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(*This is the AppleScript component to the iTunes -> Spotify playlist sync program
Written by Sophie Li: 12/29/16*)
tell application "Finder"
delete (every item of folder (((path to home folder) as text) & "Scripts:playlist_sync:playlists") whose name ends with ".xml")
end tell
on error errMsg number errNum
display dialog "Error " & errNum & return & return & errMsg buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end try
tell application "iTunes"
set playlist_names to (get name of playlists)
set cleaned_pl to items 13 thru end of playlist_names
end tell
repeat with pl in cleaned_pl
if pl begins with "+" then
tell application "iTunes" to set pl_names to name of tracks of playlist pl
tell application "iTunes" to set pl_durations to time of tracks of playlist pl
set song_info to {}
repeat with n from 1 to count of pl_names
set song_info to song_info & ((item n of pl_names) & ":::" & (item n of pl_durations))
end repeat
set {text item delimiters, TID} to {"+++", text item delimiters}
set {text item delimiters, song_info_str} to {TID, song_info as text}
set xml_file to "/Users/sophie/Scripts/playlist_sync/playlists/" & pl & ".xml"
open for access xml_file with write permission
set fileRef to result
write song_info_str to fileRef
close access fileRef
on error errMsg number errNum
close access fileRef
end try
display dialog "Error " & errNum & return & return & errMsg buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end try
end if
end repeat
This is the Python component to the iTunes -> Spotify playlist sync program
Written by Sophie Li: 12/29/16
from os import listdir
import sys
import spotipy
import spotipy.util as util
import unicodedata
class SpotifyExporter:
def __init__(self):
scope = 'user-library-read playlist-modify-public'
self.username = "12159015810"
self.token = util.prompt_for_user_token(self.username, scope, client_id='YOUR ID', client_secret='YOUR SECRET' , redirect_uri='')
self.sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=self.token)
self.path = "/Users/sophie/Scripts/playlist_sync/playlists/" #YOUR PATH HERE
self.raw_itunes_playlists = listdir(self.path)
def format_itunes_playlists(self):
itunes_playlists = {}
for pl in self.raw_itunes_playlists:
if pl.startswith("."):
if not pl.endswith(".xml"):
this_pl_songs = []
with open(self.path+pl, 'r') as f:
songs ="+++")
for song in songs:
if "??" in song:
if "(" in song:
s1 = song.split("(")[0]
s2 = song.split(")")[1]
song = s1 + s2
if "[" in song:
s1 = song.split("[")[0]
s2 = song.split("]")[1]
song = s1 + s2
except IndexError:
if len(this_pl_songs) > 70:
print "playlist " + pl + " has too many songs"
itunes_playlists[pl.replace(".xml", "")] = this_pl_songs
return itunes_playlists
def return_spotify_tracks(self,tracks,all_tracks=None):
if not all_tracks:
all_tracks = []
for item in tracks['items']:
track = item['track']
song = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', track['name']).encode('ascii','ignore')
if "(" in song:
s1 = song.split("(")[0]
s2 = song.split(")")[1]
song = s1 + s2
if "[" in song:
s1 = song.split("[")[0]
s2 = song.split("]")[1]
song = s1 + s2
except IndexError:
return all_tracks
def get_spotify_playlists(self):
playlists = self.sp.user_playlists(self.username)
all_spotify_playlists = {}
for playlist in playlists['items']:
if playlist['owner']['id'] == self.username:
results = self.sp.user_playlist(self.username, playlist['id'],
tracks = results['tracks']
playlist_tracks = self.return_spotify_tracks(tracks)
while tracks['next']:
tracks =
playlist_tracks = self.return_spotify_tracks(tracks, playlist_tracks)
playlist_name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', playlist['name']).encode('ascii','ignore')
all_spotify_playlists[playlist_name] = playlist_tracks
return all_spotify_playlists
def diff_playlists(self, itunes, spotify):
diff_dict = {}
for pl_name in itunes.keys():
itunes_songs = itunes.get(pl_name)
spotify_songs = spotify.get(pl_name, None)
if not spotify_songs:
diff_dict[pl_name + "__NEW__"] = itunes_songs
spotify_songs_stripped = [s.replace(" ", "").lower() for s in spotify_songs]
songs_to_add = []
for i, song in enumerate(itunes_songs):
song_name = song.split(":::")[0]
if song_name.replace(" ", "").lower() not in spotify_songs_stripped:
songs_to_add.append(spotify_songs[-1]) #we track pl ID by last elem of song list
diff_dict[pl_name] = songs_to_add
return diff_dict
def minsec_2_millis(self, time):
"""converts string time to integer ms
i.e 1:30 goes to 90000
minutes = int(time.split(":")[0])
seconds = int(time.split(":")[1])
return minutes*60 + seconds
except ValueError:
print "Trying to convert none time value: ", time
return 0
def update_spotify(self, playlists):
searched_songs = []
passed_songs = [] #songs that have already been previously searched
with open(self.path + "searched_songs.txt", "r") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
passed_songs.append(line.split("-- ")[1])
except IOError:
print "Previously searched songs list is unavailable, using blank entry"
for pl_name in playlists.keys():
print "***updating playlist " + pl_name
if "__NEW__" in pl_name:
playlist = self.sp.user_playlist_create(self.username, pl_name.replace("__NEW__", ""))
pl_id = playlist['id']
songs = playlists[pl_name]
songs = playlists[pl_name][:-1]
pl_id = playlists[pl_name][-1]
song_ids = []
for song in songs:
if song in passed_songs:
print "PASSING OVER: ", song
song_name = song.split(":::")[0]
song_duration = self.minsec_2_millis(song.split(":::")[1])
print "ADDING: ", song_name
results =, limit=10, type="track")
track = results['tracks']['items']
if len(track) == 0: #song not found
searched_songs.append("NOT FOUND-- " + song)
matched_track = next((t for t in track if int(t['duration_ms'])/1000 == song_duration), None)
if matched_track == None:
searched_songs.append("DUR MATCH NONE-- " + song)
searched_songs.append("ADDED TO " + pl_name.upper() + "-- " + song)
except IndexError:
print "Song name is malformed: ", song
searched_songs.append("MALFORMED-- " + song)
if len(song_ids) > 0:
print "adding songs to playlist..."
self.sp.user_playlist_add_tracks(self.username, pl_id, song_ids)
print "no songs to update"
print "--------------------\n"
return searched_songs
def test_search(self, song):
results =, limit=10, type="track")
track = results['tracks']['items']
print "GOT TRACKS: ", len(track)
matched_track = next(t for t in track if int(t['duration_ms']) == 117054)
print "MATCHED_TRACK: ", matched_track['id']
def run(self):
print "unpacked itunes..."
itunes_playlists = self.format_itunes_playlists()
print "retriving spotify..."
spotify_playlists = self.get_spotify_playlists()
print "calculating diff dict..."
diff_dict = self.diff_playlists(itunes_playlists, spotify_playlists)
searched_songs = self.update_spotify(diff_dict)
with open(self.path + "searched_songs.txt", 'a') as f:
for item in searched_songs:
f.write("%s\n" % item)
print "done!"
if __name__ == '__main__':
se = SpotifyExporter()
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