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Created November 23, 2015 18:29
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'use strict'
let AsciiTable = require('ascii-table')
let solve = (hints) => {
function permutate(dictionary) {
const results = []
const permute = (array, position) => {
if (position === array.length - 1) {
} else {
for (let i = position; i < array.length; i++) {
const swap = array[position]
array.splice(position, 1, array[i])
array.splice(i, 1, swap)
permute(array.slice(), (position + 1))
permute(dictionary, 0)
return results
const colors = permutate(mapType(Colors))
const drinks = permutate(mapType(Drinks))
const smokes = permutate(mapType(Smokes))
const pets = permutate(mapType(Pets))
const nationalities = permutate(mapType(Nationalities))
nationalities.forEach(n => {
n[0] === Nationalities.NORWEGIAN &&
smokes.forEach(s => {
s[n.indexOf(Nationalities.GERMAN)] === Smokes.PRINCE &&
pets.forEach(p => {
p[n.indexOf(Nationalities.SWEDISH)] === Pets.DOG &&
p[s.indexOf(Smokes.PALL_MALL)] === Pets.BIRD &&
Math.abs(s.indexOf(Smokes.BLEND) - p.indexOf(Pets.CAT)) === 1 &&
Math.abs(s.indexOf(Smokes.DUNHILL) - p.indexOf(Pets.HORSE)) === 1 &&
drinks.forEach(d => {
d[n.indexOf(Nationalities.DANISH)] === Drinks.TEA &&
d[2] === Drinks.MILK &&
d[s.indexOf(Smokes.BLUE_MASTER)] === Drinks.BEER &&
Math.abs(s.indexOf(Smokes.BLEND) - d.indexOf(Drinks.WATER)) === 1 &&
colors.forEach(c => {
c[1] === Colors.BLUE &&
c[n.indexOf(Nationalities.NORWEGIAN) + 1] === Colors.BLUE &&
c[n.indexOf(Nationalities.BRITISH)] === Colors.RED &&
c[s.indexOf(Smokes.DUNHILL)] === Colors.YELLOW &&
c[d.indexOf(Drinks.COFFEE)] === Colors.GREEN &&
c.indexOf(Colors.GREEN) - c.indexOf(Colors.WHITE) === -1 &&
//rows: => Object.keys(h).map((c) => h[c]))
rows: ((a) => {
return a[0].map((_, c) => {
return => r[c])
})([n, s, p, d, c])
let mapType = (c) => Object.keys(c).map((v) => c[v])
const Nationalities = {
BRITISH: 'British',
NORWEGIAN: 'Norwegian',
GERMAN: 'German',
SWEDISH: 'Swedish',
DANISH: 'Danish'
const Colors = {
RED: 'Red',
BLUE: 'Blue',
GREEN: 'Green',
WHITE: 'White',
YELLOW: 'Yellow'
const Smokes = {
DUNHILL: 'Dunhill',
BLUE_MASTER: 'BlueMaster',
BLEND: 'Blend',
PALL_MALL: 'Pall Mall',
PRINCE: 'Prince'
const Drinks = {
WATER: 'Water',
BEER: 'Beer',
TEA: 'Tea',
COFFEE: 'Coffee',
MILK: 'Milk'
const Pets = {
DOG: 'Dog',
CAT: 'Cat',
HORSE: 'Horse',
FISH: 'Fish',
BIRD: 'Bird'
var hints = [
[{ nationality: Nationalities.BRITISH }, { color: Colors.RED }],
[{ nationality: Nationalities.SWEDISH }, { pet: Pets.DOG }],
[{ nationality: Nationalities.DANISH }, { drink: Drinks.TEA }],
[{ color: Colors.GREEN }, { leftOf: Colors.WHITE }],
[{ color: Colors.GREEN }, { drink: Drinks.COFFEE }],
[{ smokes: Smokes.PALL_MALL }, { pet: Pets.BIRD }],
[{ color: Colors.YELLOW }, { smokes: Smokes.DUNHILL }],
[{ index: 2 }, { drinks: Drinks.MILK }],
[{ nationality: Nationalities.NORWEGIAN }, { index: 0 }],
[{ smokes: Smokes.BLEND }, { nextTo: Pets.CAT }],
[{ pets: Pets.HORSE }, { nextTo: Smokes.DUNHILL }],
[{ smokes: Smokes.BLUE_MASTER }, { drinks: Drinks.BEER }],
[{ nationality: Nationalities.GERMAN }, { smokes: Smokes.PRINCE }],
[{ nationality: Nationalities.NORWEGIAN }, { nextTo: Colors.BLUE }],
[{ smokes: Smokes.BLEND }, { nextTo: Drinks.WATER }]
| | | | | |
| Norwegian | Dunhill | Cat | Water | Yellow |
| Danish | Blend | Horse | Tea | Blue |
| British | Pall Mall | Bird | Milk | Red |
| German | Prince | Fish | Coffee | Green |
| Swedish | BlueMaster | Dog | Beer | White |
"name": "einstein",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "einstein.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"ascii-table": "0.0.8"
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