Parser Char
digit = sat isDigit
lower :: Parser Char
lower = sat isLower
upper :: Parser Char
upper = sat isUpper
-- Applies two parsers to the same input, then returns a list
-- containing results returned by both of them.
plus :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
p `plus` q = Parser $ \inp -> parse p inp ++ parse q inp
or' :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
p `or'` q = Parser $ \inp -> case parse (p `plus` q) inp of
[] -> []
(x : xs) -> [x]
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = zero
(<|>) = or'
instance MonadPlus Parser where
mzero = zero
mplus = plus
letter :: Parser Char
letter = lower <|> upper
alphanum :: Parser Char
alphanum = letter <|> digit
string :: String -> Parser String
string "" = result ""
string (x : xs) =
char x >> string xs >> result (x : xs)
many' :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many' p =
x <- p -- apply p once
xs <- many' p -- recursively apply `p` as many times as possible
return (x : xs)
<|> return []
many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many1 p = do
x <- p
xs <- many' p
return (x : xs)
then' :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c
then' combine p q =
p >>= \x ->
q >>= \xs ->
result $ combine x xs
thenList :: Parser a -> Parser [a] -> Parser [a]
thenList = then' (:)
ident :: Parser String
ident = alpha_ `thenList` many' (alpha_ <|> digit)
alpha_ = letter <|> char '_'
-- Accept a list of sequences forming an `a`, separated by sequences forming a `b`.
sepBy :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
p `sepBy` sep = do
x <- p
xs <- many' (sep >> p)
return (x : xs)
bracket :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser b
bracket open p close = open >> p <* close
idList :: Parser [String]
idList = bracket (char '[') ids (char ']')
ids = ident `sepBy` char ','
nat :: Parser Int
nat = read <$> many1 digit
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = void $ many' $ sat isSpace
token :: Parser a -> Parser a
token p = p <* spaces
parse' :: Parser a -> Parser a
parse' p = spaces >> p
identifier :: Parser String
identifier = token ident
-- consume a character and discard all trailing whitespace
charToken :: Char -> Parser Char
charToken = token <$> char
-- an ADT representing a parse tree for expressions
data Expr
= Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr
| Par Expr
| Lit Int
deriving (Show)
eval' :: Expr -> Int
eval' (Add a b) = eval' a + eval' b
eval' (Sub a b) = eval' a - eval' b
eval' (Par a) = eval' a
eval' (Lit a) = a
eval :: String -> Int
eval = fst . Bifunctor.first eval' . head <$> parse expr
chainl1 :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
p `chainl1` op = do
first <- p
rest <- many' $ do
f <- op
term <- p
return (f, term)
return $ foldl (\x (f, y) -> f x y) first rest
-- Our expression parser expects a string of the following grammar:
-- expr ::= term (op term)*
-- op ::= '+' | '-'
-- term ::= int | '(' expr ')'
-- int ::= [0-9]*
-- The `expr` parser first consumes an atomic term - <X>, then it
-- consumes a series of "<op> <operand>"s and packs them into tuples like ((+), 2)
-- We then fold the list of tuples using <X> as the initial value to produce the result.
expr :: Parser Expr
expr = term `chainl1` op
-- term := int | parens
term :: Parser Expr
term = int <|> parens
-- parens := '(' expr ')'
parens :: Parser Expr
parens = bracket (char '(') expr (char ')')
-- int := [0-9]*
int :: Parser Expr
int = Lit <$> token nat
-- op := '+' | '-'
op :: Parser (Expr -> Expr -> Expr)
op = makeOp '+' Add <|> makeOp '-' Sub
makeOp x f = charToken x >> return f
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