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Last active January 2, 2021 04:16
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Example of alignment of structures, and padding fields
#include <stdio.h>
struct Foo {
char a;
int b;
char c;
// This little program shows how memory alignment can affect layout in memory, and how compilers do extra
// work to insert padding into your structures.
// The struct Foo has 6 bytes worth of data, and that is it's expected size, but sizeof
// will most likely return a value higher than 6 (depends on your system, was 12 on my computer).
// This is because the compiler inserts padding fields to align the address to the required byte
// boundaries. We can verify this by calculating the pointer of field 'b' in Foo.
// Without padding, we expect the address of foo.b to be address(foo.a) + 1, because sizeof(char) is 1.
// But, if we take a look at the actual pointer, it's most likely a few bytes further away, because there's
// a padding field between foo.a and foo.b.
// Recall that an unaligned access is when you try to access N bytes of data, but the data is located at an
// address such that address % N != 0.
// However, if foo.a takes up 1 byte at address 0, then the integer (say 4 bytes) foo.b, will occupy bytes
// 1, 2, 3, and 4. The address of foo.b, is 1, and 1 % 4 != 0 so foo.b is unaligned. Accessing this int
// has consequences, which depend on the system (ranging from performance issues, to undefined behavior, to crashes)
// To ensure alignment of foo.b, the next available 4 byte boundary is at address 4-8. (recall that foo.a is at 0)
// So the bytes 1, 2, and 3 need to be padded to ensure this.
// The struct therefore looks more like:
// struct Foo {
// char a; // address 0
// char padding[3]; // address 1, 2, 3
// int b; // address 4, 5, 6, 7
// char c; // address 8
// }
// At this point, the size of the structure is 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 = 9
// Now, consider that you have a bunch of Foo(s) laid out in memory (in an array for instance). If each Foo occupies 9
// bytes of memory, then the first Foo is at address 0 (let's suppose this is the case), and the second Foo will begin at address 9,
// and foo.b of the second Foo will be at address 13 so the int is misaligned again because 13 % 4 != 0.
// This is a roundabout way of showing that the struct _itself_ must also be aligned to some byte boundary - in this case 4.
// Therefore, there is another layer of 3 bytes padded at the end of the struct, which makes everything nicely aligned.
// The final struct is:
// struct Foo {
// char a; // address 0
// char padding_for_b[3]; // address 1, 2, 3
// int b; // address 4, 5, 6, 7
// char c; // address 8
// char padding_for_Foo[3]; // address 9, 10, 11
// }
// which occupies 12 bytes.
// A caveat:
// In the examples above, foo.a is assumed to be at 0, and therefore it necessistates exactly 3 bytes of padding between foo.a
// and foo.b.
// Now, consider a case when foo.a starts at address 1 (chars by themselves can exist at any byte). In that case, the next
// 4 byte boundary is still byte 4, which means we would only need 2 byte of padding (bytes 2 and 3). HOWEVER, this cannot happen
// because all pointers (Except char and char[]) have to be aligned in C. In this case, the address of foo.a is the same as the address of the
// struct itself, so it must be the case that foo.a is aligned to a 4, or 8-byte boundary. If it was just a random char (not the first
// member of the struct), then this may or may not be the case. So, in this case, the padding between a and b, will always be 3.
// Read section 5 of this book if it still doesn't make sense:
int main() {
Foo foo;
foo.a = 'x';
foo.b = 5;
foo.c = 'y';
// The struct contains these 3 fields
int expected_size = sizeof(char) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(char);
int actual_size = sizeof(Foo);
printf("Size in bytes: expected=%d, actual=%d\n", expected_size, actual_size);
printf("Address of a: %p\n", &(foo.a));
int* maybe = (int*) ((&(foo.a)) + 1);
printf("Expected address of b: %p\n", maybe);
printf("Actual Address of b: %p\n", &(foo.b));
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