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Robin Srivastava srivastavarobin

  • Neuv Media Pvt. Ltd.
  • India
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srivastavarobin /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Doodly Doo notification server readme

#Doodly Doo Notification Server ##What does this server do?

  1. Takes the kind of notification to send
    1. Doodle World
    2. Greetings
    3. Emojis
    4. Rage Face
  2. Takes the message to send (Note: Message should not contain hyphens (-))
  3. Connect to the MySQL server
  4. Get the first 1000 records
srivastavarobin /
Last active January 8, 2025 08:48
Code Review Checklist for Android (Java Only)

My Android Java Code Review Checklist

  1. Is the functionality correct?
  2. Are the classes named suitably?
  3. Are the functions named suitably?
  4. How's the datastructure being used? Is it the correct DS or it needs improvement?
  5. Can the classes be further borken into small classes?
  6. Do we need an interface?
  7. If it contain functions that can be reused later then are there Utils created for them?
  8. Can it use already available Util functions?
  9. Does the large set of input for a function deserve a new bean to be created?

How-Do-I Guide for Doodly Doo SDK

Please refer to the doodlydoo-sdk.jar file for library and the (archived Android project) for the sample code. There is a range of properties and features supported by the SDK, however, for the sake of simplicity this document starts with the basic steps of getting started with the integration.

The doodlydoo-sdk.jar can be found in the libs folder of the sample project.

How do I integrate the doodle drawing?

  1. Add the doodlydoo-sdk.jar to the libs folder of your Android project
srivastavarobin /
Last active December 19, 2015 13:08
Backup of GitHub Repo


Over a period of time the active development stops on various projects and we don't need those using our private repo slots in GitHub (which ultimately leads to hogging up $$$ for those projects). To avoid this we archive our GitHub repo and free up the paid slots from GitHub.


Step-by-Step process to create bundle of an entire Git repo, and, subsequently extracting it and transferring it to another Git repo.

With this, closed project can be archived into a single file and saved at some other location. Whenever needed it can be brought back with the entire commit history of the branches.

srivastavarobin /
Last active December 14, 2015 04:59
Function to return the name for the given contact number in Android
* This method takes the phone number as input and returns the name of the contact from default contact list if it
* is available
* @param phoneNumberPrefix
* : The country code. It can be left null or empty
* @param phoneNumber
* : The phone number. It can also accept country code prefixed with itself.
* @return: Corresponding name if available otherwise returns null
srivastavarobin /
Last active December 10, 2015 14:58
Chef Installation with MacOSX Mountain Lion as workstation and EC2 client nodes

Update in progress!!

Setting up RVM and Ruby

  • Followed the Gist available here to install RVM the correct way

  • Called brew update but it gave an error related to Git. Following code snippet fixed it.

    cd `brew --prefix`