#!/usr/bin/env php |
<?php |
// API Credentials |
// You can either provide them as environment variables |
// or hard-code them in the empty strings below. |
$apiUrl = getenv('BS_URL') ?: ''; // http://bookstack.local/ |
$clientId = getenv('BS_TOKEN_ID') ?: ''; |
$clientSecret = getenv('BS_TOKEN_SECRET') ?: ''; |
// Export Format & Location |
// Can be provided as a arguments when calling the script |
// or be hard-coded as strings below. |
$exportFormat = $argv[1] ?? 'pdf'; |
$exportLocation = $argv[2] ?? './'; |
// Script logic |
//////////////// |
$books = getAllBooks(); |
$outDir = realpath($exportLocation); |
$extensionByFormat = [ |
'pdf' => 'pdf', |
'html' => 'html', |
'plaintext' => 'txt', |
]; |
foreach ($books as $book) { |
$id = $book['id']; |
$extension = $extensionByFormat[$exportFormat] ?? $exportFormat; |
$content = apiGet("api/books/{$id}/export/{$exportFormat}"); |
$outPath = $outDir . "/{$book['slug']}.{$extension}"; |
file_put_contents($outPath, $content); |
} |
/** |
* Get all books from the system API. |
*/ |
function getAllBooks() { |
$count = 100; |
$offset = 0; |
$total = 0; |
$allBooks = []; |
do { |
$endpoint = 'api/books?' . http_build_query(['count' => $count, 'offset' => $offset]); |
$resp = apiGetJson($endpoint); |
// Only set total on first request, due to API bug: |
// https://github.com/BookStackApp/BookStack/issues/2043 |
if ($offset == 0) { |
$total = $resp['total'] ?? 0; |
} |
$newBooks = $resp['data'] ?? []; |
array_push($allBooks, ...$newBooks); |
$offset += $count; |
} while ($offset < $total); |
return $allBooks; |
} |
/** |
* Make a simple GET HTTP request to the API. |
*/ |
function apiGet(string $endpoint): string { |
global $apiUrl, $clientId, $clientSecret; |
$url = rtrim($apiUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($endpoint, '/'); |
$opts = ['http' => ['header' => "Authorization: Token {$clientId}:{$clientSecret}"]]; |
$context = stream_context_create($opts); |
return file_get_contents($url, false, $context); |
} |
/** |
* Make a simple GET HTTP request to the API & |
* decode the JSON response to an array. |
*/ |
function apiGetJson(string $endpoint): array { |
$data = apiGet($endpoint); |
return json_decode($data, true); |
} |
/** |
* DEBUG: Dump out the given variables and exit. |
*/ |
function dd(...$args) { |
foreach ($args as $arg) { |
var_dump($arg); |
} |
exit(1); |
} |
@folletst You can find API access details when editing your profile in BookStack, you'll need "Access system API" permissions.
Since I've created this I've been pooling any API scripts into a central repo, that's more likely to be updated.
Therefore you may be better following this version here: