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Last active April 28, 2020 02:42
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Tic Tac Toe AI using AB pruning
* Tic Tac Toe using Minmax search with Alpha Beta Pruning.
* Author: Srishan Bhattarai
* Compile: g++ -g --std=c++11 -o ttt
* Follow the "get_ai_move" function to see the algorithm in action, rest of
* the code is to get user input, render board into terminal, check for goal
* states etc.
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#define PAIR make_pair
using namespace std;
// bounds checked move typedef.
using Move = pair<int, int>;
// States the game can end up in.
enum Result {
Incomplete // <- if the game is still running, all other results except this
// is a terminal state
// Board characters.
const char HUMAN = 'O';
const char AI = 'X';
const char EMPTY = '.';
// Scores for alpha beta pruning
const int AI_SCORE = 1000; // ai tries to maximize
const int DRAW_SCORE = 0;
const int HUMAN_SCORE = -1000; // human tries to minimize
// Current game state, 3x3, initially all empty.
vector<vector<char>> state(3, vector<char>(3, EMPTY));
// forward declaration.
Result eval_board_state(vector<vector<char>> = state);
// Prints the current game state (3x3 assumed)
void print_state() {
cout << endl;
cout << " "
<< " "
<< "0"
<< " "
<< "1"
<< " "
<< "2"
<< " " << endl;
cout << "0 "
<< " | " << state[0][0] << " | " << state[0][1] << " | " << state[0][2]
<< " | " << endl;
cout << " -------------" << endl;
cout << "1 "
<< " | " << state[1][0] << " | " << state[1][1] << " | " << state[1][2]
<< " | " << endl;
cout << " -------------" << endl;
cout << "2 "
<< " | " << state[2][0] << " | " << state[2][1] << " | " << state[2][2]
<< " | " << endl
<< endl;
// Checks if a piece can be placed at the coords specified by row and col.
bool is_valid_placement(const int row, const int col) {
bool inBounds = row >= 0 && row <= 2 && col >= 0 && col <= 2;
if (!inBounds)
return false;
// bounds ok. Check if occupied by someone else
return state[row][col] == EMPTY;
// Gets valid input from the user on next move to make.
Move get_user_move() {
while (true) {
int row, col;
cout << "Enter your move (e.g. 0 1): ";
cin >> row >> col;
if (!is_valid_placement(row, col)) {
cout << "Slot occupied or out of bounds; try again!" << endl << endl;
return PAIR(row, col);
// unreachable; but make compiler happy.
return PAIR(-1, -1);
// Get a list of all possible moves.
vector<Move> possible_moves(vector<vector<char>> state) {
vector<Move> moves;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (state[i][j] == EMPTY)
moves.push_back(PAIR(i, j));
return moves;
// turn: Player to run the search for. At the top level, this will always be AI,
// but due to recursion this might end up being called for HUMAN too.
// alpha,beta: usual alpha beta pruning params.
// depth: Recursion depth, defaults to zero. this factors into the score we
// assign to any board state.
// Returns the best score for the search, and a pair indicating the best move.
pair<int, Move> alpha_beta_search(vector<vector<char>> curr_state, char turn,
int alpha, int beta, int depth = 0) {
Result r = eval_board_state(curr_state);
* Base cases, leaf node cases reached where someone has won, or a draw has
* been reached.
if (r == Result::HumanWins)
return PAIR(HUMAN_SCORE, PAIR(-1, -1));
else if (r == Result::AiWins)
return PAIR(AI_SCORE, PAIR(-1, -1));
else if (r == Result::Draw)
return PAIR(DRAW_SCORE, PAIR(-1, -1));
// A board state that does not have a winner is encountered! (aka
// Result::Incomplete state)
int ideal_score = turn == AI ? HUMAN_SCORE : AI_SCORE;
// Get all possible moves
vector<Move> pmoves = possible_moves(curr_state);
Move bestMove = PAIR(-1, 1);
for (auto pmove : pmoves) {
// Simulate the possible move to happen, then recompute the score a/c to
// minmax for the other player.
curr_state[pmove.first][pmove.second] = turn;
// If current turn is Ai, then compute Human's score for next turn,
// otherwise it's humans turn so compute Ai score.
int score = alpha_beta_search(curr_state, turn == AI ? HUMAN : AI, alpha,
beta, depth + 1)
// Maximizing.
if (turn == AI) {
if (ideal_score < score) {
ideal_score = score - 10 * depth;
bestMove = pmove;
// compute new alpha
alpha = max(alpha, ideal_score);
// Undo the simulation.
curr_state[pmove.first][pmove.second] = EMPTY;
// Prune!
if (beta <= alpha)
} else {
if (ideal_score > score) {
ideal_score = score + 10 * depth;
bestMove = pmove;
// compute new beta
beta = min(beta, ideal_score);
curr_state[pmove.first][pmove.second] = EMPTY;
// prune!
if (beta <= alpha)
// Undo the simulation for cases where beta > alpha.
curr_state[pmove.first][pmove.second] = EMPTY;
return std::make_pair(ideal_score, bestMove);
// Gets the next Ai move.
pair<int, Move> get_ai_move() {
return alpha_beta_search(state, AI, HUMAN_SCORE, AI_SCORE);
// Checks if state is a terminal state. Works with current state by default.
Result eval_board_state(vector<vector<char>> state) {
// horizontal sequences that can win.
vector<vector<Move>> horizontals = {
vector<Move>{PAIR(0, 0), PAIR(0, 1), PAIR(0, 2)},
vector<Move>{PAIR(1, 0), PAIR(1, 1), PAIR(1, 2)},
vector<Move>{PAIR(2, 0), PAIR(2, 1), PAIR(2, 2)}};
// vertical sequences that can win.
vector<vector<Move>> verticals = {
vector<Move>{PAIR(0, 0), PAIR(1, 0), PAIR(2, 0)},
vector<Move>{PAIR(0, 1), PAIR(1, 1), PAIR(2, 1)},
vector<Move>{PAIR(0, 2), PAIR(1, 2), PAIR(2, 2)}};
// diagonal sequences that can win.
vector<vector<Move>> diagonals = {
vector<Move>{PAIR(0, 0), PAIR(1, 1), PAIR(2, 2)},
vector<Move>{PAIR(2, 0), PAIR(1, 1), PAIR(0, 2)}};
// Is atleast one state empty? Helps determine a draw state.
bool contains_empty = false;
// Can win horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
vector<vector<vector<Move>>> winning_seqs = {horizontals, verticals,
for (auto ws : winning_seqs) {
for (auto seq : ws) {
auto m1 = seq[0];
auto m2 = seq[1];
auto m3 = seq[2];
// Values at each position.
char m1v = state[m1.first][m1.second];
char m2v = state[m2.first][m2.second];
char m3v = state[m3.first][m3.second];
// if all equal, someone has maybe won if they are not all empty.
if (m1v == m2v && m2v == m3v) {
if (m1v == HUMAN)
return Result::HumanWins;
else if (m1v == AI)
return Result::AiWins;
// if not, check if any of them was empty.
if (m1v == EMPTY || m2v == EMPTY || m3v == EMPTY) {
contains_empty = true;
// Went through all sequences, no winner!
// If we saw an empty space somewhere, it means there are more moves to make.
// Otherwise, all slots are full and there is no winner which is a draw.
if (!contains_empty) {
return Result::Draw;
return Result::Incomplete;
int main(int _argc, char **_argv) {
Result board_state = Result::Incomplete;
while (true) {
// Move human.
auto hmove = get_user_move();
state[hmove.first][hmove.second] = HUMAN;
// Has a terminal state been reached with this human move?
board_state = eval_board_state();
if (board_state != Result::Incomplete) {
// Move Ai
auto next = get_ai_move();
Move amove = next.second;
state[amove.first][amove.second] = AI;
cout << "Ai moved: (" << amove.first << ", " << amove.second << ")" << endl;
// Re-render
// Has a terminal state been reached with this Ai move?
board_state = eval_board_state();
if (board_state != Result::Incomplete)
// Print result.
switch (board_state) {
case Result::HumanWins:
cout << "Human has won! But, this should not have been possible :(" << endl;
case Result::AiWins:
cout << "Ai has won, sorry human!" << endl;
case Result::Draw:
cout << "Game has ended in a draw!" << endl;
case Result::Incomplete:
cout << "There is a bug in the code; game should never end in an "
"incomplete state"
<< endl;
return 0;
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