May 16, 2023 19:23
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
Resolved settings for: "/Users/ssbarnea/c/a/ansible-lint/.projects/ansible-compat/src/ansible_compat/" | |
Settings path: "/Users/ssbarnea/c/a/ansible-lint/.projects/ansible-compat/pyproject.toml" | |
Settings { | |
rules: RuleTable { | |
enabled: { | |
MixedSpacesAndTabs, | |
MultipleImportsOnOneLine, | |
ModuleImportNotAtTopOfFile, | |
MultipleStatementsOnOneLineColon, | |
MultipleStatementsOnOneLineSemicolon, | |
UselessSemicolon, | |
NoneComparison, | |
TrueFalseComparison, | |
NotInTest, | |
NotIsTest, | |
TypeComparison, | |
BareExcept, | |
LambdaAssignment, | |
AmbiguousVariableName, | |
AmbiguousClassName, | |
AmbiguousFunctionName, | |
IOError, | |
SyntaxError, | |
TabIndentation, | |
TrailingWhitespace, | |
MissingNewlineAtEndOfFile, | |
BlankLineWithWhitespace, | |
DocLineTooLong, | |
InvalidEscapeSequence, | |
UnusedImport, | |
ImportShadowedByLoopVar, | |
UndefinedLocalWithImportStar, | |
LateFutureImport, | |
UndefinedLocalWithImportStarUsage, | |
UndefinedLocalWithNestedImportStarUsage, | |
FutureFeatureNotDefined, | |
PercentFormatInvalidFormat, | |
PercentFormatExpectedMapping, | |
PercentFormatExpectedSequence, | |
PercentFormatExtraNamedArguments, | |
PercentFormatMissingArgument, | |
PercentFormatMixedPositionalAndNamed, | |
PercentFormatPositionalCountMismatch, | |
PercentFormatStarRequiresSequence, | |
PercentFormatUnsupportedFormatCharacter, | |
StringDotFormatInvalidFormat, | |
StringDotFormatExtraNamedArguments, | |
StringDotFormatExtraPositionalArguments, | |
StringDotFormatMissingArguments, | |
StringDotFormatMixingAutomatic, | |
FStringMissingPlaceholders, | |
MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral, | |
MultiValueRepeatedKeyVariable, | |
ExpressionsInStarAssignment, | |
MultipleStarredExpressions, | |
AssertTuple, | |
IsLiteral, | |
InvalidPrintSyntax, | |
IfTuple, | |
BreakOutsideLoop, | |
ContinueOutsideLoop, | |
YieldOutsideFunction, | |
ReturnOutsideFunction, | |
DefaultExceptNotLast, | |
ForwardAnnotationSyntaxError, | |
RedefinedWhileUnused, | |
UndefinedName, | |
UndefinedExport, | |
UndefinedLocal, | |
UnusedVariable, | |
UnusedAnnotation, | |
RaiseNotImplemented, | |
AssertOnStringLiteral, | |
UselessReturn, | |
YieldInInit, | |
InvalidAllObject, | |
InvalidAllFormat, | |
InvalidEnvvarDefault, | |
InvalidEnvvarValue, | |
BadStringFormatType, | |
BidirectionalUnicode, | |
BinaryOpException, | |
ImportSelf, | |
InvalidCharacterBackspace, | |
InvalidCharacterSub, | |
InvalidCharacterEsc, | |
InvalidCharacterNul, | |
InvalidCharacterZeroWidthSpace, | |
BadStrStripCall, | |
CollapsibleElseIf, | |
ContinueInFinally, | |
UselessImportAlias, | |
UnnecessaryDirectLambdaCall, | |
NonlocalWithoutBinding, | |
LoadBeforeGlobalDeclaration, | |
AwaitOutsideAsync, | |
PropertyWithParameters, | |
ReturnInInit, | |
ManualFromImport, | |
CompareToEmptyString, | |
ComparisonOfConstant, | |
RepeatedIsinstanceCalls, | |
SysExitAlias, | |
MagicValueComparison, | |
UselessElseOnLoop, | |
GlobalStatement, | |
GlobalVariableNotAssigned, | |
TooManyReturnStatements, | |
TooManyStatements, | |
RedefinedLoopName, | |
LoggingTooFewArgs, | |
LoggingTooManyArgs, | |
UnexpectedSpecialMethodSignature, | |
NestedMinMax, | |
BuiltinVariableShadowing, | |
BuiltinArgumentShadowing, | |
BuiltinAttributeShadowing, | |
UnaryPrefixIncrement, | |
AssignmentToOsEnviron, | |
UnreliableCallableCheck, | |
StripWithMultiCharacters, | |
MutableArgumentDefault, | |
NoExplicitStacklevel, | |
UnusedLoopControlVariable, | |
FunctionCallInDefaultArgument, | |
GetAttrWithConstant, | |
SetAttrWithConstant, | |
AssertFalse, | |
JumpStatementInFinally, | |
RedundantTupleInExceptionHandler, | |
DuplicateHandlerException, | |
UselessComparison, | |
CannotRaiseLiteral, | |
AssertRaisesException, | |
UselessExpression, | |
CachedInstanceMethod, | |
LoopVariableOverridesIterator, | |
FStringDocstring, | |
UselessContextlibSuppress, | |
FunctionUsesLoopVariable, | |
AbstractBaseClassWithoutAbstractMethod, | |
DuplicateTryBlockException, | |
StarArgUnpackingAfterKeywordArg, | |
EmptyMethodWithoutAbstractDecorator, | |
RaiseWithoutFromInsideExcept, | |
ZipWithoutExplicitStrict, | |
ExceptWithEmptyTuple, | |
ExceptWithNonExceptionClasses, | |
ReuseOfGroupbyGenerator, | |
UnintentionalTypeAnnotation, | |
BlindExcept, | |
UnnecessaryCallAroundSorted, | |
UnnecessaryCollectionCall, | |
UnnecessaryComprehension, | |
UnnecessaryComprehensionAnyAll, | |
UnnecessaryDoubleCastOrProcess, | |
UnnecessaryGeneratorDict, | |
UnnecessaryGeneratorList, | |
UnnecessaryGeneratorSet, | |
UnnecessaryListCall, | |
UnnecessaryListComprehensionDict, | |
UnnecessaryListComprehensionSet, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralDict, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralSet, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralWithinDictCall, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralWithinListCall, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralWithinTupleCall, | |
UnnecessaryMap, | |
UnnecessarySubscriptReversal, | |
Debugger, | |
ComplexStructure, | |
BannedApi, | |
RelativeImports, | |
UnnecessaryReturnNone, | |
ImplicitReturnValue, | |
ImplicitReturn, | |
SuperfluousElseReturn, | |
SuperfluousElseRaise, | |
SuperfluousElseContinue, | |
SuperfluousElseBreak, | |
SingleLineImplicitStringConcatenation, | |
MultiLineImplicitStringConcatenation, | |
ExplicitStringConcatenation, | |
Print, | |
PPrint, | |
BadQuotesInlineString, | |
BadQuotesMultilineString, | |
BadQuotesDocstring, | |
AvoidableEscapedQuote, | |
MissingTypeFunctionArgument, | |
MissingTypeArgs, | |
MissingTypeKwargs, | |
MissingTypeCls, | |
MissingReturnTypeUndocumentedPublicFunction, | |
MissingReturnTypePrivateFunction, | |
MissingReturnTypeSpecialMethod, | |
MissingReturnTypeStaticMethod, | |
MissingReturnTypeClassMethod, | |
AnyType, | |
SysVersionSlice3, | |
SysVersion2, | |
SysVersionCmpStr3, | |
SysVersionInfo0Eq3, | |
SixPY3, | |
SysVersionInfo1CmpInt, | |
SysVersionInfoMinorCmpInt, | |
SysVersion0, | |
SysVersionCmpStr10, | |
SysVersionSlice1, | |
IfElseBlockInsteadOfDictLookup, | |
DuplicateIsinstanceCall, | |
CollapsibleIf, | |
NeedlessBool, | |
SuppressibleException, | |
ReturnInTryExceptFinally, | |
IfElseBlockInsteadOfIfExp, | |
CompareWithTuple, | |
ReimplementedBuiltin, | |
UncapitalizedEnvironmentVariables, | |
IfWithSameArms, | |
OpenFileWithContextHandler, | |
MultipleWithStatements, | |
InDictKeys, | |
NegateEqualOp, | |
NegateNotEqualOp, | |
DoubleNegation, | |
IfExprWithTrueFalse, | |
IfExprWithFalseTrue, | |
IfExprWithTwistedArms, | |
ExprAndNotExpr, | |
ExprOrNotExpr, | |
ExprOrTrue, | |
ExprAndFalse, | |
YodaConditions, | |
IfElseBlockInsteadOfDictGet, | |
DictGetWithNoneDefault, | |
UselessMetaclassType, | |
TypeOfPrimitive, | |
UselessObjectInheritance, | |
DeprecatedUnittestAlias, | |
NonPEP585Annotation, | |
NonPEP604Annotation, | |
SuperCallWithParameters, | |
UTF8EncodingDeclaration, | |
UnnecessaryFutureImport, | |
LRUCacheWithoutParameters, | |
UnnecessaryEncodeUTF8, | |
ConvertTypedDictFunctionalToClass, | |
ConvertNamedTupleFunctionalToClass, | |
RedundantOpenModes, | |
DatetimeTimezoneUTC, | |
NativeLiterals, | |
TypingTextStrAlias, | |
OpenAlias, | |
ReplaceUniversalNewlines, | |
ReplaceStdoutStderr, | |
DeprecatedCElementTree, | |
OSErrorAlias, | |
UnicodeKindPrefix, | |
DeprecatedMockImport, | |
UnpackedListComprehension, | |
YieldInForLoop, | |
UnnecessaryBuiltinImport, | |
FormatLiterals, | |
PrintfStringFormatting, | |
FString, | |
LRUCacheWithMaxsizeNone, | |
ExtraneousParentheses, | |
DeprecatedImport, | |
OutdatedVersionBlock, | |
QuotedAnnotation, | |
NonPEP604Isinstance, | |
UndocumentedPublicModule, | |
UndocumentedPublicClass, | |
UndocumentedPublicMethod, | |
UndocumentedPublicFunction, | |
UndocumentedPublicPackage, | |
UndocumentedMagicMethod, | |
UndocumentedPublicNestedClass, | |
UndocumentedPublicInit, | |
FitsOnOneLine, | |
NoBlankLineBeforeFunction, | |
NoBlankLineAfterFunction, | |
OneBlankLineAfterClass, | |
BlankLineAfterSummary, | |
IndentWithSpaces, | |
UnderIndentation, | |
OverIndentation, | |
NewLineAfterLastParagraph, | |
SurroundingWhitespace, | |
TripleSingleQuotes, | |
EscapeSequenceInDocstring, | |
EndsInPeriod, | |
NonImperativeMood, | |
NoSignature, | |
FirstLineCapitalized, | |
BlankLinesBetweenHeaderAndContent, | |
EmptyDocstringSection, | |
OverloadWithDocstring, | |
EmptyDocstring, | |
InvalidClassName, | |
InvalidFunctionName, | |
InvalidArgumentName, | |
InvalidFirstArgumentNameForClassMethod, | |
InvalidFirstArgumentNameForMethod, | |
NonLowercaseVariableInFunction, | |
DunderFunctionName, | |
ConstantImportedAsNonConstant, | |
LowercaseImportedAsNonLowercase, | |
CamelcaseImportedAsLowercase, | |
CamelcaseImportedAsConstant, | |
MixedCaseVariableInClassScope, | |
MixedCaseVariableInGlobalScope, | |
CamelcaseImportedAsAcronym, | |
ErrorSuffixOnExceptionName, | |
InvalidModuleName, | |
UnsortedImports, | |
MissingRequiredImport, | |
CommentedOutCode, | |
Assert, | |
BadFilePermissions, | |
ExecBuiltin, | |
HardcodedBindAllInterfaces, | |
HardcodedPasswordDefault, | |
HardcodedPasswordFuncArg, | |
HardcodedPasswordString, | |
HardcodedSQLExpression, | |
HardcodedTempFile, | |
HashlibInsecureHashFunction, | |
Jinja2AutoescapeFalse, | |
LoggingConfigInsecureListen, | |
RequestWithNoCertValidation, | |
RequestWithoutTimeout, | |
SnmpInsecureVersion, | |
SnmpWeakCryptography, | |
SubprocessPopenWithShellEqualsTrue, | |
SubprocessWithoutShellEqualsTrue, | |
CallWithShellEqualsTrue, | |
StartProcessWithAShell, | |
StartProcessWithNoShell, | |
SuspiciousEvalUsage, | |
SuspiciousFTPLibUsage, | |
SuspiciousInsecureCipherUsage, | |
SuspiciousInsecureCipherModeUsage, | |
SuspiciousInsecureHashUsage, | |
SuspiciousMarkSafeUsage, | |
SuspiciousMarshalUsage, | |
SuspiciousMktempUsage, | |
SuspiciousNonCryptographicRandomUsage, | |
SuspiciousPickleUsage, | |
SuspiciousTelnetUsage, | |
SuspiciousURLOpenUsage, | |
SuspiciousUnverifiedContextUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLCElementTreeUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLETreeUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLElementTreeUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLExpatBuilderUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLExpatReaderUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLMiniDOMUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLPullDOMUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLSaxUsage, | |
TryExceptContinue, | |
TryExceptPass, | |
UnsafeYAMLLoad, | |
BooleanPositionalArgInFunctionDefinition, | |
BooleanDefaultValueInFunctionDefinition, | |
BooleanPositionalValueInFunctionCall, | |
UnusedFunctionArgument, | |
UnusedMethodArgument, | |
UnusedClassMethodArgument, | |
UnusedStaticMethodArgument, | |
UnusedLambdaArgument, | |
UnconventionalImportAlias, | |
BannedImportAlias, | |
BannedImportFrom, | |
CallDatetimeWithoutTzinfo, | |
CallDatetimeToday, | |
CallDatetimeUtcnow, | |
CallDatetimeUtcfromtimestamp, | |
CallDatetimeNowWithoutTzinfo, | |
CallDatetimeFromtimestamp, | |
CallDatetimeStrptimeWithoutZone, | |
CallDateToday, | |
CallDateFromtimestamp, | |
BlanketNOQA, | |
BlanketTypeIgnore, | |
DeprecatedLogWarn, | |
Eval, | |
InvalidMockAccess, | |
PandasUseOfInplaceArgument, | |
PandasUseOfDotIsNull, | |
PandasUseOfDotNotNull, | |
PandasUseOfDotIx, | |
PandasUseOfDotAt, | |
PandasUseOfDotIat, | |
PandasUseOfDotPivotOrUnstack, | |
PandasUseOfDotValues, | |
PandasUseOfDotReadTable, | |
PandasUseOfDotStack, | |
PandasUseOfPdMerge, | |
PandasDfVariableName, | |
RawStringInException, | |
FStringInException, | |
DotFormatInException, | |
ArgumentDefaultInStub, | |
AssignmentDefaultInStub, | |
BadVersionInfoComparison, | |
DocstringInStub, | |
NonEmptyStubBody, | |
PassStatementStubBody, | |
TypeCommentInStub, | |
TypedArgumentDefaultInStub, | |
UnprefixedTypeParam, | |
UnrecognizedPlatformCheck, | |
UnrecognizedPlatformName, | |
PassInClassBody, | |
DuplicateUnionMember, | |
QuotedAnnotationInStub, | |
SnakeCaseTypeAlias, | |
TSuffixedTypeAlias, | |
PytestFixtureIncorrectParenthesesStyle, | |
PytestFixturePositionalArgs, | |
PytestExtraneousScopeFunction, | |
PytestMissingFixtureNameUnderscore, | |
PytestIncorrectFixtureNameUnderscore, | |
PytestParametrizeNamesWrongType, | |
PytestParametrizeValuesWrongType, | |
PytestPatchWithLambda, | |
PytestUnittestAssertion, | |
PytestRaisesWithoutException, | |
PytestRaisesTooBroad, | |
PytestRaisesWithMultipleStatements, | |
PytestIncorrectPytestImport, | |
PytestAssertAlwaysFalse, | |
PytestFailWithoutMessage, | |
PytestAssertInExcept, | |
PytestCompositeAssertion, | |
PytestFixtureParamWithoutValue, | |
PytestDeprecatedYieldFixture, | |
PytestFixtureFinalizerCallback, | |
PytestUselessYieldFixture, | |
PytestIncorrectMarkParenthesesStyle, | |
PytestUnnecessaryAsyncioMarkOnFixture, | |
PytestErroneousUseFixturesOnFixture, | |
PytestUseFixturesWithoutParameters, | |
UnnecessaryPass, | |
DuplicateClassFieldDefinition, | |
NonUniqueEnums, | |
UnnecessarySpread, | |
UnnecessaryDictKwargs, | |
ReimplementedListBuiltin, | |
MultipleStartsEndsWith, | |
MissingTrailingComma, | |
TrailingCommaOnBareTuple, | |
ProhibitedTrailingComma, | |
ImplicitNamespacePackage, | |
ShebangNotExecutable, | |
ShebangMissingExecutableFile, | |
ShebangMissingPython, | |
ShebangLeadingWhitespace, | |
ShebangNotFirstLine, | |
TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport, | |
TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport, | |
TypingOnlyStandardLibraryImport, | |
RuntimeImportInTypeCheckingBlock, | |
EmptyTypeCheckingBlock, | |
RaiseVanillaClass, | |
RaiseVanillaArgs, | |
TypeCheckWithoutTypeError, | |
ReraiseNoCause, | |
VerboseRaise, | |
TryConsiderElse, | |
RaiseWithinTry, | |
ErrorInsteadOfException, | |
VerboseLogMessage, | |
OsPathAbspath, | |
OsChmod, | |
OsMkdir, | |
OsMakedirs, | |
OsRename, | |
PathlibReplace, | |
OsRmdir, | |
OsRemove, | |
OsUnlink, | |
OsGetcwd, | |
OsPathExists, | |
OsPathExpanduser, | |
OsPathIsdir, | |
OsPathIsfile, | |
OsPathIslink, | |
OsReadlink, | |
OsStat, | |
OsPathIsabs, | |
OsPathJoin, | |
OsPathBasename, | |
OsPathDirname, | |
OsPathSamefile, | |
OsPathSplitext, | |
BuiltinOpen, | |
PyPath, | |
LoggingStringFormat, | |
LoggingPercentFormat, | |
LoggingStringConcat, | |
LoggingFString, | |
LoggingWarn, | |
LoggingExtraAttrClash, | |
LoggingExcInfo, | |
LoggingRedundantExcInfo, | |
UnnecessaryParenOnRaiseException, | |
PrivateMemberAccess, | |
FStringInGetTextFuncCall, | |
FormatInGetTextFuncCall, | |
PrintfInGetTextFuncCall, | |
NumpyDeprecatedTypeAlias, | |
NumpyLegacyRandom, | |
AmbiguousUnicodeCharacterString, | |
AmbiguousUnicodeCharacterDocstring, | |
AmbiguousUnicodeCharacterComment, | |
CollectionLiteralConcatenation, | |
AsyncioDanglingTask, | |
UnusedNOQA, | |
PairwiseOverZipped, | |
MutableDataclassDefault, | |
FunctionCallInDataclassDefaultArgument, | |
ExplicitFStringTypeConversion, | |
DjangoNullableModelStringField, | |
DjangoLocalsInRenderFunction, | |
DjangoExcludeWithModelForm, | |
DjangoAllWithModelForm, | |
DjangoModelWithoutDunderStr, | |
DjangoUnorderedBodyContentInModel, | |
DjangoNonLeadingReceiverDecorator, | |
StaticJoinToFString, | |
}, | |
should_fix: { | |
MixedSpacesAndTabs, | |
MultipleImportsOnOneLine, | |
ModuleImportNotAtTopOfFile, | |
MultipleStatementsOnOneLineColon, | |
MultipleStatementsOnOneLineSemicolon, | |
UselessSemicolon, | |
NoneComparison, | |
TrueFalseComparison, | |
NotInTest, | |
NotIsTest, | |
TypeComparison, | |
BareExcept, | |
LambdaAssignment, | |
AmbiguousVariableName, | |
AmbiguousClassName, | |
AmbiguousFunctionName, | |
IOError, | |
SyntaxError, | |
TabIndentation, | |
TrailingWhitespace, | |
MissingNewlineAtEndOfFile, | |
BlankLineWithWhitespace, | |
DocLineTooLong, | |
InvalidEscapeSequence, | |
UnusedImport, | |
ImportShadowedByLoopVar, | |
UndefinedLocalWithImportStar, | |
LateFutureImport, | |
UndefinedLocalWithImportStarUsage, | |
UndefinedLocalWithNestedImportStarUsage, | |
FutureFeatureNotDefined, | |
PercentFormatInvalidFormat, | |
PercentFormatExpectedMapping, | |
PercentFormatExpectedSequence, | |
PercentFormatExtraNamedArguments, | |
PercentFormatMissingArgument, | |
PercentFormatMixedPositionalAndNamed, | |
PercentFormatPositionalCountMismatch, | |
PercentFormatStarRequiresSequence, | |
PercentFormatUnsupportedFormatCharacter, | |
StringDotFormatInvalidFormat, | |
StringDotFormatExtraNamedArguments, | |
StringDotFormatExtraPositionalArguments, | |
StringDotFormatMissingArguments, | |
StringDotFormatMixingAutomatic, | |
FStringMissingPlaceholders, | |
MultiValueRepeatedKeyLiteral, | |
MultiValueRepeatedKeyVariable, | |
ExpressionsInStarAssignment, | |
MultipleStarredExpressions, | |
AssertTuple, | |
IsLiteral, | |
InvalidPrintSyntax, | |
IfTuple, | |
BreakOutsideLoop, | |
ContinueOutsideLoop, | |
YieldOutsideFunction, | |
ReturnOutsideFunction, | |
DefaultExceptNotLast, | |
ForwardAnnotationSyntaxError, | |
RedefinedWhileUnused, | |
UndefinedName, | |
UndefinedExport, | |
UndefinedLocal, | |
UnusedVariable, | |
UnusedAnnotation, | |
RaiseNotImplemented, | |
AssertOnStringLiteral, | |
UselessReturn, | |
YieldInInit, | |
InvalidAllObject, | |
InvalidAllFormat, | |
InvalidEnvvarDefault, | |
InvalidEnvvarValue, | |
BadStringFormatType, | |
BidirectionalUnicode, | |
BinaryOpException, | |
ImportSelf, | |
InvalidCharacterBackspace, | |
InvalidCharacterSub, | |
InvalidCharacterEsc, | |
InvalidCharacterNul, | |
InvalidCharacterZeroWidthSpace, | |
BadStrStripCall, | |
CollapsibleElseIf, | |
ContinueInFinally, | |
UselessImportAlias, | |
UnnecessaryDirectLambdaCall, | |
NonlocalWithoutBinding, | |
LoadBeforeGlobalDeclaration, | |
AwaitOutsideAsync, | |
PropertyWithParameters, | |
ReturnInInit, | |
ManualFromImport, | |
CompareToEmptyString, | |
ComparisonOfConstant, | |
RepeatedIsinstanceCalls, | |
SysExitAlias, | |
MagicValueComparison, | |
UselessElseOnLoop, | |
GlobalStatement, | |
GlobalVariableNotAssigned, | |
TooManyReturnStatements, | |
TooManyStatements, | |
RedefinedLoopName, | |
LoggingTooFewArgs, | |
LoggingTooManyArgs, | |
UnexpectedSpecialMethodSignature, | |
NestedMinMax, | |
BuiltinVariableShadowing, | |
BuiltinArgumentShadowing, | |
BuiltinAttributeShadowing, | |
UnaryPrefixIncrement, | |
AssignmentToOsEnviron, | |
UnreliableCallableCheck, | |
StripWithMultiCharacters, | |
MutableArgumentDefault, | |
NoExplicitStacklevel, | |
UnusedLoopControlVariable, | |
FunctionCallInDefaultArgument, | |
GetAttrWithConstant, | |
SetAttrWithConstant, | |
AssertFalse, | |
JumpStatementInFinally, | |
RedundantTupleInExceptionHandler, | |
DuplicateHandlerException, | |
UselessComparison, | |
CannotRaiseLiteral, | |
AssertRaisesException, | |
UselessExpression, | |
CachedInstanceMethod, | |
LoopVariableOverridesIterator, | |
FStringDocstring, | |
UselessContextlibSuppress, | |
FunctionUsesLoopVariable, | |
AbstractBaseClassWithoutAbstractMethod, | |
DuplicateTryBlockException, | |
StarArgUnpackingAfterKeywordArg, | |
EmptyMethodWithoutAbstractDecorator, | |
RaiseWithoutFromInsideExcept, | |
ZipWithoutExplicitStrict, | |
ExceptWithEmptyTuple, | |
ExceptWithNonExceptionClasses, | |
ReuseOfGroupbyGenerator, | |
UnintentionalTypeAnnotation, | |
BlindExcept, | |
UnnecessaryCallAroundSorted, | |
UnnecessaryCollectionCall, | |
UnnecessaryComprehension, | |
UnnecessaryComprehensionAnyAll, | |
UnnecessaryDoubleCastOrProcess, | |
UnnecessaryGeneratorDict, | |
UnnecessaryGeneratorList, | |
UnnecessaryGeneratorSet, | |
UnnecessaryListCall, | |
UnnecessaryListComprehensionDict, | |
UnnecessaryListComprehensionSet, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralDict, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralSet, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralWithinDictCall, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralWithinListCall, | |
UnnecessaryLiteralWithinTupleCall, | |
UnnecessaryMap, | |
UnnecessarySubscriptReversal, | |
Debugger, | |
ComplexStructure, | |
BannedApi, | |
RelativeImports, | |
UnnecessaryReturnNone, | |
ImplicitReturnValue, | |
ImplicitReturn, | |
SuperfluousElseReturn, | |
SuperfluousElseRaise, | |
SuperfluousElseContinue, | |
SuperfluousElseBreak, | |
SingleLineImplicitStringConcatenation, | |
MultiLineImplicitStringConcatenation, | |
ExplicitStringConcatenation, | |
Print, | |
PPrint, | |
BadQuotesInlineString, | |
BadQuotesMultilineString, | |
BadQuotesDocstring, | |
AvoidableEscapedQuote, | |
MissingTypeFunctionArgument, | |
MissingTypeArgs, | |
MissingTypeKwargs, | |
MissingTypeCls, | |
MissingReturnTypeUndocumentedPublicFunction, | |
MissingReturnTypePrivateFunction, | |
MissingReturnTypeSpecialMethod, | |
MissingReturnTypeStaticMethod, | |
MissingReturnTypeClassMethod, | |
AnyType, | |
SysVersionSlice3, | |
SysVersion2, | |
SysVersionCmpStr3, | |
SysVersionInfo0Eq3, | |
SixPY3, | |
SysVersionInfo1CmpInt, | |
SysVersionInfoMinorCmpInt, | |
SysVersion0, | |
SysVersionCmpStr10, | |
SysVersionSlice1, | |
IfElseBlockInsteadOfDictLookup, | |
DuplicateIsinstanceCall, | |
CollapsibleIf, | |
NeedlessBool, | |
SuppressibleException, | |
ReturnInTryExceptFinally, | |
IfElseBlockInsteadOfIfExp, | |
CompareWithTuple, | |
ReimplementedBuiltin, | |
UncapitalizedEnvironmentVariables, | |
IfWithSameArms, | |
OpenFileWithContextHandler, | |
MultipleWithStatements, | |
InDictKeys, | |
NegateEqualOp, | |
NegateNotEqualOp, | |
DoubleNegation, | |
IfExprWithTrueFalse, | |
IfExprWithFalseTrue, | |
IfExprWithTwistedArms, | |
ExprAndNotExpr, | |
ExprOrNotExpr, | |
ExprOrTrue, | |
ExprAndFalse, | |
YodaConditions, | |
IfElseBlockInsteadOfDictGet, | |
DictGetWithNoneDefault, | |
UselessMetaclassType, | |
TypeOfPrimitive, | |
UselessObjectInheritance, | |
DeprecatedUnittestAlias, | |
NonPEP585Annotation, | |
NonPEP604Annotation, | |
SuperCallWithParameters, | |
UTF8EncodingDeclaration, | |
UnnecessaryFutureImport, | |
LRUCacheWithoutParameters, | |
UnnecessaryEncodeUTF8, | |
ConvertTypedDictFunctionalToClass, | |
ConvertNamedTupleFunctionalToClass, | |
RedundantOpenModes, | |
DatetimeTimezoneUTC, | |
NativeLiterals, | |
TypingTextStrAlias, | |
OpenAlias, | |
ReplaceUniversalNewlines, | |
ReplaceStdoutStderr, | |
DeprecatedCElementTree, | |
OSErrorAlias, | |
UnicodeKindPrefix, | |
DeprecatedMockImport, | |
UnpackedListComprehension, | |
YieldInForLoop, | |
UnnecessaryBuiltinImport, | |
FormatLiterals, | |
PrintfStringFormatting, | |
FString, | |
LRUCacheWithMaxsizeNone, | |
ExtraneousParentheses, | |
DeprecatedImport, | |
OutdatedVersionBlock, | |
QuotedAnnotation, | |
NonPEP604Isinstance, | |
UndocumentedPublicModule, | |
UndocumentedPublicClass, | |
UndocumentedPublicMethod, | |
UndocumentedPublicFunction, | |
UndocumentedPublicPackage, | |
UndocumentedMagicMethod, | |
UndocumentedPublicNestedClass, | |
UndocumentedPublicInit, | |
FitsOnOneLine, | |
NoBlankLineBeforeFunction, | |
NoBlankLineAfterFunction, | |
OneBlankLineAfterClass, | |
BlankLineAfterSummary, | |
IndentWithSpaces, | |
UnderIndentation, | |
OverIndentation, | |
NewLineAfterLastParagraph, | |
SurroundingWhitespace, | |
TripleSingleQuotes, | |
EscapeSequenceInDocstring, | |
EndsInPeriod, | |
NonImperativeMood, | |
NoSignature, | |
FirstLineCapitalized, | |
BlankLinesBetweenHeaderAndContent, | |
EmptyDocstringSection, | |
OverloadWithDocstring, | |
EmptyDocstring, | |
InvalidClassName, | |
InvalidFunctionName, | |
InvalidArgumentName, | |
InvalidFirstArgumentNameForClassMethod, | |
InvalidFirstArgumentNameForMethod, | |
NonLowercaseVariableInFunction, | |
DunderFunctionName, | |
ConstantImportedAsNonConstant, | |
LowercaseImportedAsNonLowercase, | |
CamelcaseImportedAsLowercase, | |
CamelcaseImportedAsConstant, | |
MixedCaseVariableInClassScope, | |
MixedCaseVariableInGlobalScope, | |
CamelcaseImportedAsAcronym, | |
ErrorSuffixOnExceptionName, | |
InvalidModuleName, | |
UnsortedImports, | |
MissingRequiredImport, | |
CommentedOutCode, | |
Assert, | |
BadFilePermissions, | |
ExecBuiltin, | |
HardcodedBindAllInterfaces, | |
HardcodedPasswordDefault, | |
HardcodedPasswordFuncArg, | |
HardcodedPasswordString, | |
HardcodedSQLExpression, | |
HardcodedTempFile, | |
HashlibInsecureHashFunction, | |
Jinja2AutoescapeFalse, | |
LoggingConfigInsecureListen, | |
RequestWithNoCertValidation, | |
RequestWithoutTimeout, | |
SnmpInsecureVersion, | |
SnmpWeakCryptography, | |
SubprocessPopenWithShellEqualsTrue, | |
SubprocessWithoutShellEqualsTrue, | |
CallWithShellEqualsTrue, | |
StartProcessWithAShell, | |
StartProcessWithNoShell, | |
SuspiciousEvalUsage, | |
SuspiciousFTPLibUsage, | |
SuspiciousInsecureCipherUsage, | |
SuspiciousInsecureCipherModeUsage, | |
SuspiciousInsecureHashUsage, | |
SuspiciousMarkSafeUsage, | |
SuspiciousMarshalUsage, | |
SuspiciousMktempUsage, | |
SuspiciousNonCryptographicRandomUsage, | |
SuspiciousPickleUsage, | |
SuspiciousTelnetUsage, | |
SuspiciousURLOpenUsage, | |
SuspiciousUnverifiedContextUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLCElementTreeUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLETreeUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLElementTreeUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLExpatBuilderUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLExpatReaderUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLMiniDOMUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLPullDOMUsage, | |
SuspiciousXMLSaxUsage, | |
TryExceptContinue, | |
TryExceptPass, | |
UnsafeYAMLLoad, | |
BooleanPositionalArgInFunctionDefinition, | |
BooleanDefaultValueInFunctionDefinition, | |
BooleanPositionalValueInFunctionCall, | |
UnusedFunctionArgument, | |
UnusedMethodArgument, | |
UnusedClassMethodArgument, | |
UnusedStaticMethodArgument, | |
UnusedLambdaArgument, | |
UnconventionalImportAlias, | |
BannedImportAlias, | |
BannedImportFrom, | |
CallDatetimeWithoutTzinfo, | |
CallDatetimeToday, | |
CallDatetimeUtcnow, | |
CallDatetimeUtcfromtimestamp, | |
CallDatetimeNowWithoutTzinfo, | |
CallDatetimeFromtimestamp, | |
CallDatetimeStrptimeWithoutZone, | |
CallDateToday, | |
CallDateFromtimestamp, | |
BlanketNOQA, | |
BlanketTypeIgnore, | |
DeprecatedLogWarn, | |
Eval, | |
InvalidMockAccess, | |
PandasUseOfInplaceArgument, | |
PandasUseOfDotIsNull, | |
PandasUseOfDotNotNull, | |
PandasUseOfDotIx, | |
PandasUseOfDotAt, | |
PandasUseOfDotIat, | |
PandasUseOfDotPivotOrUnstack, | |
PandasUseOfDotValues, | |
PandasUseOfDotReadTable, | |
PandasUseOfDotStack, | |
PandasUseOfPdMerge, | |
PandasDfVariableName, | |
RawStringInException, | |
FStringInException, | |
DotFormatInException, | |
ArgumentDefaultInStub, | |
AssignmentDefaultInStub, | |
BadVersionInfoComparison, | |
DocstringInStub, | |
NonEmptyStubBody, | |
PassStatementStubBody, | |
TypeCommentInStub, | |
TypedArgumentDefaultInStub, | |
UnprefixedTypeParam, | |
UnrecognizedPlatformCheck, | |
UnrecognizedPlatformName, | |
PassInClassBody, | |
DuplicateUnionMember, | |
QuotedAnnotationInStub, | |
SnakeCaseTypeAlias, | |
TSuffixedTypeAlias, | |
PytestFixtureIncorrectParenthesesStyle, | |
PytestFixturePositionalArgs, | |
PytestExtraneousScopeFunction, | |
PytestMissingFixtureNameUnderscore, | |
PytestIncorrectFixtureNameUnderscore, | |
PytestParametrizeNamesWrongType, | |
PytestParametrizeValuesWrongType, | |
PytestPatchWithLambda, | |
PytestUnittestAssertion, | |
PytestRaisesWithoutException, | |
PytestRaisesTooBroad, | |
PytestRaisesWithMultipleStatements, | |
PytestIncorrectPytestImport, | |
PytestAssertAlwaysFalse, | |
PytestFailWithoutMessage, | |
PytestAssertInExcept, | |
PytestCompositeAssertion, | |
PytestFixtureParamWithoutValue, | |
PytestDeprecatedYieldFixture, | |
PytestFixtureFinalizerCallback, | |
PytestUselessYieldFixture, | |
PytestIncorrectMarkParenthesesStyle, | |
PytestUnnecessaryAsyncioMarkOnFixture, | |
PytestErroneousUseFixturesOnFixture, | |
PytestUseFixturesWithoutParameters, | |
UnnecessaryPass, | |
DuplicateClassFieldDefinition, | |
NonUniqueEnums, | |
UnnecessarySpread, | |
UnnecessaryDictKwargs, | |
ReimplementedListBuiltin, | |
MultipleStartsEndsWith, | |
MissingTrailingComma, | |
TrailingCommaOnBareTuple, | |
ProhibitedTrailingComma, | |
ImplicitNamespacePackage, | |
ShebangNotExecutable, | |
ShebangMissingExecutableFile, | |
ShebangMissingPython, | |
ShebangLeadingWhitespace, | |
ShebangNotFirstLine, | |
TypingOnlyFirstPartyImport, | |
TypingOnlyThirdPartyImport, | |
TypingOnlyStandardLibraryImport, | |
RuntimeImportInTypeCheckingBlock, | |
EmptyTypeCheckingBlock, | |
RaiseVanillaClass, | |
RaiseVanillaArgs, | |
TypeCheckWithoutTypeError, | |
ReraiseNoCause, | |
VerboseRaise, | |
TryConsiderElse, | |
RaiseWithinTry, | |
ErrorInsteadOfException, | |
VerboseLogMessage, | |
OsPathAbspath, | |
OsChmod, | |
OsMkdir, | |
OsMakedirs, | |
OsRename, | |
PathlibReplace, | |
OsRmdir, | |
OsRemove, | |
OsUnlink, | |
OsGetcwd, | |
OsPathExists, | |
OsPathExpanduser, | |
OsPathIsdir, | |
OsPathIsfile, | |
OsPathIslink, | |
OsReadlink, | |
OsStat, | |
OsPathIsabs, | |
OsPathJoin, | |
OsPathBasename, | |
OsPathDirname, | |
OsPathSamefile, | |
OsPathSplitext, | |
BuiltinOpen, | |
PyPath, | |
LoggingStringFormat, | |
LoggingPercentFormat, | |
LoggingStringConcat, | |
LoggingFString, | |
LoggingWarn, | |
LoggingExtraAttrClash, | |
LoggingExcInfo, | |
LoggingRedundantExcInfo, | |
UnnecessaryParenOnRaiseException, | |
PrivateMemberAccess, | |
FStringInGetTextFuncCall, | |
FormatInGetTextFuncCall, | |
PrintfInGetTextFuncCall, | |
NumpyDeprecatedTypeAlias, | |
NumpyLegacyRandom, | |
AmbiguousUnicodeCharacterString, | |
AmbiguousUnicodeCharacterDocstring, | |
AmbiguousUnicodeCharacterComment, | |
CollectionLiteralConcatenation, | |
AsyncioDanglingTask, | |
UnusedNOQA, | |
PairwiseOverZipped, | |
MutableDataclassDefault, | |
FunctionCallInDataclassDefaultArgument, | |
ExplicitFStringTypeConversion, | |
DjangoNullableModelStringField, | |
DjangoLocalsInRenderFunction, | |
DjangoExcludeWithModelForm, | |
DjangoAllWithModelForm, | |
DjangoModelWithoutDunderStr, | |
DjangoUnorderedBodyContentInModel, | |
DjangoNonLeadingReceiverDecorator, | |
StaticJoinToFString, | |
}, | |
}, | |
per_file_ignores: [ | |
( | |
GlobMatcher { | |
pat: Glob { | |
glob: "/Users/ssbarnea/c/a/ansible-lint/.projects/ansible-compat/test/**/*.py", | |
re: "(?-u)^/Users/ssbarnea/c/a/ansible\\-lint/\\.projects/ansible\\-compat/test(?:/|/.*/).*\\.py$", | |
opts: GlobOptions { | |
case_insensitive: false, | |
literal_separator: false, | |
backslash_escape: true, | |
}, | |
tokens: Tokens( | |
[ | |
Literal( | |
'/', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'U', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'e', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'r', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'/', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'b', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'a', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'r', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'n', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'e', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'a', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'/', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'c', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'/', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'a', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'/', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'a', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'n', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'i', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'b', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'l', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'e', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'-', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'l', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'i', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'n', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
't', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'/', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'.', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'p', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'r', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'o', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'j', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'e', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'c', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
't', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'/', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'a', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'n', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'i', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'b', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'l', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'e', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'-', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'c', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'o', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'm', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'p', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'a', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
't', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'/', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
't', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'e', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
't', | |
), | |
RecursiveZeroOrMore, | |
ZeroOrMore, | |
Literal( | |
'.', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'p', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'y', | |
), | |
], | |
), | |
}, | |
re: (?-u)^/Users/ssbarnea/c/a/ansible\-lint/\.projects/ansible\-compat/test(?:/|/.*/).*\.py$, | |
}, | |
GlobMatcher { | |
pat: Glob { | |
glob: "test/**/*.py", | |
re: "(?-u)^test(?:/|/.*/).*\\.py$", | |
opts: GlobOptions { | |
case_insensitive: false, | |
literal_separator: false, | |
backslash_escape: true, | |
}, | |
tokens: Tokens( | |
[ | |
Literal( | |
't', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'e', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
's', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
't', | |
), | |
RecursiveZeroOrMore, | |
ZeroOrMore, | |
Literal( | |
'.', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'p', | |
), | |
Literal( | |
'y', | |
), | |
], | |
), | |
}, | |
re: (?-u)^test(?:/|/.*/).*\.py$, | |
}, | |
{ | |
Assert, | |
BooleanPositionalArgInFunctionDefinition, | |
PrivateMemberAccess, | |
}, | |
), | |
], | |
target_version: Py39, | |
exclude: FilePatternSet { | |
set: GlobSet { | |
len: 21, | |
strats: [ | |
Extension( | |
ExtensionStrategy( | |
{}, | |
), | |
), | |
BasenameLiteral( | |
BasenameLiteralStrategy( | |
{}, | |
), | |
), | |
Literal( | |
LiteralStrategy( | |
{ | |
[ | |
46, | |
98, | |
122, | |
114, | |
]: [ | |
0, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
100, | |
105, | |
114, | |
101, | |
110, | |
118, | |
]: [ | |
1, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
101, | |
103, | |
103, | |
115, | |
]: [ | |
2, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
103, | |
105, | |
116, | |
]: [ | |
3, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
103, | |
105, | |
116, | |
45, | |
114, | |
101, | |
119, | |
114, | |
105, | |
116, | |
101, | |
]: [ | |
4, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
104, | |
103, | |
]: [ | |
5, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
109, | |
121, | |
112, | |
121, | |
95, | |
99, | |
97, | |
99, | |
104, | |
101, | |
]: [ | |
6, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
110, | |
111, | |
120, | |
]: [ | |
7, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
112, | |
97, | |
110, | |
116, | |
115, | |
46, | |
100, | |
]: [ | |
8, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
112, | |
121, | |
116, | |
121, | |
112, | |
101, | |
]: [ | |
9, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
114, | |
117, | |
102, | |
102, | |
95, | |
99, | |
97, | |
99, | |
104, | |
101, | |
]: [ | |
10, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
115, | |
118, | |
110, | |
]: [ | |
11, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
116, | |
111, | |
120, | |
]: [ | |
12, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
118, | |
101, | |
110, | |
118, | |
]: [ | |
13, | |
], | |
[ | |
95, | |
95, | |
112, | |
121, | |
112, | |
97, | |
99, | |
107, | |
97, | |
103, | |
101, | |
115, | |
95, | |
95, | |
]: [ | |
14, | |
], | |
[ | |
95, | |
98, | |
117, | |
105, | |
108, | |
100, | |
]: [ | |
15, | |
], | |
[ | |
98, | |
117, | |
99, | |
107, | |
45, | |
111, | |
117, | |
116, | |
]: [ | |
16, | |
], | |
[ | |
98, | |
117, | |
105, | |
108, | |
100, | |
]: [ | |
17, | |
], | |
[ | |
100, | |
105, | |
115, | |
116, | |
]: [ | |
18, | |
], | |
[ | |
110, | |
111, | |
100, | |
101, | |
95, | |
109, | |
111, | |
100, | |
117, | |
108, | |
101, | |
115, | |
]: [ | |
19, | |
], | |
[ | |
118, | |
101, | |
110, | |
118, | |
]: [ | |
20, | |
], | |
}, | |
), | |
), | |
Suffix( | |
SuffixStrategy { | |
matcher: AhoCorasick { | |
imp: DFA( | |
PremultipliedByteClass( | |
PremultipliedByteClass( | |
Repr { | |
match_kind: Standard, | |
anchored: false, | |
premultiplied: true, | |
start_id: 2, | |
max_pattern_len: 0, | |
pattern_count: 0, | |
state_count: 3, | |
max_match: 1, | |
heap_bytes: 96, | |
prefilter: None, | |
byte_classes: ByteClasses( 0 => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255]), | |
trans: [ | |
2, | |
1, | |
2, | |
], | |
matches: [ | |
[], | |
[], | |
[], | |
], | |
}, | |
), | |
), | |
), | |
match_kind: Standard, | |
}, | |
map: [], | |
longest: 0, | |
}, | |
), | |
Prefix( | |
PrefixStrategy { | |
matcher: AhoCorasick { | |
imp: DFA( | |
PremultipliedByteClass( | |
PremultipliedByteClass( | |
Repr { | |
match_kind: Standard, | |
anchored: false, | |
premultiplied: true, | |
start_id: 2, | |
max_pattern_len: 0, | |
pattern_count: 0, | |
state_count: 3, | |
max_match: 1, | |
heap_bytes: 96, | |
prefilter: None, | |
byte_classes: ByteClasses( 0 => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255]), | |
trans: [ | |
2, | |
1, | |
2, | |
], | |
matches: [ | |
[], | |
[], | |
[], | |
], | |
}, | |
), | |
), | |
), | |
match_kind: Standard, | |
}, | |
map: [], | |
longest: 0, | |
}, | |
), | |
RequiredExtension( | |
RequiredExtensionStrategy( | |
{}, | |
), | |
), | |
Regex( | |
RegexSetStrategy { | |
matcher: RegexSet([]), | |
map: [], | |
}, | |
), | |
], | |
}, | |
cache_key: 4071429073121837326, | |
}, | |
extend_exclude: FilePatternSet { | |
set: GlobSet { | |
len: 0, | |
strats: [], | |
}, | |
cache_key: 15130871412783076140, | |
}, | |
force_exclude: false, | |
include: FilePatternSet { | |
set: GlobSet { | |
len: 2, | |
strats: [ | |
Extension( | |
ExtensionStrategy( | |
{ | |
[ | |
46, | |
112, | |
121, | |
105, | |
]: [ | |
1, | |
], | |
[ | |
46, | |
112, | |
121, | |
]: [ | |
0, | |
], | |
}, | |
), | |
), | |
BasenameLiteral( | |
BasenameLiteralStrategy( | |
{}, | |
), | |
), | |
Literal( | |
LiteralStrategy( | |
{}, | |
), | |
), | |
Suffix( | |
SuffixStrategy { | |
matcher: AhoCorasick { | |
imp: DFA( | |
PremultipliedByteClass( | |
PremultipliedByteClass( | |
Repr { | |
match_kind: Standard, | |
anchored: false, | |
premultiplied: true, | |
start_id: 2, | |
max_pattern_len: 0, | |
pattern_count: 0, | |
state_count: 3, | |
max_match: 1, | |
heap_bytes: 96, | |
prefilter: None, | |
byte_classes: ByteClasses( 0 => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255]), | |
trans: [ | |
2, | |
1, | |
2, | |
], | |
matches: [ | |
[], | |
[], | |
[], | |
], | |
}, | |
), | |
), | |
), | |
match_kind: Standard, | |
}, | |
map: [], | |
longest: 0, | |
}, | |
), | |
Prefix( | |
PrefixStrategy { | |
matcher: AhoCorasick { | |
imp: DFA( | |
PremultipliedByteClass( | |
PremultipliedByteClass( | |
Repr { | |
match_kind: Standard, | |
anchored: false, | |
premultiplied: true, | |
start_id: 2, | |
max_pattern_len: 0, | |
pattern_count: 0, | |
state_count: 3, | |
max_match: 1, | |
heap_bytes: 96, | |
prefilter: None, | |
byte_classes: ByteClasses( 0 => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255]), | |
trans: [ | |
2, | |
1, | |
2, | |
], | |
matches: [ | |
[], | |
[], | |
[], | |
], | |
}, | |
), | |
), | |
), | |
match_kind: Standard, | |
}, | |
map: [], | |
longest: 0, | |
}, | |
), | |
RequiredExtension( | |
RequiredExtensionStrategy( | |
{}, | |
), | |
), | |
Regex( | |
RegexSetStrategy { | |
matcher: RegexSet([]), | |
map: [], | |
}, | |
), | |
], | |
}, | |
cache_key: 7012672873122930469, | |
}, | |
extend_include: FilePatternSet { | |
set: GlobSet { | |
len: 0, | |
strats: [], | |
}, | |
cache_key: 15130871412783076140, | |
}, | |
respect_gitignore: true, | |
project_root: "/Users/ssbarnea/c/a/ansible-lint/.projects/ansible-compat", | |
allowed_confusables: {}, | |
builtins: [], | |
dummy_variable_rgx: ^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$, | |
external: {}, | |
ignore_init_module_imports: false, | |
line_length: 88, | |
namespace_packages: [], | |
src: [ | |
"/Users/ssbarnea/c/a/ansible-lint/.projects/ansible-compat", | |
], | |
task_tags: [ | |
"TODO", | |
"FIXME", | |
"XXX", | |
], | |
typing_modules: [], | |
flake8_annotations: Settings { | |
mypy_init_return: false, | |
suppress_dummy_args: false, | |
suppress_none_returning: false, | |
allow_star_arg_any: false, | |
ignore_fully_untyped: false, | |
}, | |
flake8_bandit: Settings { | |
hardcoded_tmp_directory: [ | |
"/tmp", | |
"/var/tmp", | |
"/dev/shm", | |
], | |
check_typed_exception: false, | |
}, | |
flake8_bugbear: Settings { | |
extend_immutable_calls: [], | |
}, | |
flake8_builtins: Settings { | |
builtins_ignorelist: [], | |
}, | |
flake8_comprehensions: Settings { | |
allow_dict_calls_with_keyword_arguments: false, | |
}, | |
flake8_errmsg: Settings { | |
max_string_length: 0, | |
}, | |
flake8_implicit_str_concat: Settings { | |
allow_multiline: true, | |
}, | |
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aliases: { | |
"matplotlib": "mpl", | |
"matplotlib.pyplot": "plt", | |
"pandas": "pd", | |
"seaborn": "sns", | |
"tensorflow": "tf", | |
"": "px", | |
"polars": "pl", | |
"numpy": "np", | |
"panel": "pn", | |
"pyarrow": "pa", | |
"altair": "alt", | |
"holoviews": "hv", | |
}, | |
banned_aliases: {}, | |
banned_from: {}, | |
}, | |
flake8_gettext: Settings { | |
functions_names: [ | |
"_", | |
"gettext", | |
"ngettext", | |
], | |
}, | |
flake8_pytest_style: Settings { | |
fixture_parentheses: true, | |
parametrize_names_type: Tuple, | |
parametrize_values_type: Tuple, | |
parametrize_values_row_type: Tuple, | |
raises_require_match_for: [ | |
"BaseException", | |
"Exception", | |
"ValueError", | |
"OSError", | |
"IOError", | |
"EnvironmentError", | |
"socket.error", | |
], | |
raises_extend_require_match_for: [], | |
mark_parentheses: true, | |
}, | |
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inline_quotes: Double, | |
multiline_quotes: Double, | |
docstring_quotes: Double, | |
avoid_escape: true, | |
}, | |
flake8_self: Settings { | |
ignore_names: [ | |
"_make", | |
"_asdict", | |
"_replace", | |
"_fields", | |
"_field_defaults", | |
], | |
}, | |
flake8_tidy_imports: Settings { | |
ban_relative_imports: Parents, | |
banned_api: {}, | |
}, | |
flake8_type_checking: Settings { | |
strict: false, | |
exempt_modules: [ | |
"typing", | |
], | |
runtime_evaluated_base_classes: [], | |
runtime_evaluated_decorators: [], | |
}, | |
flake8_unused_arguments: Settings { | |
ignore_variadic_names: false, | |
}, | |
isort: Settings { | |
required_imports: {}, | |
combine_as_imports: false, | |
force_single_line: false, | |
force_sort_within_sections: false, | |
force_wrap_aliases: false, | |
force_to_top: {}, | |
known_modules: KnownModules { | |
known: { | |
"packaging": Known( | |
ThirdParty, | |
), | |
"ansible_compat": Known( | |
FirstParty, | |
), | |
}, | |
has_submodules: false, | |
}, | |
order_by_type: true, | |
relative_imports_order: FurthestToClosest, | |
single_line_exclusions: {}, | |
split_on_trailing_comma: true, | |
classes: {}, | |
constants: {}, | |
variables: {}, | |
no_lines_before: {}, | |
lines_after_imports: -1, | |
lines_between_types: 0, | |
forced_separate: [], | |
section_order: [ | |
Known( | |
Future, | |
), | |
Known( | |
StandardLibrary, | |
), | |
Known( | |
ThirdParty, | |
), | |
Known( | |
FirstParty, | |
), | |
Known( | |
LocalFolder, | |
), | |
], | |
}, | |
mccabe: Settings { | |
max_complexity: 10, | |
}, | |
pep8_naming: Settings { | |
ignore_names: [ | |
"setUp", | |
"tearDown", | |
"setUpClass", | |
"tearDownClass", | |
"setUpModule", | |
"tearDownModule", | |
"asyncSetUp", | |
"asyncTearDown", | |
"setUpTestData", | |
"failureException", | |
"longMessage", | |
"maxDiff", | |
], | |
classmethod_decorators: [], | |
staticmethod_decorators: [], | |
}, | |
pycodestyle: Settings { | |
max_doc_length: None, | |
ignore_overlong_task_comments: false, | |
}, | |
pydocstyle: Settings { | |
convention: Some( | |
Pep257, | |
), | |
ignore_decorators: {}, | |
property_decorators: {}, | |
}, | |
pylint: Settings { | |
allow_magic_value_types: [ | |
Str, | |
Bytes, | |
], | |
max_args: 5, | |
max_returns: 6, | |
max_branches: 12, | |
max_statements: 50, | |
}, | |
pyupgrade: Settings { | |
keep_runtime_typing: false, | |
}, | |
} |
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