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Created December 17, 2020 17:45
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Implementing coercions through instances in Agda
-- An attempt to implement implicit coercions via Agda's instance
-- argument resolution. The basic principle works, but Agda's
-- instance resolution is a bit too weak to scale it to big examples
-- because it is hard to implement chains of coercions.
-- Doesn't help: {-# OPTIONS --overlapping-instances #-}
record Coercion {a} (x y : Set a) : Set a where
constructor ⌞_⌟
field coe : x → y
open Coercion
-- Composition/transitivity of coercions
_⊚_ : ∀ {a} {A B C : Set a} → Coercion A B → Coercion B C → Coercion A C
_⊚_ c d = ⌞ (λ x → coe d (coe c x)) ⌟
-- A version of application that takes a coercion
_$_ : ∀ {a b} {A A′ : Set a} {B : Set b} → (A → B) →
{{c : Coercion A′ A }} → A′ → B
_$_ f {{c}} a = f (coe c a)
Human : Set
Fish : Set
Baracuda : Set
Animal : Set
runs : Animal → Set
humansAreAnimals : Human → Animal
fishAreAnimals : Fish → Animal
baracudasAreFish : Baracuda → Fish
henry : Human
bob : Baracuda
-- used below
-- basic coercions
humansAreAnimalsCoe = ⌞ humansAreAnimals ⌟
fishAreAnimalsCoe = ⌞ fishAreAnimals ⌟
baracudasAreFishCoe = ⌞ baracudasAreFish ⌟
-- Apparently this doesn't work because this instance conflicts with
-- every other instance. (This would have workded in Scala...)
--⊚-inst : ∀ {a} {A B C : Set a} →
-- {{c : Coercion A B}} → {{d : Coercion B C}} → Coercion A C
--⊚-inst {{c}} {{d}} = c ⊚ d
-- OK, but we can still compose by hand
baracudasAreAnimals = baracudasAreFishCoe ⊚ fishAreAnimalsCoe
henryRuns : Set
henryRuns = --runs henry -- fails: Human !=< Animal
runs $ henry -- OK!
bobRuns : Set
bobRuns = runs $ bob
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