Effectiveness is doing the right things.
Efficiency is doing things right.
- three outcomes for the day
- three outcomes for the week
- three outcomes for the year
- Focus on defining work first!
- Don't do work as it appears, only it's fu urgent
- No mails checking until 11am and after 7pm
- Try to drop the ball, say no!
- Save your keystrokes, write short mails or pickup the phone
- Work with pomodoro technique (mac: Tomighty)
- Create CC mailboxes (gmail: "label:inbox cc:me", skip inbox, apply label "_CC")
- Create community mailbox (girlfriend, family, friends)
- Use DND on phone and pc during pomodoro!
- Define work, three major outcomes for today
- 2 work pomodoros
- Mail pomodoro (do it < 1min, drop it, delegate it or defer it)
- Big Break, Lunch
- Define work?
- Mail pomodoro
- Work pomodoros
- Recap pomodoro
- Friday is reflection day