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Created November 18, 2021 14:43
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Print writer extensions for functions.
(defn install-fn-printers!
"NOTE: If you are using Emacs + cider-nrepl, these two `print-method`
implementations will not be installed. I'm currently working on a fix to get
this enabled in the Emacs environment... But if you want to test this feature
out, simply execute these forms.
TODO write a with-methods instead to do this..."
(defmethod print-method AFunction [f ^ w]
(.write w (.toString ^Object (v/freeze f))))
(defmethod print-method MultiFn [f ^ w]
(.write w (.toString ^Object (v/freeze f)))))
(extend-protocol IPrintWithWriter
(-pr-writer [x writer _]
(write-all writer (.toString (v/freeze x))))
(-pr-writer [x writer _]
(write-all writer (.toString (v/freeze x)))))))
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