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Created January 13, 2022 00:21
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;; Polynomial interpolation in Clojure, written as a fold.
;; This allows you to generate an estimate of the value of some polynomial at x,
;; where you have a sequence of points that the polynomial has to pass through.
;; See [this namespace](
;; for a much longer build-up to these simple functions!
(defn prepare [[x fx]]
[x x fx fx])
(defn- combine [x]
(fn [[xl _ _ dl] [_ xr cr _]]
(let [diff (- cr dl)
den (- xl xr)
factor (/ diff den)
c (* factor (- xl x))
d (* factor (- xr x))]
[xl xr c d])))
(defn present [row]
(transduce (map (fn [[_ _ c _]] c))
(defn modified-neville-fold [x]
(let [f (combine x)]
([] [])
([row] (present row))
([prev-row point]
(reductions f (prepare point) prev-row)))))
(let [fold (modified-neville-fold 1.5)
points [[1 1] [2 4] [3 9]]]
;; compatible with transducers!
(println "Estimate at 1.5: "
(transduce identity fold points))
;; I wish we had "transductions"... but "reductions" will do!
(println "cumulative estimates, as points are added in:"
(->> (reductions fold (fold) points)
(map fold))))
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