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Created February 25, 2016 16:19
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from random import *
from math import *
import random
from PIL import Image
def build_random_function(min_depth, max_depth):
""" Builds a random function of depth at least min_depth and depth
at most max_depth (see assignment writeup for definition of depth
in this context)
min_depth: the minimum depth of the random function
max_depth: the maximum depth of the random function
returns: the randomly generated function represented as a nested list
(see assignment writeup for details on the representation of
these functions)
hello = ['x','y']
func = ['x','y','cos_pi','sin_pi','prod','square','average']
if max_depth == 1:
return hello[randint(0,1)]
block = func[randint(2,6)]
if block == 'prod' or 'average': #accouts for when a block requires two inputs
return [block, build_random_function(min_depth-1, max_depth-1), build_random_function(min_depth-1, max_depth-1)]
elif not block == 'prod':
return [block, build_random_function(min_depth-1, max_depth-1)]
def evaluate_random_function(f, x, y):
""" Evaluate the random function f with inputs x,y
Representation of the function f is defined in the assignment writeup
f: the function to evaluate
x: the value of x to be used to evaluate the function
y: the value of y to be used to evaluate the function
returns: the function value
>>> evaluate_random_function(["x"],-0.5, 0.75)
>>> evaluate_random_function(["y"],0.1,0.02)
if f[0] == 'x': #If the first index is x or y, we've already reached the innermost layer and can stop our recursion
return x
elif f[0] == 'y':
return y
elif f[0] == 'square':
return evaluate_random_function(f[1],x,y)**2
elif f[0] == 'average':
return (evaluate_random_function(f[1],x,y)+evaluate_random_function(f[2],x,y))/2
elif f[0] == 'cos_pi':
return cos(pi*evaluate_random_function(f[1],x,y))
elif f[0] == 'sin_pi':
return sin(pi*evaluate_random_function(f[1],x,y))
elif f[0] == 'prod':
return evaluate_random_function(f[1],x,y)*evaluate_random_function(f[2],x,y)
def remap_interval(val,
""" Given an input value in the interval [input_interval_start,
input_interval_end], return an output value scaled to fall within
the output interval [output_interval_start, output_interval_end].
val: the value to remap
input_interval_start: the start of the interval that contains all
possible values for val
input_interval_end: the end of the interval that contains all possible
values for val
output_interval_start: the start of the interval that contains all
possible output values
output_inteval_end: the end of the interval that contains all possible
output values
returns: the value remapped from the input to the output interval
>>> remap_interval(0.5, 0, 1, 0, 10)
>>> remap_interval(5, 4, 6, 0, 2)
>>> remap_interval(5, 4, 6, 1, 2)
output_interval = output_interval_end - output_interval_start
output_interval = float(output_interval)
input_interval = input_interval_end-input_interval_start
scaled_val = (output_interval*(val - input_interval_start)/(input_interval)) + output_interval_start
return scaled_val
def color_map(val):
""" Maps input value between -1 and 1 to an integer 0-255, suitable for
use as an RGB color code.
val: value to remap, must be a float in the interval [-1, 1]
returns: integer in the interval [0,255]
>>> color_map(-1.0)
>>> color_map(1.0)
>>> color_map(0.0)
>>> color_map(0.5)
# NOTE: This relies on remap_interval, which you must provide
color_code = remap_interval(val, -1, 1, 0, 255)
return int(color_code)
def generate_art(filename, x_size=350, y_size=350):
""" Generate computational art and save as an image file.
filename: string filename for image (should be .png)
x_size, y_size: optional args to set image dimensions (default: 350)
# Functions for red, green, and blue channels - where the magic happens!
red_function = build_random_function(2,7)
blue_function = build_random_function(2,7)
green_function = build_random_function(2,7)
# Create image and loop over all pixels
im ="RGB", (x_size, y_size))
pixels = im.load()
for i in range(x_size):
for j in range(y_size):
x = remap_interval(i, 0, x_size, -1, 1)
y = remap_interval(j, 0, y_size, -1, 1)
pixels[i, j] = (
color_map(evaluate_random_function(red_function, x, y)),
color_map(evaluate_random_function(green_function, x, y)),
color_map(evaluate_random_function(blue_function, x, y))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# import doctest
# doctest.testmod()
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