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Created June 5, 2010 12:20
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Use QTKit and PyObjC to get a JPEG for an image's poster frame.
#!/usr/bin/env python
""", 2010 by Sven-S. Porst <[email protected]>
Uses PyObjC to extract the poster frame from a movie file and save it as a JPEG next to the movie. An existing file moviename.jpeg will be overwritten.
from QTKit import *
import sys
import os
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
path = NSString.stringWithString_(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))
movie, error = QTMovie.movieWithFile_error_(path, None)
if movie != None:
image = movie.posterImage()
imagerep = image.representations()[0]
data = imagerep.representationUsingType_properties_(NSJPEGFileType, None)
if data != None:
destinationPath = path.stringByDeletingPathExtension().stringByAppendingString_(".jpeg")
result = data.writeToFile_atomically_(destinationPath, True)
if result == False:
print "Could not write JPEG file."
print "Could not retrieve poster frame image data."
print "Could not open movie file."
print "Please specify exactly one path to a movie file."
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