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Last active August 5, 2021 20:19
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  • Save sshleifer/ef148b68988b0e2e4c70778d88f26647 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sshleifer/ef148b68988b0e2e4c70778d88f26647 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

The way I test things quickly with srun:

(1) on devfair:

srun --gres=gpu:8 --partition=devaccel --nodes=1 --cpus-per-task 64 \
    --ntasks-per-node 1 --mem=400G --constraint volta32gb \
    --time="2-00:00:00" --pty /bin/zsh -l

(2) on the resultant shell:

source deactivate
source /etc/profile
module load anaconda3/2020.11 cudnn/v8.0.3.33-cuda.11.0 cuda/11.0 fairusers_aws nvtop/1.0.0/gcc.7.3.0 openmpi/4.1.0/cuda.11.0-gcc.9.3.0 NCCL/2.8.3-1-cuda.11.0
source activate fairseq-20210318-v4

Then I run some command with --local, for example

./fb_sweep/ -g 8 -t 1 -n 1 --dl 12 --embed-dim 768 \
    --bs 8 --li 50 --epg 0 --mu 10000 --uf 2 \
    --checkpoints-dir . -p tmp \
    --ddp no_c10d --opt adam8bit --resume-failed --local

To launch a job in venv from devfair, I just do step 2 (well actually my .zshrc does it for me):

source deactivate
source /etc/profile
module load anaconda3/2020.11 cudnn/v8.0.3.33-cuda.11.0 cuda/11.0 fairusers_aws nvtop/1.0.0/gcc.7.3.0 openmpi/4.1.0/cuda.11.0-gcc.9.3.0 NCCL/2.8.3-1-cuda.11.0
source activate fairseq-20210318-v4

Relevant bashrc/zshrc aliases

sd () {
        conda deactivate

sa () {
        conda activate $@
cc () {
	source /etc/profile
	source ~/.zshrc
	module purge && module load anaconda3/2020.11 cudnn/v8.0.3.33-cuda.11.0 cuda/11.0 fairusers_aws nvtop/1.0.0/gcc.7.3.0 openmpi/4.1.0/cuda.11.0-gcc.9.3.0
	module load ripgrep/11.0.2
	module load NCCL/2.8.3-1-cuda.11.0
alias f="cd $HOME/fairseq-py"
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