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Created November 17, 2021 14:54
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(defn ^:no-doc careful-def [ns]
(fn [sym form]
`(def ~sym ~form))
(let [ns-sym (ns-name ns)
nsm (ns-map ns)
remote? (fn [sym]
(when-let [v (nsm sym)]
(not= *ns* (:ns (meta v)))))
warn (fn [sym]
`(log/warn '~sym
"already refers to:"
~ (nsm sym)
(str "in namespace:" '~ns-sym ",")
"being replaced by:"
~(str "#'" ns-sym "/" sym)))]
(fn [sym form]
(if (remote? sym)
~(warn sym)
(ns-unmap '~ns-sym '~sym)
(intern '~ns-sym '~sym ~form))
`(def ~sym ~form))))))
(defmacro define-coordinates
"Give some `coordinate-system` like `R2-rect` and a `coordinate-prototype` like
`[x y]` or `(up x y), `binds the following definitions into the namespace
where [[define-coordinates]] is invoked:
- `R2-rect` binds to a new version of the coordinate system with its
`coordinate-prototype` replaced by the supplied prototype
- `x` and `y` bind to coordinate functions, ie, functions from manifold point
to that particular coordinate
- `d:dx` and `d:dy` bind to the corresponding vector field procedures
- `dx` and `dy` bind to 1-forms for each coordinate."
[coordinate-prototype coordinate-system]
(let [sys-name (symbol (name coordinate-system))
coord-names (symbols-from-prototype coordinate-prototype)
vector-field-names (map vf/coordinate-name->vf-name coord-names)
form-field-names (map ff/coordinate-name->ff-name coord-names)
sys-sym (gensym)
value-sym (gensym)
bind (careful-def *ns*)]
`(let [~sys-sym (m/with-coordinate-prototype
~(quotify-coordinate-prototype coordinate-prototype))]
~(bind sys-name sys-sym)
(let [~value-sym
(into [] (flatten
[(coordinate-functions ~sys-sym)
(vf/coordinate-system->vector-basis ~sys-sym)
(ff/coordinate-system->oneform-basis ~sys-sym)]))]
(fn [i sym]
(bind sym `(nth ~value-sym ~i)))
(concat coord-names vector-field-names form-field-names))))))
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