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Last active January 5, 2022 07:52
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Macro for generating kahan-babushka-klein folds.
;; general impl of
(defn- klein-term [acc delta]
`[sum# (+ ~acc ~delta)
~delta (if (>= (Math/abs ~(with-meta acc {:tag 'double}))
(Math/abs ~(with-meta delta {:tag 'double})))
(+ (- ~acc sum#) ~delta)
(+ (- ~delta sum#) ~acc))
~acc sum#])
(defn- kbk-foldn-body
"Split out from the macro so we can use it to build SCI macros."
(let [syms (into [] (repeatedly (inc n) gensym))
prefix (pop syms)
final (peek syms)
delta (gensym)]
`[([] [~@(repeat (inc n) 0.0)])
([accs#] (reduce + accs#))
([~syms ~delta]
(let [~@(mapcat #(klein-term % delta) prefix)]
[~@prefix (+ ~final ~delta)]))]))
(defmacro kbk-foldn [n]
`(fn ~@(kbk-foldn-body n)))
(defn sum
(reduce *fold* (*fold*) xs)))
([f low high]
(let [xs (range low high)]
(transduce (map f) *fold* xs))))
(defn naive-fold
([] 0.0)
([x] x)
([acc x]
(+ acc x)))
(def ^:dynamic *fold* naive-fold)
;; calling the macro with `0` gives the naive fold:
(binding [*fold* naive-fold]
(sum #(/ 1.0 (inc %)) 0 50000000))
;; 18.304749238293297
(binding [*fold* (kbk-foldn 0)]
(sum #(/ 1.0 (inc %)) 0 50000000))
;; 18.304749238293297
;; Identical to KahanBabushkaNeumaierSum:
(binding [*fold* (kbk-foldn 1)]
(sum #(/ 1.0 (inc %)) 0 50000000))
;; 18.304749238293955
;; Identical to KahanBabushkaKleinSum:
(binding [*fold* (kbk-foldn 2)]
(sum #(/ 1.0 (inc %)) 0 50000000))
;; 18.304749238293955
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