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Created January 11, 2018 18:33
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using Makie, GeometryTypes
using PortAudio
N = 1024 # size of audio read
N2 = N÷2+1 # size of rfft output
D = 200 # number of bins to display
M = 200 # amount of history to keep
src = PortAudioStream(1, 2, blocksize=N)
buf = Array{Float32}(N)
fftbuf = Array{Complex{Float32}}(N2)
dispbuf = zeros(Float32, D, M)
fftplan = plan_rfft(buf; flags=FFTW.EXHAUSTIVE)
Slide the values in the given matrix to the right by 1.
The rightmosts column is discarded and the leftmost column is
left alone.
function shift1!(buf::AbstractMatrix)
for col in size(buf,2):-1:2
@. buf[:, col] = buf[:, col-1]
Read a block of audio, FFT it, and write it to the beginning of the buffer
function readtobuf()
read!(src, buf)
A_mul_B!(fftbuf, fftplan, buf)
@. dispbuf[end:-1:1,1] = log(clamp(abs(fftbuf[1:D]), 0.0001, Inf))
scene = Scene(resolution=(500,500))
#pre-fill the display buffer so we can do a reasonable colormap
for _ in 1:M
hm = heatmap(dispbuf)
while isopen(scene[:screen])
hm[:heatmap] = dispbuf
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