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Sergey Abramchuk ss-abramchuk

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awesomez /
Last active February 2, 2023 04:44 — forked from shivshank/
Exports from MagicaVoxel VOX to OBJ. Can preserve all edges for easy editing in a program like Blender.
AUTOMATIC drag and drop support for windows (NO PROMPT!)
1. Copy script to directory you want your files copied to.
2. Select the files you want to convert.
3. Drag & drop onto this script to convert .vox to .obj!
Files will be exported to directory of this script.
tclementdev /
Last active February 26, 2025 18:09
Making efficient use of the libdispatch (GCD)

libdispatch efficiency tips

The libdispatch is one of the most misused API due to the way it was presented to us when it was introduced and for many years after that, and due to the confusing documentation and API. This page is a compilation of important things to know if you're going to use this library. Many references are available at the end of this document pointing to comments from Apple's very own libdispatch maintainer (Pierre Habouzit).

My take-aways are:

  • You should create very few, long-lived, well-defined queues. These queues should be seen as execution contexts in your program (gui, background work, ...) that benefit from executing in parallel. An important thing to note is that if these queues are all active at once, you will get as many threads running. In most apps, you probably do not need to create more than 3 or 4 queues.

  • Go serial first, and as you find performance bottle necks, measure why, and if concurrency helps, apply with care, always validating under system pressure. Reuse

yuvalt / UITextView+Placeholder.swift
Last active September 12, 2020 08:33 — forked from tijme/UITextViewPlaceholder.swift
The correct way to implement a placeholder in a UITextView (Swift). Allow the user to control the text, color, font and position of the placeholder. Everything (but font) can be modified from within Interface Builder.
// UITextViewPlaceholder.swift
// TextViewPlaceholder
// Original work Copyright (c) 2017 Tijme Gommers <[email protected]>
// Modified work Copyright (c) 2017 Yuval Tal <[email protected]>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
juliengdt / SomePlayground.swift
Last active September 21, 2019 15:55
Strongly Type Identifiers For Class Or Struct By Using Protocol and associated types
In response of Tom Lokhort's article.
A third alternative: alternative 2 under steroïds
struct GenericIdentifier<T>: RawRepresentable, Hashable, Equatable {
let rawValue: String
jocopa3 / MCPE_1.1.0.1_Ids.txt
Last active December 20, 2023 07:15
List of all Blocks/Items/Entity Id's in MCPE/Win10 and EDU Edition
For advanced users, a syntax highlighter for sublime text and
textmate which makes reading the list easier can be found here:
============ Blocks ============
All blocks as found in the Block::initBlocks function.
Block names are the same names used in the /give command.
Name Id Data
acrookston /
Last active January 26, 2022 11:05
Xcode pre-action to build custom Info.plist

Automatic build versions from git in Xcode (and other goodies)

Installation procedure for pre-build actions to automatically populate Xcode Info.plist with dynamic data.

1. Xcode Scheme pre-action

Edit Xcode Scheme and add a pre-action script. Copy the contents of into the pre-action script box.

jellybeansoup /
Last active June 23, 2021 08:44
Script for Incrementing Version Numbers
# Link: <>
# A command-line script for incrementing build numbers for all known targets in an Xcode project.
# This script has two main goals: firstly, to ensure that all the targets in a project have the
# same CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString values. This is because mismatched values
# can cause a warning when submitting to the App Store. Secondly, to ensure that the build number
# is incremented appropriately when git has changes.
rob-murray /
Last active July 1, 2022 01:31
Use agvtool to set Xcode project build number
# Use agvtool to set Xcode project build number and create git tag
# Note: requires Xcode project configured to use Apple Generic Versioning and git
# Usage: 123
# src:
sgergely / gist:3793166
Created September 27, 2012 09:43
Midnight Commander Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac OSX
----- Esc -----
Quick change directory: Esc + c
Quick change directory history: Esc + c and then Esc + h
Quick change directory previous entry: Esc + c and then Esc + p
Command line history: Esc + h
Command line previous command: Esc + p
View change: Esc + t (each time you do this shortcut a new directory view will appear)
Print current working directory in command line: Esc + a
Switch between background command line and MC: Ctrl + o
Search/Go to directory in active panel: Esc + s / Ctrl + s then start typing directory name
iros /
Created August 22, 2012 14:42
Documenting your REST API


<Additional information about your API call. Try to use verbs that match both request type (fetching vs modifying) and plurality (one vs multiple).>

  • URL

    <The URL Structure (path only, no root url)>

  • Method: