Because we wanted to achive the following while developing a webapp using websockets:
Static serving (nginx), Django application (gunicorn) and Websockets service (twisted)
on the same IP
because small vhosts come with one address only.
on the same Port 80
to support companies which are allowing connections to common ports only.
This setup was mostly created by @frog32 and the guide was written by @sspross. It was developed while working at allink. Warning: This setup is not battle tested and may or may not work for you.
This demo application by @frog32 is using this setup, but is still under havy development.
Our project structure looks like this:
<- Django Project/home/www-data/YOUR-PROJECT/tx/
<- Twisted Project
Installed packages:
apt-get install csstidy yui-compressor libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev python-virtualenv python-setuptools libxml2-dev git gettext python-dev libssl-dev mercurial libmysqlclient-dev redis-server rabbitmq-server mysql-server haproxy supervisor nginx node-less
Python packages (e.g.
):hiredis redis django-redis-cache gunicorn
Add to your
Provide URL in
for HAproxy to enable monitoring:url(r'^isrunning$', lambda r: HttpResponse('OK')),
Config HAproxy
, e.g. this. -
Enable HAproxy, set
(and maybe in/etc/init.d/haproxy
) and start it withsudo /etc/init.d/haproxy start
. You should see the following if it's really running:* Starting haproxy haproxy ...done.
If your firewall is active, open port for HAproxy stats
sudo ufw allow 1936
Now you can access HAproxy stats over
and gunicorn should be up and working.
- There has to be a
file in/home/www-data/YOUR-PROJECT/dj/
, e.g. this. - Create supervisor configuration for gunicorn
, e.g. this. - Don't forget to create a
directory as configured in the gunicorn config. - Update supervisor
sudo supervisorctl
(to restart webserver userestart YOUR_PROJECT_gunicorn
- Unlink default site
sudo unlink /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
- Create an enabled site configuration
, e.g. this. - Don't forget to create a
file like configured e.g.touch /home/www-data/YOUR-PROJECT/dj/isrunning
for HAproxy Ping. - Restart nginx
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
- Now check HAproxy stats if nginx is pingable and up running
Create an additional virtualenv for your Twisted app in
withvirtualenv --setuptools env
Install python packages:
txsockjs pyopenssl twisted
Create another supervisor configuration for twisted
, e.g. this. -
Update supervisor
sudo supervisorctl
(to restart twisted userestart YOUR_PROJECT_twisted
) -
Now both (gunicorn and twisted) should be running:
supervisor> status YOUR_PROJECT_gunicorn RUNNING pid 11194, uptime 0:03:34 YOUR_PROJECT_twisted RUNNING pid 11231, uptime 0:01:57
And everything should be green on the HAproxy status page
Add to your
file:# broker and celery BROKER_URL = 'amqp://YOUR_PROJECT:YOUR_PROJECT@localhost:5672/YOUR_PROJECT' CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "redis://localhost/0" CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULER = "djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler" CELERYD_CONCURRENCY = 1 CELERY_SEND_EVENTS = False CELERY_ENABLE_UTC = True import djcelery djcelery.setup_loader()
Create rabbitmq user and vhost:
sudo rabbitmqctl add_user YOUR_PROJECT YOUR_PROJECT sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost YOUR_PROJECT sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p YOUR_PROJECT YOUR_PROJECT ".*" ".*" ".*"
Create another supervisor configuration for celery
, e.g. this. -
Update supervisor
sudo supervisorctl
(to restart celery userestart YOUR_PROJECT_celery
) -
Now all three (gunicorn, twisted and celery) should be running:
supervisor> status YOUR_PROJECT_celery RUNNING pid 12281, uptime 0:00:13 YOUR_PROJECT_gunicorn RUNNING pid 11194, uptime 1:18:23 YOUR_PROJECT_twisted RUNNING pid 11231, uptime 1:16:46
@frog32 please review