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Forked from jamieallen59/rx.js
Last active February 24, 2017 11:57
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import { fromPromise } from 'rxjs/observable/fromPromise';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';
// IGNORE (just filters)
const isValidLinkedAccount = linkedAccount => {
const { is_linked: isLinked, link_failed: linkFailed, status, service_status: serviceStatus } = linkedAccount;
return isLinked && !linkFailed && status === 'active' && serviceStatus === 'active';
const hasRequiredEnergyLinxFields = linkedAccount => {
const { postcode, provider_code: providerCode, provider_label: providerLabel, tariff_name: tariffName } = linkedAccount;
return postcode && providerCode && providerLabel && tariffName;
export const getPreSwitchComparisonEpic = (action$, store) => (
.switchMap(action => {
// Apparently it's not recommended to dispatch from within an epic, but needed here
// to help work with existing code
const { dispatch } = store;
const { linkedAccounts } = action;
const validLinkedAccounts = linkedAccounts
const requestPostcode = getRequestPostcode(validLinkedAccounts);
if (!requestPostcode) {
// return an action here? (Correct! see below)
return of(noLinkedAccounts((['No suitable linked energy accounts']));
const requestObject = { postcode: requestPostcode };
const fetchObject = getAuthenticatedFetchObject(ENERGY_INITIAL_COMPARISON_URL, 'POST', requestObject);
const fetch$ = fromPromise(callFetch(fetchObject))
.mergeMap(response => {
const { average_savings: averageSavings } = response;
if (averageSavings) {
return of(
return null; // Should be mapping to some action or throwing error and going to `catch(error)` if `averageSavings` doesn't exist
.catch(error => {
return of(
return of(
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